Camping Killers Need To Be Stopped

First of all I would like to start by saying I am aware the killers aim is to kill the survivors however I do not think camping is a fair way to achieve this goal. When aiming to rank up it is highly frustrating to be put on a hook and have the killer stare you down until you die or just tunnel you immediately when you are unhooked.


1) If you are camped or tunnelled you automatically get a safety pip.

2) Killers need to receive a large penalty on Bloodpoints and Ranking if they choose to play this way.

If anyone else has any suggestions please feel free to post below, Survivor and Killer mains all your opinions count. Lets have a healthy discussion about this.


  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2019

    Don't get caught and run decisive strike for when you do. Make sure your team is running borrowed time. Problem solved.

    The objective of the killer is literally in the name. He kills survivors. It's natural that a killer would guard hooks and aim for easier kills because that's common sense, but because survivors didn't like this there has already been tools added in to punish this.

    If you or your team aren't making good use of these tools then that's not the fault of the killers.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If you want to stop camping you're going to have to be careful because they're way too many situations where the Killer needs to camp whether you like to hear that or not.

    End game

    For survivors who are hooked right by an exit gate

    When survivors sighted grouping around and rushed a hook.

    You're going to have to implement something where these guys are not going to get punished for these situations

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    I dislike camping, but there are definitely times where it is legitimate. There are also plenty of counters for it in the game through perks. Killers are already penalized for camping due to giving up patrolling the generators on the map and letting the other Survivors having free reign.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    Camping is part of the game, either work together for the unhook or gen rush, can easily get 3+ gens on a full hook.

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Fully camping one survivor takes 2 minutes and in that time it's possible to complete 3 gens. Stop complaining.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I think discussing not camping, is a valid topic. Instead of "just deal with it", and its "fine" as it is. etc.

    I'm just going to point some things out.

    It was suggested that have people use Borrowed time (BT).. Doesn't work if killer has no terror radius.

    Someone suggested run Decisive strike (DS)... this only leads to killers slugging people on the floor and staring at them. Wasting time. And the perk gets "countered".

    Another idea to avoid camping 'penalty', is have a "SWF" or coordinated team.. Oh wait... don't killers hate those? Because if you did, you can say hey I'm being camped work on separate gens etc. Randoms are less likely for this to happen, but miracles do occur....

    Now. I have been straight up tunneled and farmed out of a game and also camped to death. This resulted in not much bloodpoints obviously. It would be nice to gain compensation. Like face camping... if such is happening maybe my boldness maxes? lol. (Just an idea) something for spending all the time waiting on lobbies dealing with long Q times etc etc. Only to finally get in a match and ya.... So, that repetition can lead people to just not even bother playing the game. That's not a good thing, you want to grow the player-base not push them to another game out of frustration.

    So, something to make the "bad" parts of the game "worthwhile". Is great.

    I think the game overall is taking steps in the right direction, such as making compensation for the obsession, with points. That's great! (hah maybe add "camper points" if camped a certain time frame? lol)

    In the end, there needs to be the proper "balance" for things, and that's the idea to work on. Camping sucks. Killer does not care at ALL and survivors care a whole lot. Just need to find the happy medium. Make survivors care less, and killers care more.

    What's the best balance and best way to achieve this.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    I think they have done a lot of good things to help prevent camping (re: back when trappers could trap under your feet then would patrol which was aids) sure there are still insideous builds and no terror radius builds... Perhaps a balance would be to make decisive strike activate when hooked and not deactivate until healed... That will prevent killers staring at you

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    Also BT should be based on how close the killer is to the hook, not terror radius...

  • Irvin
    Irvin Member Posts: 130

    Brilliant response, definitely agree it needs to be something which isn't one sided.

    Besides face camping you also have the likes of Billy and Spirit who can zoom across the map and immediately tunnel the person who was unhooked. Wraith standing invisible or a killer using Insidious just waiting for someone to approach, Freddy ready to teleport to a close gen and the Demogorgon ready to portal over. Then you also have those killers who proxy camp just outside of terror radius. All of these are really annoying, easy to say just counter with BT or DS but any smart killer can counter these easily.

    As for Bloodpoints yes it sucks losing out because of people doing this, another concern is losing a pip because of it. Easy for the killer they can still rack up a ton of Bloodpoints playing like this too.

    Maybe some changes with Destrike and Borrowed Time would help but what I would really like to see is some kind of pip/bloodpoints protection for when this happens.

    As for the killers I they think they need a good incentive to not behave this way and some sort of punishment if they do.

  • Irvin
    Irvin Member Posts: 130

    Agreed we need a happy medium which works for both the killer and the survivor.

