why was the bloodhunt during twitchcon???
seriously... yall thought that was a good idea???
An incredibly small portion of DbD players go to / care about Twitch con.
Events/holidays are a terrible reason to not do a game event at that time.
Lets just skip Winter Solstice because millions are focusing on spending time with family /s.
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They wanted the Blood Hunt to be less toxic.
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Yeah because twitchcon is not important or needed
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I lol'd
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Pretty much this.
The amount of people going to Twitchcon is fairly small. Even if literally everyone who went to Twitchcon was an avid DbD player, based on the attendance, we'd still be talking about a small fraction of the people playing. We didn't want to postpone the entire Blood Hunt just for a few people. No matter when we hold an event, some people are going to miss it.
While you're off having fun at Twitchcon, everyone else who didn't get to go gets to have fun with a Blood Hunt.
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????? wow even community manager's view is skewed
do you not realize that the most popular dbd streamers went to twitchcon??? and that since they're not streaming you lose viewers in the game? and all the viewers that like to play with that streamer don't play??? i'm shocked that a community manager is belittling its own community lmao
edit: go check out the viewers for dbd. it's more than halved, but "The amount of people going to Twitchcon is fairly small."
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Nobody cares about Twitchcon. Just accept it.
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The streamers go to TwitchCon whether or not the Bloodhunt happens.
Your point is invalid
Edit: DbD players halved because we're back to being in the middle of content releases. That's completely normal.
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Just because some streamers are going there, doesn't mean that nobody is going to play DbD. Somewhere on the entire world there are several events per week, meaning not everyone will play DbD then. You want them to postpone the event, just because some people are not able to play it?
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What did I just read?! If anything, because I WASN'T watching my favorite streamers I was playing the game MORE.
Check out the steamcharts for the game, they are correct, it is only a small % of the playerbase.
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people who stream this game often likely dont need double bloodpoints anyway. they play so much that they have killers and survivors at P3 level 50 with almost if not all the perks unlocked already. also its probably less than half the viewers because people's favorite streamers are at Twitchcon, not because half the viewers went.
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Right, because the streamers they like to watch aren't streaming, they're at Twitchcon. Delaying a Blood Hunt isn't going to make them cancel their plans to go to the convention and stream instead. This is also why smaller streamers typically get a boost in viewers when they stay home and stream during Twitchcon. People look for other streams to watch while their regular streamers are out.
Most of the regular streamers will not mind missing out on a Blood Hunt. They spend upwards of 6-8 hours per day playing the game. Typically they'll have more points than they know what to do with already.
Not to mention that more people are going to be playing the game during a Blood Hunt. It's not meant to drive up Twitch views, it's a special event for players.
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Twitch con? I'm more worried about the broken servers.