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Demogorgon. Thoughts?

I know this is a bit late but i really want to know you're guy's thoughts on The Demogorgon


  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    Portals awkward af to use. Lunge strong. Pretty decent killer.

  • RawrAlot
    RawrAlot Member Posts: 12

    Honestly you are mostly right but the killer instinct makes you use the portals

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    Very fun killer to play as and against. Portals should be stronger imo, and the lunge is amazing. Can be played in a lot of different ways/builds and his design is beautiful. I give him 8/10

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Lunge is pretty strong, portals can be good but sometimes are annoying. Overall a strong killer (just really REALLY hope they lower his stomping noises, its so loud D:)

  • Chubster
    Chubster Member Posts: 197

    my only problem is the fact that you can cancel out the lunge attack pretty quickly, wish the time between holding m2 and going back to m1 was a bit longer, other than that the killer is good.

    However the way some people play him are a whole different can of worms

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Kinda jealous of his Terror Radius & Chase music, plus the Mori animation.

    Other than that, ehh, another "lay down a thingy" guy.

    Just not my Killer.

    I like the pounce.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited September 2019

    At first, I thought he was mid tier, but now I think he is probably the 5th best killer in the game.

    Post edited by Marcus on
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2019

    Should be able to move camera mid portal traveling to look around. This would make Leprose Lichen a little more decent as it's currently just meh. Recovery time during missed lunge should be reduced as well. It's extremely easy to dodge and isn't even a 1 shot. Lastly remove the negative attached to Red Moss and make it also remove his scream sound on portal travel.

    Currently just seems like an average mid tier to me and just a worse Billy.

    Sound and Art team A+ though.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Another killer that succumbs to genrush. Lunge is good, portals are borderline useless because you can't replace them and they can be destroyed easily.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm liking the gorgzilla. The ability to feign shred seems useful for the survivors who watch you like a hawk during chases. Shredding pallets looks cool.

    Having the map covered in portals reminds me of whack-o-mole, but where the mole whacks you.

    I wish the feet stomping wasn't so loud.

  • Clocktower6
    Clocktower6 Member Posts: 81

    I've been really enjoying the demogorgan I think he is cool and fun to play as, only thing I would say is that there is a learning curve with his portals that I am having a bit of trouble with. But other than that I really like him, I think the Devs did a great job.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Have you seen basement Demo? It's disgusting and I refuse to use it.

  • JustAFeeling
    JustAFeeling Member Posts: 324

    I like him I thought I'd thought I'd hate him but I was more happy that our younger generation was getting a slasher from there era ,his slash'es are a bit short but im not saying they should increase they range it just takes some getting use to, he can be a really strong killer with the right perks and add ons or just knowing how to utilize what you are running,I'm glad they made him/her sherd destroy pallets by default because he's a powerful creature and you need to feel like that also it wasted alot of time

    Overall great job Behaviour

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    I like it, wish you could destroy your own portals though