Why do survivors leave exit gates at 99%?

Honestly, it pisses me off. Not when I'm killer, but when I'm survivor. Here I am, looping the killer, waiting for them to get the gates, and they leave it at 99%. I don't know that, I'm just assuming they're lost or something, so I buy as much time as possible. Just looping while I wait for the go ahead. But no, it's at 99%. When I'm eventually hooked. I can see them crouching behind something, watching. I've lost three matches today because of it, and it's put me in an incredibly salty mood. More so when I find the hatch, I can't go far, and they just sit there on the gate twiddling their thumbs.
Because as soon someone opens the door the EGC starts mean they only have 2 minutes to leave the area so they 99 to avoid it and open it as soon they know everybody is okay
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It's because they're afraid to start the endgame timer before everyone is confirmed to be safe, and so the killer might not know that it's open. Sometimes it's good to do in certain situations, but usually you should just open it IMO.
at this point most people do it only because they've seen others doing it, and don't understand why it's done, so they do it everytime
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Part of it is to make sure people are good to go, but the other part is to be toxic.
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It's to help anyone who's on hook so there's no time pressure. Also it's also done to mindgame the killer and lull them into a false sense of security. The guy on the hook knows you opened the gates already because he can see you opening them.
Personally I don't because there's enough time to do rescue usually. But it's a valid technique.
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its an ignorant and misguided strategy. They have good intentions thinking it buys time, but yeah, it does more harm than good for the reasons you mention. There have also been times that I am in a tight chase to get out and get to the exit but have to stop for that second to open the damn last 1% and get caught.
The only time it’s reasonable is vs pig if people are in bear traps. Or MAYBE if there are 2 people on hooks far away and you need time to try to get both... but that’s reaching. Just open the damn doors.
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It is also to avoid killers having blood warden which blocks escape for a couple minutes if someone gets hooked with the door open. Or at least that's why they used to 99 doors.
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It's to prevent the EGC from starting, and also as a counter to Blood Warden.
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It's too make the final touches :
-Someone is on the hook
-Dull totems remaining
-Looking through the last chests
If anything just stick around until at least one other person showed up and open it...IF NO ONE IS ON HOOK OR BEING HOOKED!
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It's a good strategy, but not always implemented at the correct time. When someone is being chased and no one is hooked isn't the correct time. That's when you need to open the damn door and start bodyblocking.
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I always leave because I consider my objective to be exit.
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Cause blood warden.
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I may seem like a bit of a jerk. But if I'm having a bad game, and those exit gates get opened right before I down someone. I won't put them on the hook. I'll let the timer kill them. They can't DS, Borrowed Time etc, and I don't get punished for camping a hook, when it's just a person laying on the ground. It's probably frustrating. But it's k. They will live, and also die.
That's probably the best reason to 99 the door.
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Two main reasons;
- Not to put themselves on a timer when they might need time to save someone
- Blood Warden
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Blood Warden and to prevent the EGC from triggering.
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This and blood warden... Get a Huntress with iri + blood warden and riiiiiip.
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Because of endgame collapse and Bloodwarden. Its usually best to just open the door right away but, in some cases you should at least 99 it and wait. For instance, if somebody just got downed, wait until they get hooked (because of bloodwarden) or if somebody is on hook, wait so you don't have a 2 minute deadline to save them.
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And this is why I wonder why they didn't make it so that EGC starts when the last gen is done "EGC is there to force lingering survivors out" Yeah yeah sure BHVR, they can just 99% a gate and wait till they can get everyone or you as a killer have to and still end up losing.
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Because if you open the door the killer probably camper the hooked survivor.
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Yeah, they start proxy camp the guy on the hook coz he knows the remaining survivors try to save the hooked one.
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One thing is cause if the killer has blood warden, its best just to wait up a bit, or just to give the killer a bit of confusion
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As said, to prevent EGC from starting, or to prevent blood warden.
It can backfire though. If no one is near the gate and the injured person getting chased has to open it it can get them downed, I've seen it from both sides several times.
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Another fantastic survivor trait is to open the exit gate and wait to teabag the killer instead of walking out and giving the last survivor (who's being chased) the opportunity to get the hatch. BRA. VO.
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EGC timer + bloodwarden.
It was done before EGC release aswell. It's often the better choice than just opening it.
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It my opinion Survivors should only do it when they have bond. It's easy to see if an injured survivor is trying to make it to the exit gate and have it opened in time.
