The Pig - why is this character so WEAK?

It saddens me that such a cool killer with a unique and funny power has to be so weak with many hurdles. 

The beartraps are extremely underwhelming unless you use 1 or 2 certain addons and even then they rely completely on RNG. If survivors need to search all Jigsaw boxes in order to get their trap off, then Pig is strong.... but if they get it on first one, then she is the definition of trash. As player you should never be at the mercy of luck like that. And without tampered timer and Jigsaw Sketch, it is literally impossible to get a beartrap sacrifice as survivors have 10 years time.

Her dashattack is utterly useless vs better players.

In my personal opinion it would already be a big help and probably enough if beartraps and its add-ons would get tweaks. For example:

- Tampered Timer effect is now activated by default (reduce the death timer). Change this add-on to "The traps no longer require a generator to be completed in order to start"

- Ruleset No.2 effect is now default as well (survivors can only see the box aura if the timer started). Change this ultra rare add-on to "Survivors can never see the auras of the boxes now". Slightly increase the sound that the boxes emit to make them more detectable.


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,017

    Her traps are meant to be a distraction, not actually kill them

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,234

    Devs feared survivor backlash and ineptitude so they nerfed her RBT.

    If the traps werent mreant to kill , why can they?

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    So survivors have a reason to take it off. It's meant to waste their time and slowdown the game.

    Pig is above average as a killer. Her dash can be used at loops and RBTs slowdown the game.

  • She can be good with a couple perks. My #1 perk to run on her is all ears. The pig is already hard to mindgame in low to high-mid ranks, but all ears is just the icing on the cake when mindgaming.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    TBH Jigsaw boxes shouldn't be highlighted the way they are to survivors.

    To be true to Saws actual lore the reverse bear traps should activate once their pulled off the hook. and the traps should go off regardless of being activated at the exit gates

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    that way when survivors are trapped they have no choice by to actually look for a box slowing the game down a bit. The timer with as long as it already is it would be fair if it activated after the hooks. to rebalance my idea Opening the gate, and closing the hatch should activate the traps timers

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    if rule set 1 was base then its primary function still wouldnt be killing. The whole point of the saw movies is to put people in horrible stressful (exciting in game and to watch) situations where they have to choose what happens. What is stressfully exciting about knowing where the boxes are? If it were like that then it would reward players for paying attention which is solid.

    Good players deserve an advantage. The rng is there and wont be changed. You can turn that into something rewarding for good survivors or ones who pay attention. Then it is more skill based, more time for killer, and more threatening and exciting.

    As for dash (not that you mentioned it) maybe it should be like ghostfaces be crouch and if you lunge from the crouch, it would allow you to charge at them instantly. The roar would be timed with right as you lunge. Heartbeats would be revealed when you do it. You would go alot slower but could one hit down maybe? or faster but have a longer stun and normal damage.

    Obviously cant do mending.

    Ok ok my full thoughts are:

    • Ghostface type crouch in which terror radius would quickly decrease
    • Lunging while crouched would activate the charge instantly
    • Hitting a survivor would give them the broken status effect for 2 minutes. This would make it significant to keep hitting the healthier people with it, then sneaking up later when they can heal.
    • no charge up time because it is just the attack button from ghostface crouch to do that for maximum mindgames
    • The speed of the lunge starts off 4.4 and gradually increases like bubbas chainsaw. So basically added acceleration to the lunge so she cant just walk up behind survivors and get it 100% mid chase As in the survivors would have a sec to vault and stun. Mindgames at loops would be more viable.

    Yae or nae guys?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Rule set number 2 honestly base would be a horrible idea. It just means people do gens then do traps vs where you want them to do traps then gens.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330
    edited October 2019

    Problem with the rbt is they need not to place a “key” in each box they need to make it rng like trappers traps which aren’t always favorable for trapper like they used to be. Because I have had where I removed one then teammate used same box and removed theirs there shouldn’t be a designated box for each trap it needs to be possibly one of these boxes are the one down to the last box finally if you haven’t removed it yet being the last chance. Or have it designated but don’t make it so easy it’s all about her traps and their “keys”

    or make boxes a bit more hidden no auras at all which would require an add on rework. Maybe a hindered effect that allows exhaustion perks to work but not at full strength.

    also closing hatch should activate any inactivated traps or just make it that if you get one put on during egc it auto activates. They knee jerk react to the fear of hate from survivor mains but because they do this it is extremely hard against good swf teams.