camping is ruining survivor experiences

Okay camping is really hurting me and my teams rn. we aren’t having fun, and it’s ruining the experience. can we implement some kind of downfall to camping, such as -25% bp in all categories for every 1 min of camping w/in 20 m?
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Camping isn't the disease, it's the symptom of the real sickness which is game imbalance. Balance the game and camping would go down drastically.
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see my latest post.
i feel you man
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This is on the money. Just had a 4 man come into a game with 4 instas. I camped the hook on all of those bastards and have no regrets
If you don't wanna be camped, don't come into games with toxic load outs on comms
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Camping is a strategy wether we like it or not, I personally hate campers and don’t do it myself but it is a strategy and killers are punished for being in proximity of a hook.
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2 K bp, my build was toxic?, i got face camped all game and his cloack turns BT off btw.
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trap killers got BP cutted by setting traps around the hook area, campers stay there and got tha amount of BP, nice punishment.
And btw i was told to not report camping and tunnelers killers. But its a balance error in game, and using perks to fix these errors dont fix the game
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"Can we get rid of / discourage camping"
Devs: here's insidious
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Just bring DS and BT.
I mean it sucks but what can you do. Just fight it with the tools you have at your disposal. That includes this message board, just so you know.
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i get the camping against toxic survivor groups and loadouts.
when you have a random group, OBVIOUSLY NOT at competitive level, just trying to get some f'ing points or do dailys and NOT being miserable ass survivor trash - then KILLERS - CUT IT OUT. Play to the level of your opponent. I've been frustrated as a killer, but I STILL don't camp.
When I can't do anything in the game except watch some salty-ass killer wannabe stare at me on my hook, or just focus on making sure I don't get to do anything but be a meat sack , the game is NOT fun. It doesn't make me want to 'try harder' or 'use other methods'. it makes me want to quit.
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you say they had 4 instas? i don't see a single insta heal on their loadout... weird...
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Stop getting hooked and you can't be camped.
Problem solved.
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I don't think a proxy punishment is a good idea, I've lost out on emblem points and possibly a pip because I came to close to hook peeps while en route to an other location. No intent on camping, just crossing paths.
I think that if survivors we're rewarded or received a temp buff during a camp, it would be a lot less common, seeing as most "toxic" players won't want to help the team they are actively trying to ruin.
Like after 30 cumulative seconds of being within 30m of the same hook instance, could either boost repair speed or actually start progressing gens as if they were being repaired.
This may not be the best example but the point being toxic play styles won't end as long as they are getting kills. If camping the first survivor helped the other 3 escape directly, it wouldn't happen.
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honestly, in my experience camping isnt really the main problem to why i dont feel like i want to continue playing survivor, DCs are.
just hearing the DC sound really triggers me as a survivor, since it happens so often that someone pulls the plug because of SOMETHING* and therefore screws over the team, pretty much guaranteeing that you will lose the game.
*"something" can stand for:
a map they dislike, a killer they dislike, them being found first, them being downed first, them being hooked first, a team mate being hooked too fast, multiple players going down, them being basement hooked, the killer camping them, the killer tunneling them, the gens not popping fast enough, them trying to give their friend hatch, the killer slugging, an actual irl problem that causes them to close the game, the killer lagswitching, someone hacking, etc.
NOTE: this does not count for game / network crashes, as with those the player does not actively decide to leave the game early.
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Now DC's are a big issue. The devs have at least acknowledged this though.
We have this DC epidemic because of no rank rewards and especially an extremely lenient punishment system.
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Killers already lose ranking points for camping
Killers camp either from desperation or because survivors keep feeding them
Stop feeding campers and the problem will go away
Get good enough, and you'll rank past those scrubs and see it less.
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A lot of noob killers camp because they think it's a good idea. They're bad at tracking and catching people, they don't realize how much more BP multiple hooks gets them, or how miserable it is for survivors on top of gimping themselves in other areas.
Since this was a low rank Wraith with only 2/4 perk slots unlocked, lame perks in those slots, and a trash tier add-on... I'm going to say this guy doesn't know how to get kills without relying on this crutch.
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It a bunch of low ranked people in the game. Get to higher ranks and this doesn't happen.
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If you want to present a reasonable argument, you'll get a reasonable answer.
