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Camping and tunneling

I feel killers need a penalty for camping and tunneling..nothing to major...Just automatic spawn away after like 10 seconds of camping....spawn could be like 20 meters away from the hooked survivor..cuz I’m tired of being camped and tunneled. 😂


  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    That's a silly fix for the issue. A more reasonable deterrent would be a drastic slowdown to the hook timer when the killer is within a certain distance of the hook.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Imagine punishing killers for playing the game, Survivors already have two options to verse camping, either take it and wait, get your struggle points, or move on and ######### on the hook. Sound easy?

    Scrath thta three, you can also play SWF and just get your team to get gens or BT or smth. No need to further punish a good strategy just because it hurt your feelings.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited September 2019

    Camp/Tunnel posts

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    @Mochan I was torn between being a survivor and killer main, but at this point I'm 50/50, And from both sides of the spectrum I think camping is fine and infact neccesary. There are many situtations and playstyles involving camping where it is either needed or just how the killer likes to play; if you punish camping into the ground then Survivors will become even stronger and even more entitled.

    You also seem to forget that camping is only made forgiving because survivors get too altruistic and just feed the killer, then have the audacity to omplain when they made the missplay of letting the camping work.

    When I play SWF which is most of the time, we celebrate when come across a camper, because it means we get free gens and get to laugh how maybe how mad the killer is or what a meme lord they are either.

    Honestly camping is fine as is, perhpas it should be rwarded so camping killers get to higher ranks then when they meet proper tems they'll see how good camping every survivor is when they know what they're doing.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Try to not be the first survivor that gets found and especially hooked. If the killer genuinely has camping + tunneling on their mind from the start, this alone will massively decrease the odds that you end up being the one on the recieving end.

    You can also bring DS + Instaheal to make killers have to work as much as possible for it if they want to tunnel you. If a killer tries to speed a kill up by proxy camping + tunneling instead of straight up camping that can still lose them the game if the survivor they're chasing has the right tools and knows what they're doing, especially if they recieve borrowed time from other survivors.

    The obvious "just rush gens" is a thing too, but I understand that when a killer truly hard camps and that seems to be the only option it's horribly boring and uninteractive if everyone approaches the situation right, so I tried to give more individual-focused tips. Killer just stands there and gets no altruistic survivors to punish, survivor on the hook at most mashes spacebar, and the other survivors just hold m1 on gens.

    I wouldn't trust automated systems to decide what counts as camping or tunneling in the first place, outside of blatantly obvious stuff like "if the killer stays within 10 meters while there's no survivors on the same continent as them". And that's already punished by emblems as well as them essentially throwing the game emblem-wise and usually kill-wise as well.

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111

    Finally someone who understands 💁🏽‍♀️ Camping and tunneling makes you unskilled. (To me.) killers should have to work harder for their least as hard as us to friends and I were saying BT should be mandatory already...if a killer wants to hit you 2 seconds after you get off a hook you should have to mend up afterwards..and also these killes are way too fast, they should use their powers to make them faster to catch up (like spirits phase, clowns dust.) then I think it’d be fair.

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111

    Borrowed time barely works now with all of these stealth killers. How’s it gonna activate without terror radius? It’s useless. Plus I don’t have the money to get laurie or I would have decisive.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    And this here is why we don't listen to newcomers about balancing issues.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Or here is a better idea how about all survivors stop barreling towards the hooked survivor immediately after the hook and crouching thinking we don't see you. Leaving the hook would be stupid after seeing all survivors hanging around the hooked survivor. Get good and stop whinging.

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111

    Idk what kinda survivors you play against but we go no where near the killer when they hook someone I could be hooked and the killer could be sitting there in my face hitting me or walking back and forth. How about you get good and stop camping. And btw it’s spelled whining.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    The only thing that might work is lowering BP earnings, if you camp you get less BP, if you hit the unhooked survivor before 2 minutes have passed you get less BP, something like that

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111

    I think someone told me they get less points by camping and tunneling

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    That would be dumb to punish ppl that play like THEY want, I know it sucks but its the same in call of duty, where ppl camp in corners with shotguns. It sucks and is frustrating but still, its there way how to play.

    But I had an nice idea to make "camping or tunneling" less attractive. Make the bloodpoints effect of BBQ as baseline for every Killer. So 25% bonus bloodpoints for every first hooked survivor. That would not fix the problem 100% but atleast some ppl might want to go for more points instead of killing.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The badly-designed emblem system which is in the state it is because of massive survivor lobbying during it's PTB to give perverse incentives rather than reward good-play.

