The "Weakest" Killer in the game

The "Weakest" Killer in the game 176 votes
Doctor - At least can track survivors and sometime shock can prevent using window/pallet. Also great blood point farmer.
Bubba - Combine Insidious/Agitation/IronGrasp make great basement camp
Legion - At least can run fast and wall hack. Combine Sloppy/Thana/STBFL can be annoying. Anti-insta heal killer.
Trapper - Watch OTZ video and tell me Trapper is weakest than other 4 killers
Clown - A very busy man with reload bottle every minute with no map pressure. Freddy do better anti-loop so what's the point?
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The others at least have some map pressure, clown is a free win as survivor.
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It's crazy to me that there are people who think Bubba is the worst killer. Low tier for the present meta, sure, but worst? I really have trouble wrapping my head around that one.
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Clown. He's got no map pressure. His bottles exist to slow down survivors, but he also slows down when using them. Wow, amazing.
Bubba is more fun to use, and being able to take down multiple survivors with one chainsaw sprint should not be underestimated. Man, Nurse's Calling can be really good on him, giving you the location of multiple survivors in a tight little group. Ah, good times.
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Wraith is soild, he is fast and stealthy, strong with PWYF bcs of very comfortable using on him IMHO
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Legion is the weakest because he has the hardet time catching survivors, Clown can shorten loops to force early pallet dropps, Leatherface can break pallets eailier und zone ppl to other places. And I srsly wonder why trapper is there? xD You can block of specific areas and loops and that can be pretty strong.
And thats weird how many survivors underrate clown so hard.
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The pig is the weakest by far.
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Yeah when bubba is in the basement it gets pretty hardcore. I think this is what most bubbas try to do. Fair enough
From my experience legion is the weakest. It just seems no good players play on him.
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Not really.
She may stall the game very well and her ambush atack allows you to trump some loops.
Also she is very short killer with 4.6 m/s movement speed, its more easy to midgame survivors as her.
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Her RBT are essentially useless since her EGC nerfs. The ambush attack can either be dodged easily OR if you miss its extremely punishing.
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Her RBTs are good at stalling and distracting the survivors during the match, slowing gen progression a bit. Or, if your teammates aren't paying attention and pop the last two gens right after the Pig put a helmet on you, it can be deadly. (I felt so bad for that survivor, omg seeing two gens just "pop pop" before I even got her to the hook...)
I agree with you that Pig is weak, but weakest? I'm not so sure. I'd rather play her than Clown any day.
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Legion. Aside from his abiliy to find survivors...he's my personal least favourite.
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Legion unfortunately, the only killer whose power CANNOT down survivors. Pathetic
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Well survivors always just push through the helmet then start doing it. At the very least 1 or 2 gens pop during their helmet.
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The nerf killed them 😐
The devs had noed an every member got punched to the ground, before they could open the exit gates, poor Legion 😢
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Legion, at least he would need some better add-ons.
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Clown literally doesn't have a power.
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I can't vote because Wraitz is not available.
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This. Aside from having some decent builds available (anything that boosts his movement speed makes him scary), basement Bubba is an almost guaranteed bad time for survivors. If he grabs someone, just say goodbye and dedicate the next gen to their memory.
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They’re basically a 115% Killer with no power in most situations. Unless the Survivors are close together, chances are you’ll only hit one of them with your power.
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*Smells bubba*
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Why everone votes for clown instead of bubba?
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beceause bubba can insta down and played correctly can be deadly
Clown has just a power that at best can make people use pallet sooner and slow vault wich is bad beceause as soon as you hit green rank it's a joke, i played against him and to be fair unless you make mistake he can't do nothing to you, hell even legion is slighty better than him beceause he has an easy hit on survivor.
but by far legion and clown are the worst, clown being the one that is the worst right now
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Makes me so sad to see Clown get the most votes. I really hope he does get buffed in the future, but I personally don't think he is the weakest. His bottles do have some uses. Maybe I am wrong though.
Once maps are reworked, Bubba might become the worst though, since more pallets means it's more unlikely to catch survivors out of position to chainsaw them, despite him also profiting from more mindgameable pallets.
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after hesitating i decide to go for clown, sorry legion but you are second worst clown need some love
but to be faire the top 3 (bubba clown legion) need all to be buff or rework it's getting sad, i mean a lot of thing in the game need a big buff survivor and killer side
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Why the heck does everyone think clown is bad. Everyone who says that clown is bad doesn’t know how to play him or they use the wrong perks.Clowns bottles with the right add ons will end chases really fast. Everyone is saying he has no map pressure almost all the killers in the game have no map pressure he actually has more than some killers because he can use his bottles. Clown shouldn’t even be on the tier list it should have been wraith who is the worst killer in the game.
