Hex: Huntress Lullaby nerf

So I’ve been thinking, if the perks description says “Your hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention”. Shouldn’t that mean the perk should only come into effect if and when a survivor is within the Killer’s terror radius? So with that knowledge, I believe Lullaby should only work if and when a survivor is within the Killer’s terror radius.
I have to strongly disagree because the perk has so many counters and conditions.
- Huntress Lullaby can be destroyed
- The killer must hook a certain amount of survivors to get the Hex to work (the amount of hooks you need is dependent on the survivors' skill level)
- Smart survivors can just "pay attention" and render the perk rather useless.
Adding a 4th condition would be too much, especially with the conditions and counterplay we already have. :)
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Nah it's pretty weak already tbh, needs a buff if anything
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The hunt isn't literally a song. It's speaking figuratively.
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I would support this change IF they also made it no longer a hex perk.
My Distressing Doc would like it a lot.
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Isn't the perk that make skillchecks happen more often ? I love this hex has a survivor! XD
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If anything it needs a buff, a buff that makes it to where they don’t know you have it until at least 1 hook
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.... I can only guess that you ran into someone running Huntress Lullaby with full stacks. Ego came in, and then here we are.
Do your research!
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The perk does not do anything to skillcheck rate.
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Then it's even more useless than I initially thought.
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I see im not the only one who thinks this perk is weak.
To me, this perk should not be a Hex, but only work if in lullaby radius. With random skillcheck sound noti timing to make it harder to put skill check. (Sounds like Unnerving present though)
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I didn’t ask for you to be toxic on my post.
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I thought this was bait.
The perk isn't even good. It actually needs serious buffs.
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Laddie, I'm allowed to post what I want.
It's me literally telling you to do your research. I get it: This post has an opinion, and I have an opinion that your opinion wasn't even thought out.
So, if you excuse me, I'm going to continue to judge and question your intelligence since you asked for nerfs on an borderline useless perk.
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Ok first of all I am no lady. Secondly, nobody is saying you don’t have the right convey what you think, but to do so in a respectful manner which you have not done. Lastly, it is subjective to say Lullaby is useless, as it can be quite devastating if used correctly. So if you’ll excuse me.
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He didn't call you a lady. This man is British. In Britain we call our mates Lads or as he put it, Laddies.
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Also, by saying he can't say what he wants in a respectful manner but he can convey what he thinks, you just contradicted yourself. He could be thinking "OMG THIS GUYS AN IDIOT XDXDXD" And you saying he can't convey that directly contradicts your second sentence, finally, it is also subjective to say it is good. I personally like it as it adds extra regression and pairs well with RUIN.
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Read what I said again because I never said he couldn’t share his opinion, and I never said that he couldn’t convey what he thinks. Please don’t pick away at what I am saying and be wrong at it at the same time.
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"Nobody is saying you don’t have the right convey what you think, but to do so in a respectful manner which you have not done" This is what you said. I just said what you said and put an example in. I'm not picking away, I'm simply saying your argument or view doesn't look good when you contradict yourself which is what you did.
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Yes that’s exactly what I said and I am correct in that statement. I don’t see as somebody telling another person to “Do your research!” and also telling me my ego got in the way isn’t respectful at all. Which is in a word, toxic.
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But you saying you can't stop them from conveying their thoughts but then telling them that if their thoughts are disrespectful then you shouldn't convey them are contradicting eachother.
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Hate this perk when playing against it, this and ruin makes me hex hunt...
Side note: why doesn't more Doctor killer mains run this perk.. would legitimately be hard with random skillcheck placement and no queue
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The perk doesn't need a nerf, it's already pretty weak.
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Forgot to leave my feedback, was too busy rambling on... I agree there is no need for nerf... It's easily counterable
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"Your" as in killer's and "hunt" as in them finding their prey. It doesn't really specify it like one person. Because technically the prey is all 4 survivors, everyone else. Being a song, everyone can hear it right? It isn't only to the person you are currently in chase with etc. Which confuses people. That's kind of how I figured it.
Anyways. Sadly I am learning there are a lot of trolls on the forums, I think they just go for reactions. (Shame can't downvote...) Make any suggestion or bring up an idea and its just "GIT GUD" etc etc. Feedback and suggestions mean just that. You are putting out ideas and then a discussion takes place. There's literally nothing wrong or against doing this. Disagree or agree, it's pretty easy to be civil about it..
Also... picking at someones words trying to dissect them and twist them into your own convoluted argument is .... "wow".
I'll say the same thing. There's freedom to speech, but only to such an extent... You are allowed to say certain things, but others not so much. Like hate speech, threats of violence etc etc. That's communication... but not appropriate... I think any intelligent person can clearly understand what was being said there...
And this forum happens to have some rules. Like "Things that do not contribute to the discussion (e.g. baits, etc.)" and also "Be respectful to other members". Just saying.
I appreciated your post because it had a very interesting take on a perk, that I certainly didn't think about. And I am sure others that are interested in the lore and what things say/mean can appreciate it as well. Thank you.
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Thank you, for being the most considerate person on this post thus far. This quickly turned from a question to a fiasco, and at least there is somebody here who is the voice of reason. I’ll probably just delete this post somehow.
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@G0lden_Ra1den Yeah. I only started posting and reading the forums and holy crap the things I've been seeing here. Personally, once I read that crap it was borderline cyberbully attitude. Mob mentality. Literally both of them contradicted themselves - one with the whole my opinion is superior to yours attitude and then the other was like hey your doing what the other guy actually did, but I am going to go after you because.. idek. It's just wow.
I'd use @ to a dev/mod or something. Or message one in private maybe? I don't really know how these things work to be honest. Or you can leave it too, like no one should feel bullied or harassed they can't ask a question and such. But, whatever you feel comfortable. with honestly. I'm sorry it happened, and good luck to you :)
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Locking this because it is has quickly turned from a discussion about a perk to an unconstructive discussion with regards to attitude.
A reminder to everyone to please keep discussions on track and to remain civil to one another - we have a flag system, use it instead of starting an argument please.