Where are the legion cosmetics?

I know its just one killer, who cares about the darn old legion anyways.
well, I do. and I really like to play as julie. but julie's most interesting cosmetic is an "uncommon" one. that i swap masks and knives with.
joey has 2 cosmetic sets, susie as well.
Just wondering if this killer would be getting any knew cosmetics soon. maybe all 4 get a new one at once?
i would love if there were more cosmetics
Maybe there is a Legion Outfit in the 1th Rift in the Archives
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Devs: Who??
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Sad to say, but it's true. Although, thanks to the slowdown build pethat's been popping up for Legion and Plague, somethin tells me they may get more attention.
If it's bad attention, I may contemplate living, but that's by the by.
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I don't know if they're going to depart too much from the theme of the similarly dressed couple with Frank and Julie
The only people you know who definitely had different styles in their Legion attire were Susie and Joey.
So I doubt we'll ever get an outfit for Julie that will make her too distinct from Frank but you never know I would like to be gladly proven wrong.
Honestly I was kind of hoping that we would get a deformed blight Frank or Julie it would have given people some more reason to pick them over Joey and Susie but sadly they got skipped
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I was hoping a Hallowed Blight Legion would come out tbh, but that'd kinda only work if they gave all 4 or 2 of the Legion gang the Blight skins.
That's probably why they didn't choose them this time... this time... (Maybe one day...)
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"Oh man people are using new Legion right now, nerfing I mean rework time"
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That sounds about right.
cough Frank's Mix Tape cough
Really tho, I'm still wondering why they havent changed Frank's Mix Tape and Stab Wounds Study. They're conpletely antithetical to Legion now.
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still hidden in Area 51.
a shame...
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Because Legion stinks.
That's why they hardly get cosmetics, why their playstyle is still boring and barely helps them, and why their rework with be in 2years.
Facts dont care about your feelings
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The only good thing about legion is that they gave me an excuse to make a mask .
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Maybe in the two-th or thirst rift
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I feel you man. Being the degenerate that I am I play Susie, and was really hoping for a Hallowed Blight skin for the edgy teens, but alas, we've to date only gotten one new cosmetic, being Joey's High Vis Horror. After Legion's "rework" they've just completely left them for dead, which doesn't make sense from a marketing standpoint really. They have 4 characters rolled into 1, they could have a bunch of cosmetics for Legion if they really wanted to.
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what you mean? Firth????
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and your opinions aren't facts.
- a thing that is known or proved to be true.
- a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
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Not much point in releasing more cosmetics while they're still sitting in the dumpster.
Gotta actually make them playable before that ######### will sell.
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That explains the Clown cosmetics we can look forward to. >>