I hate the new Matchmaking!

ScorpioBlackOps Member Posts: 51
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Not only now am I constantly being put against higher ranking survivors but now they are almost always SWF. I get a full lobby now in a matter of 10 seconds always so Matchmaking is expanding its criteria for a balanced match way to quickly.

And if I play as a half way decent low level killer, then I start hurting some egos.

And on top of that they dc one by one in a matter of seconds so the last survivor can get the hatch.

lol and than that survivor person gets more points than me! I didn’t even get to use my Mori, shame I’m just trying to use my offerings before I prestige.

Come on and on top of that I’m just using Leatherface arguably the worst killer.

Needless to say I hate the new Matchmaking!!! What a joke lmao