    I would like to see survivors get a guaranteed safety pip and some additional bp if this happens to them

    As for killer they should receive a good incentive not to behave this way and be punished if they do.

    Some killers perks, abilities and add ons allow them to stay out of terror radius and immediately get back to the person who just got unhooked. Which does not help the situation at all.

    DS and BT are really nice perks but most killers know how to counter them. I cant see any harm in DS not having a time limit. As for BT I would like to see it have an extended time period such as 15/30/45 and be activated regardless of terror radius.

    At the end of the day this is a game so were all supposed to have fun right?

  • Irvin
    Irvin Member Posts: 130

    @HellCatJane I was meant to quote your thread in my last post smh

  • patches1314
    patches1314 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2019

    As am new to the game I have a major problem with campers I play kill your friends with level 5-2 and am level 16 I get less camping than I do at my own level camping is killing the game for me at my level it's rare that you don't have someone with face campimg or proxy camping it's taken the jam out my doughnut 🍩

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698
    edited September 2019

    Oh, Id also like to add there is no incentive for people to STAY in the match either. If someones being camped... they suicide. Not all people will "help" their teammates, and lets face it that leads to 4k's and get the killer thinking he's awesome... I've seen that one to many times, (and the points the killer gets is insane in comparison. Just saying.... Perhaps there is a correlation to why killer Q's are so long and everyone wants to be one, vs survivor.) I usually stay in a match thinking.. oh well he is just going to do the same to my teammates if I just leave. But SO MANY times I see people trying to save me and its like NO just leave... which also can lead to 4ks. And less face it. Not having an interaction with the killer, IS boring gameplay. The survivors get bored, so they try to go for save etc. I mean this game ain't called Dead By FaceCamp...

    If someones being tunneled or "Bm'ed" they dc. ( and bm.. like holding the game hostage being forced to bleed out or nearly til the end etc. I mean there's alot of crap people do out of "powerplays" etc. Being a target of grief isn't fun. And I see it alot... (they don't necessarily get banned right away, or even reported enough to get the ban in the first place I guess..). 

    Both these things are bad,, Disconnecting is bannable it clearly isn't wanted, but it also feels like that in some matches you are "forced" too, and suiciding, is basically the same thing, in regards of quickly leaving the match, not helping the team etc. There needs to be another option or feel like it's still worth playing or making an effort even in "negative" situations. Like: Oh, its all good I still get bloodpoints, or the BM is fine, they get punished etc.

    I just learned of the terror radius to BT, and honestly that is just crap IMO. I thought the purpose of it, was to help counter camping killers, and fast hook saves counters other perks. I've noticed not a lot of people, especially solo Q, even bother to run BT. And this leads to "farming". Maybe something can happen when the same person gets hooked repeatedly and no one else in between. (depending on how many survivors left as well, there no reason to punish killers if there's few in the game and you can't really help it if one person is more immersed or something - cause that happens as well). I do think proximity is important here. And also the person being farmed doesn't even get a WGLF stack, I mean they did take a hit instead of someone else near a hook etc. lol.

    (But really I notice so many things not count for WGLF.... /sigh).

    I like the idea in this game, that there is a counter to something.

    Just a random thought, as DS and slugging kind of go hand in hand maybe it can help while being slugged somehow. /shrug

    EDIT: @Irvin I agree with the safety pips.

    People DO care about rank (personally I don't, only for the steam achievements tho.)... even tho "it means nothing, and matchmaking is wonky"... Safety pipping for crap situations seems like a good idea, because why have someone that is actually a good player... fall in rank? Isn't the point to match people with the same "skill set"? I know it's broken a lot, but this seems like a step back to punish a good player for being in the "wrong match, at the wrong time' kind of thing.

    OH and this makes me think of something else... so disconnects... killers are rewarded the same for it... Why can't survivors? You are now down a player, they most likely didn't even touch a gen. Especially if it was early game. Points or compensation should be acquired. This will make it less "bad" and won't cascade into other teammates giving up and dc'ing... which less face it,,, also happens... a lot..

    Hah. Sorry for trailing off here. But it all kind of seems hand in hand to me.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    the suggestion of the TE doesnt fix anything whats wrong with camping. Fi

    So in which way does that help the camped person? Yes! In no way. Think before you post something of this (bad word of your choice).

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Not everyone is going to win. take your participation trophy attitude elsewhere.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Doesnt has anything to do with "winning" but with "being able to participate in a normal gameplay". So stop your biased talking.

