Tips against/for the Clown

51uk4y Member Posts: 34

I’ve been playing on the PTB lately, but I still haven’t really learnt mainly how to play against the Clown. Can someone offer some tips? You’re also welcome to leave some for Clown players :)


  • TheWorldconsumer
    TheWorldconsumer Member Posts: 82

    I suggest you play against him like against any M1 killer: watch out for his terror radius, hide when he approaches.
    If he finds you: treat him like a huntress: watch your back and look out where he throws his bottles. In his normal setup he CANNOT hurt you with his power- only slow you down a little. Only real kicker is that your screen gets blurry and you may screw up your escape because of this if you get hit by his power.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    For Clown:
    Always reload your bottles.
    It is always important to have those, they can come in handy.

    Against Clown:
    Go to unexpected places, so he'll throw the bottle to somewhere else..