I know swf players will not like this. But here me out plz:)


Ok so it seems to me that swf players don't like this change:( I for one really like this change :) Now one option to handle this issue since both sides are battling on what is a great change to a crappy change I say devs how about just removing swf completely sinice I believe that's the issue as to why match making takes a long time to find a match. So plz devs will you consider just removing swf? Yes I know swf players won't like my opinion :)

Also to all swf players if you don't won't them to remove this then I would advise you all to just deal with the change and play the game for fun:)

this is a great/nice change they did:)

P.s plz devs can you consider to just removing swf completely? Since this looks like what was causing match slow making.