  • MajorSyn
    MajorSyn Member Posts: 27

    I'm just sick of killers who think they are hot ######### around here. They love to come to the forums and troll just as hard as they troll in the game. Face camping is going to eventually make the game die off. Survivors are not having a fun time with being face camped and tunneled. Cool, some perks are there to prevent it. What isn't cool: Not having teammates run these perks 24/7. You are giving us "solutions" to these problems that don't solve anything. If Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike solved face camping and tunneling, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    Here is an idea, eliminate Borrowed Time as a perk and make it come with every unhook. Oh, killer mains don't like the sound of that, do they? Well, we don't like being face camped or tunneled yet here we are.

    I find it funny and entertaining how every killer posting has an attitude of "Well, Get over it." You won't be saying that when nobody is playing the game anymore because of your selfish gameplay.

    F' it, if a killer doesn't move for more than 10 seconds in front of a hooked player, teleport them across the map! That will show those goons!

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651
    edited September 2019

    Camping is a non-issue above brown/ green ranks tbh.

    Knowing when to and when not to be altruistic is a basic survivor skill. If a killer camps for the entire duration of a hook and they don't leave the hook, they just plain lose the game, period. Gens will pop if the survivors aren't bad.

    If a single survivor goes to unhook, and fails, the killer still has a massive detriment to them. Probably only going to one-hook the person they camp, and lose the rest. Maybe a two hook if they hook early enough, but certainly no pip.

    If two or more go to unhook in the killers' face, and you fail to unhook, you're just plain bad survivors - excepting a leatherface or Billy pick. Unhooking when you have another person to distract the killer is stupidly easy in most cases.

    Killers who camp lose rank points from being near the hook and lose tons of points from giving up map presence and not chasing other survivors. If a killer is pipping while "camping", maybe they're just prudently defending hooks, or your teammates are running around the hook in a way they can notice, and you just perceive it as camping because you're the one losing. In the end, killers who camp consistently sink to the bottom. They're already being punished.

    Yes, your terrible team may keep the killer in the area. Yes, the killer may be camping and your team isn't punishing the killer for it. Them's the brakes in a 4v1 game. One person having all the agency, but needing to juggle 4 people against four people with split agency needing to combat one unified will. In the high ranks, when the game is played well the survivors have an advantage, but if there are four suboptimal players, the killer will exploit your entire teams' lack of information to make openings for themselves. Your team screwing up is equivalent to a killer failing at a loop, or losing a chase.

    It's not fun to lose, but honestly, if you just change how you play to (easily) pip without surviving, you'll be out of camping killer rank in no time. As you get up in ranks, survivors know to punish killers for camping more and more.

    TL;DR Literally, and uncritically git gud and this stuff will stop happening to you.

  • Irvin
    Irvin Member Posts: 130

    I am currently a rank 4 survivor and there is plenty of camping/tunnelling killers in red/purple ranks.

    It isn't about winning/surviving, yes it can punish the killer if the rest of the team gen rushes them but that does nothing for the person who is being face camped. Usually this leads to someone letting themselves die or disconnecting which just punishes the rest of the survivors more and favours the killer.

    Killers who camp lose points? Seen many killers rack up between 20-30k BP playing like that, hardly seems fair tbh!

    As for saying "git gud" and this will stop happening, no it won't. Especially with killers who have strong map control, if they want to do it they will and currently there is nothing in place to prevent this behaviour. It is a game which is meant to be fun for both sides, its not a one sided show, all this does is frustrate people.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    This ^

    I am one of those people that especially when dedicated servers come and I am forced to constantly play the same killer that does these "UNFUN" things and I get little to no BP etc. Like.... no thanks. I'll pick up another game. That's it. preferably I'd like to keep this game and keep up the fun and challenge, etc. This game has great potential and I enjoy it.

    So I was going to respond above but I realized it was a troll.... I take feedback and debate seriously good and bad, agree or disagree. I was going to take you seriously, but as I continued to read through the garble I realized you clearly haven't played the game and/or clearly not often enough and are just looking for a reaction. (It's like reading reddit..) Because that ain't anything like what happens (some discrepancies were already pointed out).

    Anyways. Everyone knows that this behavior, is not fun and that is the point. To make it MORE fun. But how? How can we balance it to a happy medium to both survivor and killer.

    The point is not about winning or losing. IT is about making the game FUN and being able to try and do unique things with it. That will bring longevity instead of declining numbers. Games are fun. Enjoyable. Happy. Not stressful frustrating and "screw this I'm out". I mean I'm going to be honest the matchmaking has me really worried about the playerbase as it is. These Q times are SOOOOO long... killer and survivor.... I have been spending hours just trying to find a match... its crazy.. I haven't checked recently, but past numbers were concerning... lets say. This is like hey, how can we actually make the game MORE enjoyable because a huge audience is not enjoying it. Plain and simple. And I just want to get into a match dang-nabbit it's BPx2 weekend :( *sigh*