Also if it's just you and one other person leave the moment you get a chance. I've seen games where a survivor could have escaped through the hatch but since the other survivor decided to wait by the gate instead of leaving, the hatch wasn't opened. The chances of you being able to rescue the other survivor even if he were to get caught are slim to none anyway and very risky. Most survivors won't even try it so I don't know why they wait there unless it's to teabag.
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I'm betting many have answered this already but I didn't read any responses so....
1: EGC- Once a gate is opened you start the EGC and limit the amount of time you have to escape. Especially if the person being chased gets caught.
2: Blood Warden - Assuming the person getting chased gets down its a good thing to have the gates at 99% so BW won't activate once they are hooked. If the gates are opened after the hooking animation you negate this effect.
These are the two possibilities I take into consideration when at the end of a match and I would hazard a guess many others do too.
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I get why people 99% the gate, but I have died a few times because of that. Killer finds me when the gates are powered, I try my best to loop him and get to a gate, a few seconds later, to give time for someone to open them. I get hurt, rush to a gate and it's 99%. With the killer right on me, I don't have time to open it and exit, so I get downed and killed, while I see someone near a gate, trying to hide, which pisses me off.
So, most times, if the gates are powered and no one is on a hook, I just open them, because the killer might have NOED, come to me near a gate and down me before I can open it and leave too.
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2 reasons
1 to counter bloodwarden, bloodwarden does not proc till the exit gate is opened
2 to give the survivors more time to save everyone, if someone is on the hook this gives the survivors time to heal and group to get a save, if the EGC is going you have the clock ticking down and overall less time to heal and get a save, especially if a save goes wrong and 1 person may get away but another person gets on the hook, if I see someone get downed when im powering the gates I will 99% until they are hooked at least so that way if the killer has bloodwarden I wont need to worry about it, also if the person getting hooked is not on death hook then I will 99 it to give us the survivors more time to group up heal and get a rescue effort going, unless I am solo then I will maybe go for the save depending on how far away the hook is and what killer it is
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EGC won't activate, making it safer for the survivors to allow everyone to get out without dying by EGC
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'Mindgame the killer', but the killer knows exactly what you're doing?
In reality, EGC should have never been introduced and was always going to heavily favour survivors who would always be allowed work-arounds that won't be addressed until long after other changes have made them irrelevant, as usual.
Killers meanwhile keep having our options perpetually narrowed.
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Bloodwarden and to give people enough time to escape confirm if killer has NoeD and seek the totem.
Usually it's better to just run tho
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It's pretty much done to give them the time to to get saves and do what they need to do without endgame collapse pressuring them.
Even with the slow down you only have a certain amount of time to get people off hooks if need be and if the killer is defending them that becomes a lot harder
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Never heard of Blood Warden? Lmao
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EGC heavily favour survivors? A timer to escape? 2 doors close each other? The killer closing the hatch?
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It also counters Blood Warden
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Confirmation bias much?
Killers had been asking to be able to close the hatch for over two years and it worked well when it finally reached a PTB; the first time an explicitly killer-originating suggestion had ever done so. EGC was a way of not giving us it without a catch alongside it that defeats the entire point of what was being requested.
The nominal reason given for EGC was to 'put an end to games being held hostage' which it was warned immediately it would not do; it simply changes how those stand-offs happening. Anyone could have guessed(and did) that survivors would make 99%-ing gates into a standard play rather than something specific to use against Blood Warden. The devs ignored this.
There are two scenarios which trigger EGC and both favour survivors, what a surprise. When 3 survivors are gone from the match and the hatch opens, killer has to decide whether to close it or not and on most maps the gates are impossible for most killers to guard and the survivor will always get out through them. Making it so closing the hatch automatically powers the gates was a scummy-move by the devs that hands the game to the last survivor most of the time. Survivors still aren't happy though and manage to frame this utter gift to them as being grossly unfair that there are circumstances where the killer is able to get to both gates before they can open one.
In the second scenario where survivors have the advantage, is the killer offered the same rubber-banding assistance the lone survivor gets in the other scenario? No, it entirely favours survivors. The timer for EGC is not only excessive(with a token nerf after the PTB from the enormous 3 minutes to the merely excessively-generous 2) but will slow to a crawl the moment survivors by their own errors lose their advantage, because they can only ever be gifted help for failure whilst killers always get a kick in the balls for success. Because they can 99% the gate-switches and still effectively hold the game hostage, the killer is forced to make a decision designed purely to be humiliating: they have to choose whether to open a door for the survivors to start the EGC timer or hope they can catch and keep someone hooked. They're punished for doing anything.