Matchmaking options for killers

So I'm a bit unhappy with the new matchmaking approach (kind of an understatement), therefore I have a suggestion to make playing killer interesting again:

My suggestion would be: give killers a matchmaking choice. The proposed names are kind of subjective admittedly and would have to be changed, but the choice would be among "GG EZ" (new matchmaking method, killer gets matched to highest ranked SWF member, this could remain the default setting, prefer groups where ranks are close together), "Fair" (old matchmaking method minus the bugs, killer gets matched to average SWF rank) and "I can handle this" (killer gets matched to groups where the lowest rank matches his rank, prefer groups with varying ranks).

I would appreciate it if I wouldn't be forced into the "easy mode" as I usually don't play that much and mess around and don't care about ranking up (killer pipping feels too random for me tbh). I rather let survivors go if they are clearly not my level, so I keep staring at black pips if you throw even more lower ranked survivors at me.

Still when the matchmaking had gone totally crazy before the last update I got a couple of red rank groups and I could handle this too, in fact it was kind of fun to play against good groups and think about how you outplay them and get them killed rather than how you can avoid too much pressure to keep these poor low ranked souls alive.

It could also be beneficial for killer main streamers who earn a living by streaming - I doubt many viewers want to see 4000 hour rank 1 killer mains destroying three beginners and then closing the hatch on their red rank friend who wanted to introduce them to the game.
