Why does every killer have to play as toxic as they can when it's double points

Every match I've played ( for the last 5 hours ) I've had a killer that exposes and has the most toxic builds. Like I get it you want more points. I'm a killer main ( I suck at being a survivor ) but I was like I'ma try to be one for today heck I'm only rank 19 it can't be that bad......I was so wrong. We all want alot of points killers can get alot more then survivors and not be super toxic. I feel like it's ridiculous cuz any other time I'm like hey I'ma be a survivor I never get super toxic killers. Why do they have to come around now? ๐ญ
I have just been facing toxic survivors back to back. Itโs not just killers. When they are that toxic Iโll just DC especially when they bring really good offerings ๐
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False, I played 6 games in a row as Demogorgon yesterday, owned the team, killed 3 with regular gameplay and then proceeded to farm with the survivor who actually lasted till the end (call it luck for him) letting him escape in each of the 6 games. Do not generalize, you're just having bad luck mate. Xbox here btw
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Because all the people that normally play survivor are now playing the killer for the extra bloodpoints, and we know how friendly survivors are.๐
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Describe this toxic play? Iโm still using my general build of good perks and good offering, but not OP like beads...
I donโt ask the survivors to not do gens or let me hook them just because itโs double BP
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I'm not saying don't hook I'm just saying why bring out super toxic builds I get having ruin but iron maiden, infinite evil with in 3, super fast stalking ghost face, exposed clown need I go on. I'd honestly rather go against Billy even bubba
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iron maiden is toxic?
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Because if they donโt use good addons and perks the survivors are gonna finish in 4 minutes, teabag, then leave the killer with few points
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You aren't entilted to an easy bloodpoint farm just because it is double bloodpoint time.
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I agree but I just thought it was like you know common courtesy to not play like a dick when double points
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True, no one is entitled to an easy BP farm, but its just one weekend, 4 days, for those people who have not maxed out perks, for those new players dealing with the grind, show some compassion.
I've played mainly survivor and its been rough, when I play killer I don't bring OP perks or addons, no ruin, I let everyone escape but try to play a normal game.
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This as nothing to do with common courtesy, you shouldn't be complaining because of the people that still play to win (aka like dick) during double bloodpoint, you should be thanking the killer that farm and go easy on people to allow them to farm.
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Basically this. Killers get no blood points unless they are interacting with the Survivors, while Survivors don't need the killer to earn(albeit less) blood points.
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Been getting nothing but BNPs, instaheals, Flashlights and keys. It goes both ways. I just need 5 more levels for P3 50 Demo let me level up in peace ;-;
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I wouldnโt necessarily say a strong loadout is indicative of being toxic this weekend. Mind you, it could definitely be true but first judge how the killer has been playing first. Iโm just saying because I use impossible skill check doc and I used him to farm, and I wanted to experiment with thana/Dying Light on Freddy but I put in party streamers and played fair and everyone escaped.
Honestly I would say survivors have been just as toxic. Usually itโs pretty easy to know when a killer is taking it easy, and thereโs still survivors whoโll deny points and gen rush. I donโt blame killers for bringing in strong stuff as insurance. I do blame them when itโs clear they have no regard for survivors gameplay and get them out asap.
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Its confusing. Had a team who puts up two Party Streamer and then plays in a way that minimizes interaction with the killer and pound gens.
Ok, but don't expect to farm points off me after fininshing gens. I'm openning the door myself and letting the timer push you out. Enjoy your 11k bp.
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It's how people wish to play the game.
Any time a DBP or event is on some wish others to change up they play so they can earn more. Some however just want to play normally and don't care about these events. Each to their own.
No build or item use is playing toxic it's just part of the game and players can use anything they wish and if they think it gives them an advantage they probably will.
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Looks like people can't respect the events like this. I can understand now why devs don't wanna make 2x bloodpoints so often.
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You missed out the third kind, those who will go out of there way to play scummy just to frustrate players.
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This, a killer who lets you farm or gives hatch to the last one should be thanked, not expected
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Its so unfortunate. You'd think players would be trying to maximize these rare events.
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But look at it this way too, if youโre trying to rank up this could cost you 4 days so if your time is limited and youโre trying to get as high rank as possible before reset why do you have to go easy?
this is repeating thing, everything thinks their way of playing is how everyone else should play or theyโre โbeing toxic.โ
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It is common courtesy/decency for most people but with double you also get more opportunities to get those super rare add ons.
If they are new to killer, which many are since the new DLC drop, they really just wonna try out everything.
Does it suck yup. There is a reason why these DLC's and BP events are normally spaced out and to be fair for the most part it was.
