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Bye DBD!

Lordkazu Member Posts: 46
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Bye ppl with this new update is too boring play survivor i hope u still enjoy this game, i played this game since beta but now i get tired of this game.

Post edited by Lordkazu on


  • Sally55
    Sally55 Member Posts: 368

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    If you're leaving because you refuse to adapt to the update, good riddance. We don't want your kind around here.

    This game is better off without your salty survivor tears. Get bent kek.

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    so long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye. not sure why its worth a forum post. but i guess everybody needs to be a drama queen sometimes.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Grey87 said:

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    If you're leaving because you refuse to adapt to the update, good riddance. We don't want your kind around here.

    Not wanting to adapt and not having fun/getting bored is not the same thing.
    Why would you want to "adapt" if you don't enjoy the game? If you try to play and you see that it's not fun, why keep playing? If someone loves the game then believe me they will try playing and adapting , like I did myself all this time, but I also don't really enjoy the game and didn't okay for a few weeks now and this update doesn't make me want to come back.

    That's why I said 'if you're leaving because you refuse to adapt.' If the games not fun, then by all means, stop playing. It's perfectly understandable to stop playing a game if you're tired of it. But the fact that the OP bothered to make a post on the forums announcing that they're leaving, that paired with the fact that it was made just after the update, is a telling sign that there's more to it then being bored. If they're just bored, then why waste time going to the forums and making a post about it? Just play a different game if you're bored of DBD.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    I don't know why you thought people here cared about you enough that you had to announce that you're leaving.
    Whatever see ya.
  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127

    Is this like a suicide note?

  • LATAAAAAA. btw this is killer's new theme song now

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    No dude, just farm flashlights and medkits with instaheal addons. The more nerfs we get the more toxic i'll be
  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Bye nob survivor, see ya later aligator

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    @Vietfox said:
    No dude, just farm flashlights and medkits with instaheal addons. The more nerfs we get the more toxic i'll be

    Insta heals being looked into, ds about to be nerfed, hatch getting nerfed
    Best start running, we're stealing all your crutches.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Sn0wJob said:

    @Vietfox said:
    No dude, just farm flashlights and medkits with instaheal addons. The more nerfs we get the more toxic i'll be

    Insta heals being looked into, ds about to be nerfed, hatch getting nerfed
    Best start running, we're stealing all your crutches.

    So any chance to survive is a crutch to you? You killers just got exposed xD
  • Sally55
    Sally55 Member Posts: 368

    @Sn0wJob said:

    @Vietfox said:
    No dude, just farm flashlights and medkits with instaheal addons. The more nerfs we get the more toxic i'll be

    Insta heals being looked into, ds about to be nerfed, hatch getting nerfed
    Best start running, we're stealing all your crutches.

    So survivors call killer's toxic but get so salty over a patch that they resort to petty review bombing of this game. Can these people just get permabanned already ?

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Sally55 said:

    @Sn0wJob said:

    @Vietfox said:
    No dude, just farm flashlights and medkits with instaheal addons. The more nerfs we get the more toxic i'll be

    Insta heals being looked into, ds about to be nerfed, hatch getting nerfed
    Best start running, we're stealing all your crutches.

    So survivors call killer's toxic but get so salty over a patch that they resort to petty review bombing of this game. Can these people just get permabanned already ?

    Let's start with facecampers and lag switchers :)
  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    @Lordkazu said:
    too boring play survivor

    It always was, but now its juuust a bit, little bit more challenging and maybe less boring for some ppl.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    @Lordkazu said:
    Bye ppl with this new update is too boring play survivor i hope u still enjoy this game, i played this game since beta but know i get tired of this game.

    Could always try Killer for a bit, but hey its been 2 years, maybe you are burned out on it.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    You hurt a lot of people's feelings posting an opinion they disagree with. I hope you're happy!
  • samirk98
    samirk98 Member Posts: 167
    Maybe i’m the only one who can feel you it’s ok to leave i wish you good luck i still cannot adopt and i think after hatch ds sc nerfs survivors going to have rough time but whatever i think im gonna uninstall too so good bye my friend =D
  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    Damn, what a shame, we'll miss you random guy that just made an account on here to express disappointment with the new patch!

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415
    edited July 2018

    @Lordkazu said:
    Bye ppl with this new update is too boring play survivor i hope u still enjoy this game, i played this game since beta but know i get tired of this game.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Later kiddo.

