Hallowed Blight: Legion.

Not even going to say anything that suggests what the leaks say on who is getting cosmetics, but I will discuss on who ISN’T.
I can get that there may be a thought process that giving Legion more skins would cause more players to actually play them and see their HUGE flaws, but seriously. It’s been five months since Legion has received any sort of cosmetic. Or any love for that matter! Misspelling of their names, avoidance of any rework suggestions, and the only thing Legion mains have coming to look forward to is their ‘pin rework’, which isn’t major. Aw, sweet! I get to use a BLINDNESS pin! Awesome! Very cool BHVR, thanks. It’s kind of a middle finger, however, towards Legion mains when you notice something within the leaks, suggesting a certain group of Killers are getting a cosmetics, and Legion is ignored as if he never existed with that certain group. But hey, who cares, right? It’s not like anyone actually TRIES to enjoy this Killer or anything..
TL;DR BHVR hates Legion.
Legion is on the line for changes, alongside doctor and pig, maybe just addons, maybe a full rework. But the devs already said it's coming.
Nurse is coming first, after that I don't know the order
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It’s just the pin add-ons, as far as I’m aware and have heard. Again, not something to look forward to.
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it is a bit odd. i mean, despite gameplay flaws, Legion is like a one killer cosmetic store all on their own. you have your choice of 4 characters, and then different skins for each of the four. you would think they would capitalize on that a bit more and give Legion more skins. I mean, both Joe and Susie only have 2. and Frank and Julie are more or less just gender swapped. both Frank and Julie deserve something unique to them, and Susie and Joe deserve more skins in general.
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I still hope that they rework Legion, and not just the pin addons. But yeah I agree, devs kinda hate legion, like they don't wanna talk about them.
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They’re only forced to talk about them if there’s a big outcry in one post, and then just completely forget about it the day after.
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Which is bad, because most of the people paid for this DLC and this is completely unfair for them.
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They just REALLY need to shorten the 4 second stun after Feral Frenzy. That's the big thing holding them back. It's at the point where Feral Frenzy is slower than walking simply due to the stun, it's ridiculous.
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Legion needs a lot of changes, but the stun time is pretty high up there too.
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Legion is so weird from a marketing standpoint. im no expert and obviously this is opinion, but Legion is both the best and worst marketing DLC that BeHaviour has made.
best because as I said, its 4 characters in one. thats 4 different characters a player could get invested in and want to get skins for, 2 of which you HAVE to pay extra money to even play.
but worst because of the misleading advertising (the image making people think its a multi personality person, the trailer making people think its a blend in killer, neither of which became true). and, as I said, they havent capitalized on Legion's ability to sell skins at all. its 4 characters, each with unique styles, able to sell to people with different tastes while not making it seem out of place for that character.
obviously this is... gameplay stuff aside. but i just find it weird.
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Yeah, I guess it is kind of weird.
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And, to clarify, since everyone is posting the Hallowed Blight cosmetics and posters, I find it very VERY disheartening to see all year 2 Killers besides Legion get a Hallowed Blight skin. Seriously, all year 2s except Legion...
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I dont wanna be that guy but if we are being honest i imagine it comes down to playrates for something like this and tbh who actually plays legion i rarely see him ever :/
Not being rude but hes just in a really bad spot so im not shocked he didnt get a skin this year maybe next year after his buff who knows.
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If that was the case wouldn't Nurse be getting a skin over Plague, Clown and Hag? And for survivor side Meg or Nea instead of Jake.
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I mean that's a good point but at the same time in terms of popularity spirits played way more then nurse atleast for me i see more spirits over nurses.
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If you read my comment again you can clearly see I didn't mention Spirit because she is the most popular killer. Nurse is clearly more played than Clown, Hag and Plague at least in red ranks.
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I read your comment my point was Spirit is one of the more popular choices theres not a lot of actual nurse mains out there a lot of people play Spirit that dont even main her the point is Spirit was probably selected over nurse as shes one of the most popular killers in the game shes pretty much similar to how billy use to be one of the popular picks.
Also thats at red ranks you should know by now they dont base things off red ranks all ranks are taken into account.