My advice is to stop playing survivor and switch to killer. You get more BP and if you're lower ranks it's quite enjoyable. Use those points to level up your survivor or maybe your new favorite killer.
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Its just a 4 day period for an event we get maybe 3 times a year. You can not sweat it about your rank for 4 days. Then you can get back to the grind of being in the thankless red ranks.
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I honestly feel like we should have double BP all the time, there is *so much* crap to buy that for once I actually feel like I'm making decent progress on my goals.
On topic, sucks that people are acting this way. I personally don't farm, but I've been trying to give people a chance to do gens and allow some survivors. I don't know how much BP the little squishies lose by dying, but I've been giving hatches and letting people crawl out the exit gate if I feel like they earned it.
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Why be a dick
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I don't mind the builds, even NOED. I mind when I keep facing sluggers who think their goal in life is to make four other players play time miserable. But then, this community doesn't mind 4k sluggers, so I'm barking up the wrong tree.
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I don't play toxic. I've used almost all my streamers and let survivors farm a bit off me for points.
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How can a build be toxic? I don't even understand what that means.
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Ive been trying to play as bit more chill and not worry about rank, still around 8 when normally id be in red, but today survivors just seem to be trying to do be pricks. I can see why some killers would get driven to bring out the noeds and the ebonies.
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It goes both ways tbf, I always play non toxic intill something like a insta heal comes up or tea bagging, That earns most survivors a tunnel and or proxy camp
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I haven't even been able to play dbd since double bp, (im a killer main and find survivors boring to play) on ps4 since double bp every man and his dog jump on killer band wagon, the few games i had as survivor were some of the most bs unfun games iv ever played iv have been camp, tunnelled, farmed, by killers its unreal.
And to top it off you get ######### survivors who are just massive scumbag body blocking, farming, blocking you because you wouldn't give them a totem.
Cant even play swf either because how bugged and unplayable swf is atm so solo or nothing it suck aswell i want some double bp.
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As killer, I normally let people go. If they bring in BNPs and rush through the gens, though, I have to do something or risk getting little to no BP; that's often when they unintentionally start dying.
I did have one group that let someone die on their first hook. I immediately slaughtered the rest. Probably seemed a bit mean, but I was annoyed that a 3-man SWF was so willing to let someone die when they saw me go to the other side of the map.
So, it's not all killers, and it's not just killers.
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I think itโs simple: some people just want to watch the world burn. Both sides have those that are guilty of it.
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But killer side only saves their toxic ######### for such Events to get maximun effect. Would be great to report those for resisting to play a normal game, but i doesnt seem like BHVR cares of how toxic their game is.
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Because you aren't owed an easy game or a killer that considers your very subjective fun level.
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dont you loose more if you let him go?
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What the hell does "toxic" mean in this context?
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If all the games I have are like the games I have had so far this weekend I would stop playing the game, it has really been a miserable experience, but got to get those BP........
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Killer: *does anything except farming during Double BP*
Survivors: Sweaty Toxic piece of shits
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Dont tell lies! I never said that you can report them.You do understand english, do you? I said "it would be great".
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
When stuff like this is the most upvoted post it's pretty easy to see the general bias of the forums here.
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I don't know about Toxic but Everyone becomes Tryhards during these Events, Both Survivor and Killer.
People want the most points out of their games so they're going to try to win.
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When you say 'toxic builds' I kinda think you're just complaining about killers actually doing the role that they're supposed to (killing Survivors). Not everyone likes to farm points, a lot of us want the game to play normally.
If a killer equipped ruin, sloppy, pop and bbq it's not a toxic build it's likely because they don't want the game to finish in 3 minutes. I don't think all killers will be running Moris, Franklin's, noed, or any other 'toxic' perk, even if they do then bad luck don't bring items into the game as often then killers will be less fearful.
Not to mention killers want decent length matches as lobbys are pretty bad.
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Oh quite the opposite. The first day of double BP, had a ghostface face camp and tbag in front of me until I died. The next match was an ebony Mori hag.
People play even more like ######### during double BP and then they'll get to post game chat and won't say anything which is how you know they're just waiting for you to be salty so they can say something "witty" and then leave
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Between farming and loosing a kill vs 4k no farming you get way more by the farming and filling every categorie to the max.
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Again, it depends on where the game is at for efficiency. A quick-ish 4 kill is gonna net you better blood points per time than a long drawn out farm
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I farmed as much as I could and let survivors escape. Didn't stop survivors from DCing the moment they hit the floor or suiciding on the hook.
I even had issues with survivors not going for saves. I would sometimes hunker down on the opposite side of the map hoping someone would grow a pair a unhook them.
I ranked up from 11 to 8 on DCs and hook suicides alone.