Premonition little buff/rework

Same effect but when the perk activate a visual and audio notification (like the crows with "Spies from the shadows") is shown to the survivor.
Not necessary, as a premonition must survivor, I believe the perk its just fine, no complaints, with a visual notification would be OP and spine chill wouldnt make no longer sense
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It could probably use a cooldown decrease, but giving away the killer's exact location is a bit much.
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A lot of perks give the killer exact location. Beside, it wouldn't be an aura reveal but rather similar to those dark circle the crow send when using "Spies from the shadows"
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Although similar those two perks serv a much different purpose.
Premotion give you the location of the Killer but Spinechill tells you if they are coming towards you.
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Okay, but this is basically a lesser version of object with no downside. And it would reveal stealth killers too (except myers), since it isn't an aura.
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Those perks already reveal stealth killers, except Myers.
OoO reveal the aura of the killer.
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Also idk if I explained it well enough but the circle would only be visible for a brief moment when the perk activate. It wouldn't keep popping.
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Stealth killers will be changed to prevent aura reading, though.
And I know object reveals auras, but it has the trade-off of revealing your own location and it doesn't work in terror radius.
This perk would let you know exactly where the killer is for free and the killer wouldn't know or have any way of countering it.
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Again this rework isn't an aura reading. It only would pop the black circle once not the red aura.
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I am fully aware that it's not an aura. That just means stealth killers will not be able to counter it. And even if it's not an aura it still gives away the exact location for free.
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Spinechill and Premonition already reveal their location without aura reading.
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Also, pretty sure your examples are Ghostface and Pig.
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And wraith, and Demogorgon after leaving his portal.
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Well I can't really Say anything for Wraith that's just how his kit work but it wouldn't be much different from now. It would just make premonition a good perk on its own instead of needing spinechill.
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It might make it too powerful though, to the point where there's no good reason to choose spine chill over it other than vault speed, or any other killer detection perk for that matter.
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It wouldn't be that powerful. It would still trigger at 36m and then goes into a long cooldown.
If anything this would just make it a choice of "do I prefer precision or reliability"