    Like all things which are influenced by survivors, it's terrible. They demand stuff, they get it, then they complain about it. They do this because they don't know what they want and it's why the devs must stop listening to them and actually listen to killers for a change.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Reminder that when a survivor steps in a trap during a chase; it still counts as the survivor having won the chase according to the emblem system.

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111

    I could care less about call of duty campers at least they stand a better chance.

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111
  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    What does the context of how the game actually plays out have to do with killers making decisions like whether to camp or not?

    Oh, I dunno.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I don't camp unless a survivor is toxic and pallet loops me oh and also if you all break my totems and gen rush the hell outta me.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Are you taking the piss. So hang on survivors want to loop the killers for what feels like eternity and then they still want the killers to be punished for exacting revwnge. I have been in matches where all survivors no matter what looped and guess what they got camped. Your saying that you survivor mains should have the ability to be ridiculous and pallet slam and loop the dam killer and not get punished. Get over yourself

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I didn't say that, and btw, I'm a killer main... What I'm saying is that they could just give you less BP, wanna camp or tunnel, be my guest...

  • bunnytrips
    bunnytrips Member Posts: 24

    I see what you mean, but try playing low tier killers like leatherface at rank 1 against optimal survivors who know how to loop. Then you'll see who has the real power-role.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2019

    I play both Killer and Survivor- Tunneling and Camping Is Just boring and lazy strategy.

    However, If someone constantly starts teabagging me during a chase or some random survivor outside of a chase start teabag !!I wasn’t even chasing you!! at that point I literally don’t care about anybody else I’m dedicated to camp and tunnel you. I find teabagging just because (without reasoning) is very stupid to do as a survivor regardless if you’re a good survivor and I’m a really good rank 1 survivor. If a killer wants you dead they will make sure you are dead. No matter how good you are.

    It’s quite hard to punish tunneler and camper because it really does depends on the situation sometimes killer do it with because it their perk build.

    Ex: Insidious builds, Endgame, bloodwarden, NOED, teabaggers, altruistic people or basement builds.

    But doing it just because you can without reasoning or build are just killers that a just lazy with no skill to and are jerks to me. :/

    I just typical leave match with those types of killers and move on to the next one. And now that you just lose one pip when you leave match is amazing so you don’t have to sacrifice on hook just to lose -1 pip c: and killer don’t get sacrifice points so somewhat of a win C:

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited October 2019

    There is no in-game tutorial on how to play killer. New killers are just thrown in with one direction: hook and kill the survivors. Camping/tunneling is the easiest way to play, especially when a player first starts out. It's also the most obvious way to play. The killer's job is to kill: they get a survivor on the hook, they make sure that survivor dies. It makes sense. Pressuring gens and spreading the pain is not intuitive.

    Get the devs to make a real tutorial that shows killers early on how to play the game optimally without resorting to camping/tunneling. Sure, some killers will play that way no matter what because they find it fun, but a lot of killers just don't know better because the game only showed them "this is how you carry a survivor, and this is how you hook a survivor" before throwing them to the wolves.

  • AliXnm
    AliXnm Member Posts: 111

    We can’t get the devs to do anything in this game except nerf survivors and give killers extra things they don’t need. Camping and tunneling isn’t fair for the survivors period. We all need points....ima just start recording my matches just so you people can understand 😂 with their perk loadout. Rank. SPEED AND INSTANT DOWNS. They don’t need to camp or tunnel. It’s just toxic.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited October 2019

    I get camped and tunneled all the time. I finally started equipping DS because I was tired of getting taken out of the game in the first minute. Anyone who plays survivor experiences this.

    Like I said, playing killer in a manner that doesn't include camping/tunneling is not intuitive, and the game doesn't help killers learn. The fact that tunneling survivors out is the easiest way to play is poor game design. I put in the extra effort not to tunnel out survivors, but the game doesn't actually reward me for that, and keeping all four survivors around makes slowing gen progress harder, meaning the game actually punishes me for playing that way.

    So, killers are expected to play in a way that hurts their chances of winning. 1. That's silly. 2. Players are not going to naturally play in a way that makes winning more difficult for them. With nothing in the game itself to guide them, they're going to learn the easy way, and that's how they're going to keep playing.

    Playing the game to win isn't toxic. Camping/tunneling is indicative of a larger problem in the game.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Imagine camping because survivors pallet looped you