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It isn't the add-ons that make you toxic, it's how you use them.
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If you are that weak, then do us a favor and quit then.
It's literally 1 minute out of your game. If you can't deal with 1 minute of suffering for the rest of the game, and learn to avoid it and punish it, then please ######### quit. We got enough weaklings without you adding to this crap.
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Camping is only viable if Survivors make it viable.
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Though you are right about imbalanced gameplay, you are wrong about camping. Some, very few, use it as a part of a larger strategy, but many use it to garner "salt" from opponents. During events, the camping and tunneling gets way out of hand. During this blood hunt, I refuse to play any BP offerings, or decent items if playing survivor. It is a waste of time. As it is, my wife has to push me into playing survivor because of how bad it gets during events.
It has zero to do with balance at that point. Just punks trying to ruin the game for others. And yes, plenty of survivors work just as hard to do the same. Saw a SWF with 4 keys earlier. I decided to be a bit of a prick. Loaded up Franklin's, NOED, Blood Warden and Rancor. Sat back and waited for the last gen. Dropped one that was tea bagging just as gates opened. Hooked them and dropped another 2 in the exit nearby. Morid the obsession right there at the gate. Dropped the 4th and the previously hooked and let them slug race out. All without their pink keys. They were so toxic in chat afterwards. I asked why, I let them farm gens and totems until the gates opened. What's could be wrong?
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Can't believe people are defending camping. If you have to camp to get kills you are a bad killer and you are making the game so unenjoyable to the other side. Camping also encourages toxicity. Killers camping leads to survivors teabagging, survivors teabagging leads to camping.
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the devs don't care. period.
it's a "legit strategy", regardless of the blatantly obvious negative affect it has on gameplay and players experience...
nothing will change this and many killers enjoy the fact that it ruins your day.
moving on...
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There will always be people that use it for gathering salt but that does not mean it is the majority.
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So my take on this. It's NOT fun. Make it so.
It is not fun to be camped. It is not fun to be TUNNELED out of the game. If you just load into the match and luckily the winner of "test a hook out while the killer breathers in your face", and your gameplay consists of not being able to move, staring a killer whose potentially rev'ing up chainsaw, hitting you with the wonderful sounds of EHHYA EHHYYA, Maybe add some head nods tooo sure why not. Only seeing what your teammates are doing (if not in lockers). And oh ya...finally getting to TAP your keyboard or mouse (whatever is bound to the "Oh ain't this fun" key, you gotta struggle to stay in a game because these are only points you will ever be getting during this entire match that took you HOW long? To actually FIND and let alone GET into....and p.s struggle points aren't even that much right now" Joy.. Wait who doesn't want to repeat this process? I mean I would keep Q'ing up to games for that kind of awesomeness... Surely people, won't just find another game,,,, or oh wait, just play killer instead? Even longer Q's eh? The game has to have a balance.
The point about this that I would really like to stress is making the game more "balanced". Have killers care more about camping and tunneling and doing more "unfun" things. And at the very least have survivors get something for their trouble. Like 'hey, this is crappy situation I am dealt with but at least I am getting something for the effort of not disconnecting or suiciding etc.' Make survivors CARE less about it, and there won't be as much complaining about it.
Camping may be "legit strat" or "survivors just suck at the video game luls". Like either way.. it is still... not.. fun. Like above. 2k BP survivor above ^ Face camped out of the game, wasn't able to do anything else. I think everyone knows that this is not fun. The point is... FIX IT. Make it that way. But how?
I like the idea that if you don't like certain things and you find certain things UNFUN... you have some options or can COUNTER. It's like dying first hook without being camped... killer is no where near you, but hey everyones doing their own thing lol, absolutely oblivious. But hey that happens long enough I can just use kindred! And slugging! I can pretend im a race-car with tenacity and zoom around the map, and/or unbreakable. Oh, I can use a slew of perk builds to counter or do certain things that are fun! etc.
Also, to the argument of that in higher ranks is little to no camping, I still see it quite often (and I am talking red ranks).... I don't know what you all are talking about there. It's prevalent in any rank.
Everyone is not going to be happy, but you can aim and strive for a "happy medium" at the very least, instead of "just deal with it."
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During events, I'd say it is the majority.
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I'll go along with that change if we can also get rid of SWF at the same time.
