Resident Evil Chapter

a105 Member Posts: 39

this is the start of a little something that i thought would be fun...guys help me out with some stuff =D

-Survivor: Leon Scott Kennedy

-survivor perks

1 rescuer- whenever you save another survivor off a hook gain 1 token max 5. when this perk gets tokens altruistic speed by 1% -2% -5% for each token. "That's our cue to get the hell out of here." -Leon

2 lone wolf- whenever you are alone working on a generator your focus much more and repair the generator 1% -5% -8% faster but gain the oblivious status effect. "Where's everyone going? Bingo?" -Leon

3 reinforcements- when the exit gates are powered this perk activates. you suffer from the exposed status effect. when you save someone off a hook heal them one health state. when you save someone off this perk is deactivated.


  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    you guys can come up with a killer to go with

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Rescuer: Good idea but change the numbers slightly. I think the numbers are a bit short, maybe change them to 6/8/10%. Also try and keep the numbers in a pattern. I really hate seeing numbers without a pattern such as 2/3/7% or 3/7/10%.

    Lone Wolf: It would be very strong in swf teams. They just tell the rest of the team where the killer is, meaning the oblivious status is pointless. Though please fix the numbers lol maybe 3/4/5%?

    Reinforcements: You need to give this perk tiers. I like the idea though, it's very situational and may be a good sacrifice perk against face camping killers.

    Sorry I don't know Resident Evil well enough to give you a killer idea. I've only played resi 4, 7 and 2 remastered.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    the tiers for reinforcements can be a timer on the exposed status 120/60/45

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    For a killer it could be Mr.X.

    Could also work with Jill Valentine / Nemesis.

    What I imagine as Mr.X power is he s becoming stronger when gens are done. Like he s kind of mutating as survivors get close to the escape.

    Base 115 mvs

    16M terror radius - footsteps sound heard at a 24M distance.

    Passive power : Killing machine - Each time a generator is completed, Mr X gains +2 % movement speed and +5 % action speed to all other actions(vaulting, kicking gens and pallets, basic attack recovery etc..). For each survivor sacrificed, X benefits a -5M terror radius.

    Active power : When in first form, X can activate super sense. Super sense allows to see the auras of any survivors performing any action in a 32m radius (healing, cleansing totems,repairing gens..).

    When the doors are powered, Mr.X evolves into super Tyrant and gains the ability to perform a powerful attack that will put any survivor in the dying state (60sec CD).

    Perks :

    Hope breaker - Your primary role is to destroy any form of life, and to avoid them to flee at any cost. Each time a survivor is injured, you can crush a gen/door/window and make it impossible to be used for 10-20-30 sec. 60 sec CD.

    Hex : Tyrant force - Umbrella has created you as the ultimate form of life. You gain a token for each survivor hooked. Each tokens grants you a +2 % movement speed. Max 5 tokens.

    Compressed mind - Your presence is tiring apart survivors. When chasing someone, the survivor suffer from the status blindness. If a survivor is in your terror radius for 30/25/20sec, the survivor is exposed for 5/10/15sec.

    Rough, but you get the idea ^^

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    man that would make mr x so fast if you use his passive power in combination with play with your food and tyrant force. add thrill and something like devour hope and he could be the killer to abuse hexes