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My experience as a new player

Playing killer as a new player in green ranks is a joke. My last four games in a row I've gone against 4 red rank survivors, I was rank 9 now, I'm rank 10 because of course I deranked, I was playing against red ranks. I'm in green ranks going against red rank survivors? But it gets better! One game, between the constant tbagging, one of the survivors DCed on hook. Then somehow he came back in to the game, was unhooked, ran around, did gens, and when I downed him again I couldn't pick him up. So much fun I've been having in these last 4 games.

But even if I go against survivors my own rank, my games will last less than 5 minutes if I don't snowball because I haven't played this game since it released, and I don't have every single perk on every single killer. I don't expect to win games on my lvl 1 doctor, but it would be cool if I had an actual chance to win a game on wide open maps on killers I actually leveled up, but I can't because I don't have the right perks and the game literally ends in 3 chases. My ability to win a game is completely dependent on the RNG of the map and if the killer I'm playing isn't absolute ass on the map, unless I just camp my first hook and hope the survivors are dumb enough to let me snowball off of it.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Now knowing what's ahead of you. Do you still want to rank up?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    My leatherface has ruin, his perks and the free perks unlocked. I still get my 4ks.

    Several people get 4ks on red ranks without perks or addons.

    All this to say, you don't need the right perks or addons, they just help.

    You just gotta practice and get better at the game, you'll get there :)

  • dragone
    dragone Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2019

    learn when to engage, as in the distance to nearest loop and survivor, push them towards weaker areas. you dont have to chase that one guy, in fact, he is already sure he can last a couple of gens because he is engaging in his terms. which means 3 chases per game ..

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    The matchmaking is broken, you should have never been matched with red ranks.

    I'm sorry you had to go through that misery.

    As a general rule, don't rank up stay in the yellow ranks, it's really bad to rank up

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2019

    @DBDbuildsYT Sadly, the matchmaking isn't broken. This is now working as intended. If the matchmaker cannot find you a match near your ranks in what it considers a reasonable amount of time, it now expands parameters to a hard cap of -6/+6 ranks.

    Meaning as a Rank 9, the OP can now legitimately face survivors across a range of Rank 15 through Rank 3.

    Behavior went on record with that this past Wednesday. It is now the intended design:

    The fact that he's faced Red Ranks, meaning the MM went into an expanded search above his rank, doesn't shock me. For the past week, I have regularly been facing survivors +5 or +6 ranks above me as a mere Rank 15 killer. And this after waiting 10 or more minutes for a match in the first place.

    And this is on PC, east coast region, U.S.

    Sadly, I had to uninstall the game a day or so ago. Waiting that long for a match, to consistently get people way above my skill level, is simply not fun. And I'm not interested in playing DbD as a sweaty-tryhard game.

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    You're absolutely correct. I dont know the answer, however, to make this game more accessible to noobs who are just entering the game. Perhaps +100% BP's there first 10 games? Allow teachable perks sooner?

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I understand and thank you for pointing that out.

    I also understand your idea of un installing, between the matchmaking and the difficulty in deranking I am also not in the mood of playing killer, I just want some fun not a miserable try hard experience

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @DBDbuildsYT In the interest of full disclosure, I did uninstall. Then my 9-year-old asked to watch me play some DbD tonight because he wanted to see Ghostface played.

    So, I did reinstall, and I did play a few matches. Shockingly, they weren't too bad tonight. I consider that the Matchmaker RNGods feeling generous. But, I certainly will not be playing all that much.

    Not even close.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Yes I understand, after the blood hunt ended I mostly played my dailies and that's about it.

    I am playing world war Z instead of dbd, I need a break from the sweat and the offences of this game :(

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    I stopped reading after you said he came back after he dced. Good luck in life bro👍,

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited October 2019

    I'll repeat what I said before in the suggestion forum - and I will repeat this till I'm blue in the face.

    • Start every Killer with their 3 signature perks AND Unleashed. Unleashed is supposedly meant for newbie killers anyway, but what guarantee will they get it in their bloodweb unless you give it to them outright?
    • Start every Survivor character with their 3 signature perks AND Kindred. Camping is a issue in the newbie ranks, Kindred helps deal with that.
    • Consider doing away with perk levels entirely. We have now many perks in the game now? Not having to worry about perk levels will help the newbies catch up that much faster.

    The above also helps newbies further as the default characters of Trapper and Dwight both start with good perks that hold their own.

    I should just paste this to a notepad file and keep pasting it every time it comes up so it eventually sinks in...