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Too bad. I can camp all I want. It's not my job to ensure your fun. Accept it's a strategy and move on.
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I haven't had a single one for the entire event, I disagree
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Killers camp until survivors stop rewarding it.
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This guy understands.
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yeah because everyone can do that I hate these types of smartass replies
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About 90% of the matches I've played as survivor are campers/tunnelers with half of them running ebony mori. These forums are filled with the topic of toxicity during events. Consider yourself lucky blueberry, your experience is the anomaly here.
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I think the issue is less that I've had "lucky" games per say and more to the fact that A LOT of players consider scenarios camping or tunneling that really aren't.
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I only consider it camping if the killer does not leave sight of the hook. Tunneling is when the killer waits for your rescue just out of sight and will ignore other targets just to come for you off the hook. Even if that means another full minute worth of chasing while scoring hits on others and ignoring them.
I'm not a new player, I know tunneling vs target of opportunity. I also play much more killer than I do survivor, so I have a bit more of a restricted view of when the two are actually occurring or the survivor is just unlucky.
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"I'm not a new player, I know tunneling vs target of opportunity. I also play much more killer than I do survivor, so I have a bit more of a restricted view of when the two are actually occurring or the survivor is just unlucky."
That's good. I don't think that discription fits a large portion of the community though. Most people don't know the differences.
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No doubt. That said, events bring out the worst behavior in a lot of players. Luckily there are just enough players out there to keep it fun.
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Yeah maybe the discrepancy is on different platforms or at certain ranks.
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Of course it doesn't help that we have dozens of ways to define what camping is which makes the whole subject tiresome.
At least the OP is referring to the current iteration of face-camping, so kudos to that.
But I've been accused of camping when the truth of the matter is
- We have a dumbass teammate in the area of the hook who refuses to even TRY to lead me away.
- Or somebody DOES lead me away, but a 3rd person fails to hide themselves which tells me I've got 3 people tied up already so now I have no tactical reason to leave at this point.
- I didn't leave immediately because I was breaking pallets, retrieving hatchets, checking for people nearby, setting traps, ect...
And that's before we even get into the usual "Do gens" counterplay and so forth.
Look, we get it - it sucks to be camped. And killers do lose emblem points for staying near the hook for too long. But the community needs to educate people that they need to expect the killer to at least play somewhat intelligently. There's a reason it takes 2 minutes to due on a hook - it's to give the killer's time check the area and still give the survivors time to make the rescue. It's also purposely made that long to bore most killers into leaving (it used to be shorter). Additionally, when it's coupled with 80 second solo generators - it makes gen rushing campers a viable strategy. Please, for the love of the entity, make use of that and punish the campers already!
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I have to say, i think both camping and tunneling might decline a little soon. When i play killer, i used to relay heavily on it. Simply, because i was usually paired against way better players.
Since the matchmaking changes, the skill of the survivors is closer to my own skilllevel, and i do neither at the moment, because its not the only way to keep up anymore.
I got all from 0 to 4 kills, but since i am not that helplessly outplayed during the match, i dont care about that.
I think when other killers realize that (and ranks are more adjusted to the players skilllevel) fewer killers will resort to it.
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Fyi, it isn't camping if I spot a Survivor bumrushing the Hooked Survivor as Im walking away to find others.
It isn't camping if I don't spot anyone with my BBQ or if Thrilling Tremors showed nobody working on Gens and patrol the area around the section of map that the Hooked Survivor is in.
Camping is when a Killer hooks a Survivor and then never leaves, even of they spot others with tracking Perks, or even see Survivors in the distance, a noise notification goes off OR if a Survivor runs into you, runs away & you don't chase them till the Hooked person dies or DCs.....
Sure there are meme builds for Basement shenanigans, often with Insidious...but those are not the norm, the norm are just either Trolls that want to ruin a Survivor's experience and/or they get rewarded by everyone trying to unhook the person immediately. You can run Perks to try to counter this with some success (depending on the type of person the Killer is) or jus have to rush Gens.
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Camping is a coward thing in this game.
I think in 3 years of this game, Camping needs a look for devs.
It's unfair for the survivor, and not fun. Well this makes a game a little bit sad to play. And forces you to use the same perks = ds and BT.
I think devs need to remove ''catch'' from the hook, it's not fair killer catch you in a camp scenario.
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