Does anyone have a list of potential future skins for Steve?

Are there any iconic outfits he wears in the show that could be made into skins? I'm just curious, I know there's no official information but just trying to get an idea if he has any special outfits in the show. Thanks.
Best Answer
Scoops Ahoy is the big one from season 3, but any of these would do, too. The Members Only jacket is probably the most iconic outfit he wears in season 2, and they've already got his main season 1 outfit as his default.
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Great thank you for the pics.
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All of the perks have him in his tunnel raider outfit with Shades; this cosmetic must be coming!!!
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Maybe his basketball King Steve attire?
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Tunnel Bandit/Season 2 Steve with Shades is for sure coming. Question is, when? I hope we get it after the mid chapter we have at the end of the month or so.
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if Tunnel bandit for Steve does come out, chances are tryhards will mostly use it and scoops ahoy will be used by memers/toxic survivors. But this is just my opinion.
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His gym outfit with the short shorts. Because why not?
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