    Enjoy the loss.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Lordkazu said:

    Bye ppl with this new update is too boring play survivor i hope u still enjoy this game, i played this game since beta but know i get tired of this game.

    Au revoir mdr! :) 
  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @TrumpJunior said:
    I bet you just made this post to get attention while you’re still playing the game. Like all the other salty crybabies that currently write bad reviews about it.

    i already unistall the game, there are better games to play than this so... keep enjoy dbd :3

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lordkazu said:

    @TrumpJunior said:
    I bet you just made this post to get attention while you’re still playing the game. Like all the other salty crybabies that currently write bad reviews about it.

    i already unistall the game, there are better games to play than this so... keep enjoy dbd :3

    You are always welcome to come back when you git gud at video games. Bye :)
  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @Doom_Punk said:
    Damn, what a shame, we'll miss you random guy that just made an account on here to express disappointment with the new patch!

    is not only this new patch is all patches keep buffing killers and devs dont balance the game for both sides, im a survivor who dont use exhaustion perks so i dont care about the nerf to sprint burst

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lordkazu said:

    @Doom_Punk said:
    Damn, what a shame, we'll miss you random guy that just made an account on here to express disappointment with the new patch!


    is not only this new patch is all patches keep buffing killers and devs dont balance the game for both sides, im a survivor who dont use exhaustion perks so i dont care about the nerf to sprint burst

    lol the game has been universally considered survivor sided for years. this is a widely accepted balance patch.

    if you are too bad to adapt, then youre right, you should go.

    might i recommend mylittleponyonline or minecraft?
  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    can you give me your steam username?
    I want to add you soo we can play civ 5 while I am not playing DBD

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    Lordkazu said:

    @Doom_Punk said:

    Damn, what a shame, we'll miss you random guy that just made an account on here to express disappointment with the new patch!

    is not only this new patch is all patches keep buffing killers and devs dont balance the game for both sides, im a survivor who dont use exhaustion perks so i dont care about the nerf to sprint burst

    lol the game has been universally considered survivor sided for years. this is a widely accepted balance patch.

    if you are too bad to adapt, then youre right, you should go.

    might i recommend mylittleponyonline or minecraft?

    Is really funny main killers who have all thing EZ keep saying adapt xD pls you are a joke

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

    you are here to stop that door 4 me <3 xD

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @Thatbrownmonster said:
    can you give me your steam username?
    I want to add you soo we can play civ 5 while I am not playing DBD

    sorry idk what is civ 5 but i only play survival games or terror games <3

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @Lordkazu said:
    Bye ppl with this new update is too boring play survivor i hope u still enjoy this game, i played this game since beta but know i get tired of this game.


    bye waffle i will miss you babe <3

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @Lordkazu said:
    Bye ppl with this new update is too boring play survivor i hope u still enjoy this game, i played this game since beta but know i get tired of this game.


    bye waffle i will miss you babe <3

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lordkazu said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Lordkazu said:

    @Doom_Punk said:

    Damn, what a shame, we'll miss you random guy that just made an account on here to express disappointment with the new patch!

    is not only this new patch is all patches keep buffing killers and devs dont balance the game for both sides, im a survivor who dont use exhaustion perks so i dont care about the nerf to sprint burst

    lol the game has been universally considered survivor sided for years. this is a widely accepted balance patch.

    if you are too bad to adapt, then youre right, you should go.

    might i recommend mylittleponyonline or minecraft?

    Is really funny main killers who have all thing EZ keep saying adapt xD pls you are a joke

    im a rank1 survivor main that solos with no items or offerings.

    irony that you were the joke here, but i didnt want to be mean.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    A lot of people are quitting because of this update. I don't blame them, i'm not happy with it either.

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @Lowbei said:

    im a rank1 survivor main that solos with no items or offerings.
    irony that you were the joke here, but i didnt want to be mean.

    Lol i was rank 1 survivor too man im here like for 2years, i dont need to use offering or items to play, so dont get mad xD

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited July 2018

    If you are done with the game, and already uninstalled why are you patrolling the forums? just move on.
    No one cares about your grand exit.

