Why do games keep randomly ending?

It’s as if everyone DC’d at the same time. There’s no pattern, it just randomly happens. What’s going on???
If someone DCs during the loading screen the moment the game starts it will say that somebody has disconnected.
DBD is a little bugged right now so it could be that it didn’t show who DCed.
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No, it happens when I’m most of the way through the game. Just a moment ago I was paying Myers. I had one person killed and was carrying another survivor then just suddenly, pop, Brutal Killer and DC bonuses.
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OH, that’s just people rage quitting LMAO. Sorry to hear about that I know when survivors DC it sucks.
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Try and record it and send in a bug report is my suggestion.
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It’s not though. It’s happened multiple times. I’ll be carrying someone who’s wiggling or be in the middle of the chase and then the match just ends. I get messages where they ask what happened.
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I have.
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Yeah ive noticed this. If the End Game timer is at like less than half, then there's a chance that the game auto ends and everyone becomes nea- i mean entity chow.
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That’s the timer not be calibrated to show the correct time. Devs know about that. What I’m experiencing is during the game while gens are all repaired yet and it just randomly cuts to the end screen.
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No clue what's going on, but you're not alone in this. It reminds me of the DC epidemic a while back.
You can tell the difference between these strange DCs and actual DCs with Survivors; real DCs have a sound effect, like being Sacrificed. Fake DCs just have the Survivor DC.
Unfortunately I've had this happen a to both roles; various Survivors and Killers I'm playing with getting kicked at random.
Before anyone asks, my internet is fine. Most Survivors in my lobbies have under 90 ms and I can do other things online just fine.
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Same thing here. It's not the survivors rage quitting during a game. All four are suddenly disconnected at the exact same time, not in series. It's some sort of glitch and happened to me a few times during this event.
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Pretty good JOB so far.
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I have no idea, i've been dc'ing literally every other match and I haven't a clue why. It's this patch, it's completely broken. Running from a killer, poof next thing I know match ended.