Do people like Demogorgon?

I’ve been playing a lot since the ST update came out and barely see the Demogorgon. All I see are pigs and Freddies. I’m a rank 4-5 survivor playing on Xbox. Is this abnormal or does nobody like Demo-Gordon Ramsey?
He's okay. Nothing new or special about him.
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People say that he’s a worse hillbilly but I love him because you can shorten loops greatly with the shred where billy can’t. I also love his portals since you can see when someone is near it and the cooldown to teleport is fairly short.
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I'm pretty fond of the new killer actually.
He's fun to play, and I will be getting him to prestige 3 very soon.
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Billy has better map pressure and a insta-down. They have the same weakness, jungle gyms.
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I think he's pretty cool. My friends think he's scary to go against and I agree, depending on how good the killer is.
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I dont think hes all that. Wouldnt play him in high ranks but that's just me and my skill level.
The only reason I play him is because survivors seem to actually get tense/scared due to the awsome job the sound/visual team did.
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Yup, love it
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Only killer I’m playing right now, enjoying his play style very much- plus he’s a damn inhuman monstrosity- so a bit of a power fantasy is in there too Xx
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I see him a lot
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I've stopped for now. Get a bit salty at the fourth swf team in a row teabagging me because I'm playing him. So I'm back to my Vommy Mommy making people rage quit.
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Imma try learning him on my GF's account b4 I put myself under the stress of playing him against abunch of red ranks.
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I absolutely love his Shred ability.. but I hate his portals.. idk why but they just suck.
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I like him. Then again, I'm one of those weirdos who think his portals are 10000x better than the shred
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I like him. I think he's going to be the most favourite killers to verse besides myers.
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He is ok for sure, but isn't very good at red ranks, Hope the upcoming killer has something new and interesting
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He's super fun to play against imo, haven't tried him out on killer side.. busy p3'ing nancy and steve atm.
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I do like him.
His shred attack is pretty cool and you can make lots of bp with him which is always a plus to me.
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I've been leveling him up during the event and unlocked all his perks but have been too nervous to try him out yet. Based on all the sweaty, try-hard survivors I've been getting as killer this weekend, I'm going to wait until the event is over first.
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Just try him out mate, just remind yourself that you try him out for the first times so losing won't feel as bad. And trust me, with the right perks, enough teleporting and m2ing on key moments you won't have it that hard unless you verse those 3k hours legacy survivors sweating their butts off.
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Good point. Got to remember that there was a first time playing Spirit and Nurse too and how rough it was in the beginning. Now, they are two of my strongest killers. Might have to try a little Demogorgon this am. Especially being a fan on the series....
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Love him he's super fun to play and imo top 5 in strength
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i love facing demogorgan, he's my faverite killer. hardly see him on ps4 either, even when there was to be more chance in seeing him in the first week, the same with the map. i have also tried being him as a killer and it takes forever for a game to load.
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Definelty try it and don't get demotivated on the first matches, he is seriously very fun as soon as you manage to get the m2 working on loops, but he is also very strong to win a lot of matches (not Nurse or Spirit tier, but strong enough to be playable at Red ranks). Have a good time with demogorgon :)
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I don't like him.
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His portals are much more effective 10-15 meters away from hook. They cant hear or see you coming if you use LOS blocking walls or rocks.
I've gotten some pretty easy gen snags for free
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I feel like Demogrogon does actually have some potential to get survivors even at jungle jyms, his lunge can be quite helpful at those tiles.
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I see it around 2/5 matches.
I also see almost no pigs...which is sad...
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I'm curious to hear what platform you're on because sadly on PS4, I face a Demogorgon like 1/10 games, it's kinda crazy honestly.
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It is ps4. Rank 7
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Takes too long to charge and has no lock on like Billy. If it did, it would be WAY too good.
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You just have to start the charge early enough, the charge time as long as you time it right should never be an issue with Demogorgon since you don't lose movement speed until after the Shred Attack is charged. Demogorgon moves at full speed while charging Shred.
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If you charge it early, you will not hit them. You move at 100% movement speed.
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Yes, you haved to time the charge. While you are charging the ability, you still have ful movement speed. Once charged, as long as you are still holding the charge of the Shred, that's when you slow down.
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Doesn't help with jungle gyms.
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A+ in design, art and sounds.
C in balancing.
He's made great, just weak imo.
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WHAT, I'm rank 4 so that might have something to do with it or I might just be super unlucky... probably the latter.
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I live in Brazil, so that might also be a thing
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I forgot you lived in Brazil, it would actually be pretty interesting to see the most to least played Killers depending on region at least to me.
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Well...I am keeping track this entire season, so on the 13th you'll know. Or 14th... whichever day it changes.
When servers become a thing, bhvr will probably be able to give a less personal and more full scope answer about these kinds of stuff. Which would be great
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I'm looking forward to that post then and yeah, hopefully when DS are released to everyone their able to get in the nitty-gritty of stats much easier.
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I consistently 3+ k at Rank 1 with him (exceptions being Rotten fields, as the corn vision is too stronk). @Pulsar you can easily use Shred in jungle gyms, is very strong. You can even end Shack loop in maximum of one loop, depends on survivor. Also Shred breaking pallets is really great in zoning survivors. Use portals wisely and you profit.
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It took some getting use to, but I'm quite fond of him now. Killer shack loop is easily ended as well as many other with shred. If you focus on keeping your 3 gens gaurded till the end, he can exert all the map pressure needed to 3k or 4k. Which is quite easy if you place multiple portals and save one for a reserve incase they start closing them and you are on the other side of the map, you have an inactivated portal they can't see or close to get back and usually get a grab in.
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Shred on shack is good. Rotten Fields jungle gyms? No way, you MIGHT force an earlier pallet drop, but then they can run to another jungle gym.