  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @Lordkazu said:
    Is really funny main killers who have all thing EZ keep saying adapt xD pls you are a joke

    Because you are apparently new to the community allow me to explain, killers are saying adapt because that is what killers get told every time there is a big killer nerf wave. Most notably with Freddy when he was nerfed all of a week after he was released all killers heard was "adapt or die". This is kind of a "shoes on the other foot" situation except survivors were not hit nearly as hard here as Freddy was. In fact, aside from the exhaustion change, I'm quite enjoying playing survivor with some of the reworked perks.

    i was so sad when they nerfed i love fredy so much is my main, but this killers main need to stop crying when the only OP thing is SWF

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited July 2018
    GolgiNea said:

    A lot of people are quitting because of this update. I don't blame them, i'm not happy with it either.

    lol not a lot, only the bad ones who couldnt hang. our steam numbers show that everyones still playing.

    maybe its just you and a few other bads. /shrug
  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @Jesya said:
    If you are done with the game, and already uninstalled why are you patrolling the forums? just move on.
    No one cares about your grand exit.

    cuz i want? go to play with ur ez life of killer :3

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    sorry babes. I'm not a killer main. Since the update I haven't touched killer

    kisses on your way out!

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lordkazu said:

    @Lowbei said:

    im a rank1 survivor main that solos with no items or offerings.
    irony that you were the joke here, but i didnt want to be mean.

    Lol i was rank 1 survivor too man im here like for 2years, i dont need to use offering or items to play, so dont get mad xD

    no, you are a rank20 and quitting cuz bad. dont try to get defensive on your way out the door lol
  • Lordkazu
    Lordkazu Member Posts: 46

    @Lowbei said:

    no, you are a rank20 and quitting cuz bad. dont try to get defensive on your way out the door lol

    hahahahaha if u say so

  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    @Lordkazu said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Lordkazu said:

    @Doom_Punk said:

    Damn, what a shame, we'll miss you random guy that just made an account on here to express disappointment with the new patch!

    is not only this new patch is all patches keep buffing killers and devs dont balance the game for both sides, im a survivor who dont use exhaustion perks so i dont care about the nerf to sprint burst

    lol the game has been universally considered survivor sided for years. this is a widely accepted balance patch.

    if you are too bad to adapt, then youre right, you should go.

    might i recommend mylittleponyonline or minecraft?

    Is really funny main killers who have all thing EZ keep saying adapt xD pls you are a joke

    Well I'm a killer main, well I should phrase it like Reddit, I'm a Rank 1 Killer and a Rank 1 Survivor, this way you know it's true ;)

    You stated you've played since beta, since we can't see anything about you I guess we'll have to take your word on that, you claim that the game isn't fun, make a purpose of creating this discussion and announce your retirement from DBD that's strange but ok, you then continue to check the forums for comments, even stranger, usually when I'm done with something it's in the entirety of it and not just the game.

    Here's what we all see, Balance change vacuums go, killers become harder to take the piss out of, another Balance change you don't get 2+ sprint bursts per chase, Killers are OP.
    Regardless of what it is called, Survivors are not meant to survive, perfect game is 2 escape and 2 die. Before killers had to be scummy and play against idiots or be exceptionally good and still barely create situations where they had power, most of the time Killers had to capitalize on survivors mistakes to win. A Survivor doesn't have to escape to win assuming you define winning as pipping, Killers have to kill though and most players take this personal

    Now here is the truth if you go or stay makes no difference, if you try to adapt to the change then you're a survivor, if you tuck tail and run then cya.
    Killers have been at the mercy of survivors for ages, times have changed, you no longer have your Infinites, Vacuums, Instablind flashlights, obscene amount of pallets, multiple exhaustion perks activating in 1 chase and soon DS will be changed.
    I am a killer main but I play equally as much survivor, but killer is my preferred role I play both to see both sides of the arguments.
    The Game needs more pallets, it was perfect before, now it's so killer sided, Selfcare isn't OP and needs no changes, DS changes planned I actually like and may use it in the future, Ruin has to go or be reworked.

    There is so many things that still needs to change, but the game is finally getting into "balanced" state, if you can't handle that then I'm sure your 4k hours will not be missed, I assume because I have just over 3khrs and have not played since the Beta.

    If your argument is simply based on the Hag and Trapper changes then tough #########, they've been bullied for to long, grow a set and man up.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lordkazu said:

    @Lowbei said:

    no, you are a rank20 and quitting cuz bad. dont try to get defensive on your way out the door lol

    hahahahaha if u say so

    just saying what we all know :)

    no worries. if you git gud at video games someday, youre welcome to come back.