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The new Halloween cosmetics are really cool it’s just a shame imo we’ll only be seeing spirit and hag. Legion was iffy for me though, I wanted a legion cosmetic because there’s a lot of potential but seeing the spot legion is in people would earn the cosmetics and leave him afterwards. They’re cool and whoever designed them deserves a raise, but it could’ve been used on higher played killers. Plus the fact hag and plague just got skins not too long ago. :/
But hey we made a clown skin! Everyone loves clown right? He’s super popular and a lot of people play him right..?
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As a Legion main, it's pretty clear BHVR doesn't want any more of my money.
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Good legion stinks
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yep that suck but what can you do the rework destroyed him so nobody play so no more skin that's how it goes even clown is more played
well maybe for you but a lot of people would like to enjoy him
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Very mature.
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Wouldn't Legion need 4 versions of Hallowed Blight?
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not really but i can get that's what BEHV is thinking so maybe later still a shame we could have double the skin it would have been an awesome event
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Just Frank and Julie it. All the males and females share the same voice after all.
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Yeah, I would really prefer Frank though, since he is pretty much the poster child of the Legion.
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And how would you know this? You know, you people keep saying things spuriously without giving any evidence. I would like evidence, then ill apologize for calling you fake news.
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Nurse deserves one more than legion does.
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To be honest my biggest issue with what they did to Legion is that they nerfed everything despite the fact that everything wasn't the problem. It was everything combined that was the issue.
If they keep the bleedout design as is (no bleedout in TR and no downing people with your power) then the other changes don't need to exist
- The decreased movement and vaulting speed was overkill
- The unnecessary removal of blood pools during frenzy when it honestly wouldn't change anything about them now to let them have both those and scratchmarks since they can't down you in the power.
- Oh, and don't forget the stun increase so that even if they catch you in the middle of a corn field you can make it to a loop
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I believe Peanits stated there will be a pin add-on change, but that’s the only thing I know of, and even then, that’s not a huge justifiable act to have Legion still be ignored.
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Clown is my favorite killer. But i know hes not popular :(
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Don't believe me if you don't want to. Someone ( probably @Peanits ) said legion was gonna get looked at alongside other killers... or something among those lines... in some other thread, don't even think the thread was related to legion, maybe pig. I looked around but there's way too many threads...
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the legion thread are endless
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Don't worry. I'm sure Legion will get two Halloween cosmetics (Male & Female) next year along with Nurse and Ghostface.
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It's very unfortunate that Legion didn't get a nice skin. Same goes for Meg and Nurse :(
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legion is a tragedy.
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Aint surprised they skipped them devs dont really like legion just right to plague amd her skin ain't even that good
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"We are planning on looking into their add-ons in the near future. In particular, we would like to change their status effect add-ons to be on hit rather than when hitting a survivor that already has deep wounds. We do not have an ETA at this time, but we will let you know as soon as we can."
"We cannot give dates on when these changes will happen, but we can share some information on which killers we are looking to update. We will be taking a look at the Nurse and her add-ons (primarily her add-ons) and the Doctor. We would also like to review the chainsaw killers, the Shape, and the Pig, and more. Some may receive smaller changes or add-on passes while other may see more significant changes."
taken from here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/77678/live-q-a-recap-july-25-2019#latest
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I swore one of the devs said this during the anniversary livestream, but yeah the fact that this was done to The Legion’s add ons purposely or not is pretty bad, you are screwing your chase trying to double tap a Survivor with frenzy. The broken pin add on should stay the same or be upped in rarity though, that wouldn’t end well if it was changed to on hit.
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Well I have no excuse for the trailer because that was just false advertising right there are teaser image yeah the community kind of jump the gun on that and it was their own fault the day came with the wrong conclusion.
The Dead by daylight community has a massive tendency of doing that remember the spirit release where everyone spell a crap ton of time speculating a random picture in Springwood thinking it was the split mouth woman.
Not going and saying the community was stupid but the teaser image was pretty generic also similar imagery has been used to refer to multiple people or a group before but everyone just kind of started speculating and hyped themselves up for their own conclusions
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I like how they literally made a plague skin, a killer I have not seen since her release, while they haven't made a legion skin, who is surprisingly common
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Legion is like Bhvrs hillbilly unwanted, unloved, locked away, and never spoken of.
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Cause legion stinks
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If you play them right they don't
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Can confirm. They reek of Axe spray, blood, and sweat.