Who Has The Best P3 and Why?

I personally think that the best P3 is Gordon since it makes since for his mouth and arms to be covered in blood. The best survivor P3 is obviously Claudette since she essentially becomes invisible.
Yep, classic Gordon. Everybody's favorite survivor.
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I think the Clown has the best P3, totally covered in blood.
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I think hag because it looks the most brutal.
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Demo-Gordon, do you get it now?
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Nurse, because it makes sense she be covered head to floating toes in blood.
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Myers, the light amount of blood on the mask is actually beautiful. Freddy, since his rework and the gratuitous blood details of the dream world, him being covered in blood looks amazing. Ghostface, I for one, am irked at the light gray and shiny leather of his default outfit and would prefer a full on black one, but, since I can't get that ingame without a stupid red or silver stripe on his cloak, the prestige outfit gives him a ton of great camo and his mask reminds me of those goofy, blood-dripping Ghostface masks they sell.
For survivors, Ash, Quentin, and Steve dominate. Ash is known for being drenched in blood and gore throughout the films and the show so his prestige should match this and it does, perfectly. Quentin is up here despite his goblin looks because of the detail of his P3, the scars and slash marks from Freddy on his face look amazing. It makes me wish other survivors got similar prestige outfits. Finally, Steve "The Hair" Harrington is the last best prestige to me because of the detail again. His busted knuckles, the blood making "scars" on his face, serving as a form of war paint, and the bloody and stained jeans and sneakers truly contribute to a totally killer look.
It's kinda weird, we have Trapper, Dwight, and Hag who all look like they've been dunked in ketchup but then we have the licensed characters who look absolutely insane.
Honorable Mentions: Leatherface and Doc, red on yellow and red on white just look super sweet.
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p3 claudettes be like "cLaUdEtTe"
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Myers for me. That blood dripping knife and the streak of blood on his white mask is awesome.
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Hag is the best prestige imo. She's totally cover in blood, and she looks 100% more scarier that way.
Best survivor prestige must be Ace : it really looks like blood on his outfits, instead of jam like most of the survivor. (RIP Ketchup Ace)
Prestige nowadays lacks blood.. I prestiged 3 Nancy, and her outfits are barely covered in blood. There almost no difference between her P2 Jean, and her base Jean. Maybe it's because she's licensed, idk, but if I take my P3 Jane for exemple, she's not that great either (Her P3 is fine, but her P1/P2.. meh)
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Bill, Laurie, Tapp, Quentin, The Shape, Pig...pretty much all the licensed characters have really bloody outfits.
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I really like Trapper's P3 because it goes really well with his Hollowed Blight mask.
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The Trapper.
Reason: The Trapper
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I am a huge Halloween fan but I think P3 Myers looks crap.
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Leatherface, reasoning is Leatherface.
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P3 Quentin because it covers his face
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I think he mask could only have slight blood due to him being a license character. Myers covered in fully blood will give him a different look from the franchise.
This is not a fact, this is just by my opinion btw.
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Spirit even though I don't main her like her prestige look menacing.
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I would of liked to have seen Myers with the part 2 'blood tears' mask for a laugh.
I think his P3 body looks ok (if not a little over done) but his knife just looks silly.
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Legion, because you get 2 sets of bloody cosmetics. (Except knife)
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I really like Plague's P3.
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I honestly dislike most of the "bloody" cosmetics as they are a little too over the top with blood.
Myers P3 mask though....its so simple with just a splash over his eye and yet so damn scary!
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Daddy Myers. His knife is actually beautiful when it's dripping all that blood and it's the perfect amount on his outfit as well. I just wish there was slightly more blood on his mask. Also Leatherbutt. Because Leatherbutt.
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Leatherface's torso, myers mask, trapper's torso, hag's hand and Billy's torso are my favourites.
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I think the Myers mask P3 is the best it has the Blood streak going across the right side of the mask it's not caked own so it looks artistic very classic
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Also I like Feng Min,Jake,and Jeffs P3s
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I find Leatherface's P3 really nice.
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I really like how Plague looks so I’m giving her a shoutout.
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Quentin. Compared to how pale he is before, and the fact his face got ######### uppppp.
We all know those slashes would scar.
On a sheer usefulness note, he gets super dark.
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Legion, hag, plague, quentin and steve are my favorites
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Kate’s face
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I love spirits P3, it looks so nice when the spirit is really dark with that blood, that gives her the extra creep.
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I’m honestly shocked nobody hasn’t mentioned Jeff. I love that he has that rocker blood stripe go down his eye. It just looks really cool, and it’s a unique prestige feature that no other character has in the game.
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The sole reason I P3'd Demogorgon is because it makes him look much darker than his default bright-white self, and more threatening. However, Nurse and Hag both got him beat when it comes to sheer horror of their P3 outfits... they're literally saturated in blood, like they both jumped into a pool of it and revel in the fear it inspires.
As for Survivors... P3 Claudette, Adam, and Bill are the bloodiest IMO, which makes it look like they've been through hell and back. When the cosmetics were darker before the 3.0.0 update, Claudette's used this to great effect for camouflage in most maps, now though, its not so great for that purpose.
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For Survivors, probably Quentin. P3 Quentin looks really, really good.
For Killers, I like Myers, just because I hope it is intentional that the blood is covering his left eye, because this is the eye where he got stabbed by Laurie with a coat hanger. Also really like full Prestige Legion, but more the Jacket than the Mask, but all of it looks great.