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he rely on mistake and has a lot of counter therefore he is one of the worst sorry kiddo but legion played well with the right perk and add-on can be deadly too still it's super hard same for clown
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He doesn’t need survivor mistakes to do good he relies on his accuracy and his mind games throwing a bottle at a survivor and catching them is skill not luck. Legions ability is awful and has some of the worst add ons in the game.
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it's debatable but till we are debating over the two worst killer in the game so what's the point, the fact his they all need a buff or rework
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-Doctor can put pressure on gens and survivors if played correctly, and has one of the best 3 gen stack defense of the game. Probem is he has no map mobility, is still vulnerable to loops, and the fact he's slowed down while in treatement mode is beyond stupid.
-Leatherface has a one hit down ability, therefore cannot be the worst killer. Even though he has no map mobility and no gen pressure, he can end chases fast if the player knows how to run loops and mindgame.
-Legion only advantage is putting easy pressure on survivors and being able to stick to them during chases but that's all. He has nothing else and once the first hit has landed during a chase, his power is useless if survivors are scattered around. Probably second worst killer.
-Trapper can end loops and guard areas effectively, but that's all there is to it. No power during chases, no map pressure, no mobility.
-Clown has nothing for him. No map pressure, no mobility. His power is supposed to help him during chases but the slow is so little it's useless. His grunts while breaking pallets and going through windows are killing him since it affects his mindgame possibilites.
I love Clown but i lose every time i play him in red/purple ranks.
So, Clown. 100%.
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I understand that but I just don't feel that the clown should be on this list he can can cut of loops and chases early. I don’t understand why the wraith isn’t here tho his ability is kind of pointless.
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Look at the top teir killers and what makes them good, their chase potential and map pressure. Bubba has neither of those going for him while clown can at least end chases quickly. The only thing bubba has going for him is the basement and most of the time you will need at least 2 perks to get these and you waste 2 minutes camping while people do gens.
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Completely agree with all you said.
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If survivors just drop pallets earlier and rush gens, he can't do anything. He doesn't relies on his skill, when survivors can just force him to break pallet after pallet untill all gens are done.
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The speed boost of ff feels underwhelming as heck and the cool down (s) are way too long.
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Thank you for assuming things about me, but that statement does not change my opinion on him.
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Plague feels like the weakest to me.
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Legion for sure. I mean you can cancel his "power" by simply making him miss his attack.
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Am I wrong to assume you are a talking Ostrich in a sumbrella on the dark side of the Moon?
That's not assuming that's simply making a conclusion based upon gathered evidence
Totally different 😋
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What's your evidence on me not knowing that combination then?
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Well at least this lil conversation ended with a meme.
+1 to you.
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######### is up with everyone hating on clown.
He's effectively a 130% Killer when the Survivors are effected by the bottles, which is at least 4 seconds per use. Much more if he throws the bottle ahead of them in a loop. If the drop the pallet early then throw a bottle on one side and force them to run through it while you break the pallet.
Sure he's not the best Killer ever but he's easily better than all of the other Killers on this list.
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You must be playing clown wrong or just using the wrong add ons because I can always end chases faster and don’t eat to many pallets. I break lots more pallets with doctor.
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Clown mains with 2000 hours on him told me the exact same thing, so they must be playing him wrong too. And what can a Clown do if you put a pallet down ? Nothing, except to break it while you move to another pallet.
15% slow down very OP btw.
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The clown is definitely my favorite killer I’m not saying he’s the best he’s not even close to the best but he is still a good killer. When the survivor is going to jungle gym or loop throw a bottle near the entrance of the loop they sometimes go directly in the gas but mostly they avoid at all cost these can make for easy hits. Sometimes you will eat pallets but if you throw bottles in good spots he will be a huge threat to survivors. I also don’t think you understand how powerful a 15 percent speed decrease is.
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So you accounted for PWYF on Wraith but not PWYF on Bubba?
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As much as I like Legion and I want him to get buffed asap, Clown and Bubba are honestly worse. Clown and Bubba have 0 map pressure and 0 stall potential, Legion at least can stall out a game very well.
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Clown being the worst is just a meme that got popular and now people actually believe it. He needs buffs and bug fixes, as well as maybe a secondary ability, but still far superior to Mr and Mrs "What is our power again? Doesnt matter" and the bright yellow slug.