Improving character specific perks

I haven't been playing long, maybe a month.

It's been fun, im use to moba's.

Getting a chance to think of strategies that could work when playing with a team of 4, and sadly like most games it has its frustrations that can't be easily fixed without gutting the entire game.

The skill sabotage, specifically for the perks owner Jake, give 1 permanent sabotage for the trial. Seems innocuous enough, right?

Maybe extend these character specific perks so that they aren't just husks... too late, the entire damn game would have to be remade. Remove all perks, now the perks are bound to key presses.

Also, we need the entity to spawn random NPC characters to screw with the killer. And endurance bars / a jumping button, cmon its 2019.


After playing on the ps4 version 5 man kyf, it seems that if you use the rarest add ons you are going to mop up the survivors.

This game is fun, thanks corporate overlords for creating this experience.


Could we also have a 2 killer vs 7 survivor mode? I'm sure someone can code in their freetime. thanks!


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You mean 2v8?

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Character-specific perks would force you to place 1 character for the effect you want. I'd rather not have to play a survivor I don't like.

    Why would we need more distractions for Killer? They already have to worry about 4 people.

    As for the rare Killer addons, Survivors using Instaheals and Skeleton Keys would achieve a similar effect.

    I'm sure someone could code a 2v8 mode in their free time, but I don't think we're allowed to mod this game.

  • bootstr
    bootstr Member Posts: 20

    8 survivors is at least 1 too many for 2 killers.

    for a lark it would be easy to allow 2 killers and 7 survivors to spawn in, just leave perks off and try to make the game as toxic as hell.

    if 2 killers continually teamup on 1 survivor then its time to give the survivors a new non perk ability to trip a killer or something similar.

  • bootstr
    bootstr Member Posts: 20

    The comment above ... i meant that to see if it is even slightly viable that would be the easiest way to test it without having to have any expectation of fun.

  • bootstr
    bootstr Member Posts: 20

    Not down with the dwight fan club huh?

    I would rather not play against the same 1 down killers who run ultra rare items when im not even rank 10.

    Dodge the scream mask guy successfully for 5 swipes, feeling a bit proud of myself for not immediately getting wounded, expose goes off, dead.

    Or the multiple myers in a row who mori'd me.

    point is, if you want to see how the killers are clearly in the advantage, i will use a killer i have never used in KYF, bring 4 people and watch as I destroy the team, even without using a 1 hit killer or mori's.

    As it stands, from my massive and extensive testing of 4 hours of a 5 man voice group, at the highest levels of play the killer doesn't have to "worry" about 4 players.


    Having more players on the field and more 1 more killer means people are more likely to get scared off of gens instead of 1 minute into the game and 3 get completed immediately.


    A gamemode with random perks and/or no perks at a random 1/2/3 tier (and you can pick your character because it hardly matters... besides line of sight i guess) would be the real 'ranked' mode... I'd stream a skilled player who isn't running chosen perks for sure.


    And not allowing perks would make it more difficult for scripted automated players due to the fact that spine chill and premonition aren't a guaranteed thing.


    If you made it this far, add me on ps4 and lets give it a go.

    random number generator with an array of all the survivor perks. either could code a snippet or just use and line it up with a website that has all of them listed.

  • bootstr
    bootstr Member Posts: 20

    I meant to test the feasibility of "is this fun or could it be fun"

    Without changing anything else besides disabling perks within an hour or two of play testing it would be easy to see if its viable for a 1patch christmas special.

    then the company can reskin and change the graphics and sound for it and resale it under a different name. And when this untitled game starts falling into a similar rut, repeat the process.

    Pokemon assymetrical survival 2020. You play as only pikachu (or squirtle, same difference) and a stupid trainer is trying to force you into his hamster ball. Kid friendly, and still lets you scream and run away from a guy.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    If he missed you five times, you either got chased for more than enough time or you just ran out in the open instead of getting to a loop.

    And I almost never see Myers with tombstones. Guess that's a low rank thing.

    Your KYF test isn't really valid because... it's KYF. How am I supposed to know if they don't just suck at playing survivor?

    Then you start talking about how fast the gens go even though you claimed the game to be killer sided?

    And what scripted automated players are you talking about? I've never seen a bot survivor in my life (just players who act like bots...).

  • bootstr
    bootstr Member Posts: 20

    Thats my point. I'm new and these guys have been playing for years. With everyone open to picking any tier perk I destroyed them without any effort.

    Myers tombstone said "ultra rare". I guess that means its not easily picked up. I dont know, I am not playing killers atm.

    Your playing against bots in EVERY multiplayer game, your just ignorant to it.

    They can be set to any skill level or behavior pattern and can be switched on the fly. Read up on tensorflow, ajax and if you care to, read up on the league of legend "team" that easily destroys the best players in 5v5 but the 1v1 video is more interesting.

    For example, if I wanted to script a survivor, spine chill and premonition, character walks or crouches towards an area, starts to repair while spinning camera in 360. when it pops immediately walks away from area... simple start for a script for this game. its not exactly like it is needing to pretend to be a human with text.

    If you don't think people have been botting in games your delusional. It is actually funner then playing the game after your good at it.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    edited October 2019

    That bot would easily die to Tier 1 Myers, since he's immune to detection perks.

    The bots we get in this game are doctors that continuously shock and swing their weapon.

    And I'm pretty sure there aren't as many bots as you think, considering that they probably wouldn't be talking in the chat.

    Edit: Also, those survivors either let you win or are complete potatoes. Pretty much everyone who has played this game for long enough knows that it's not killer sided.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    You said you were using Tombstone? I'm guessing it was the Tombstone + Fragrant Tuft of Hair combo (both red add-ons). Any survivor team worth their salt could easily complete 5 gens before you reach Tier 3. And even if they don't, there are so many ways to counter it. Get in a locker, stay at a pallet, vault windows, repair a gen (they could be downed or grabbed, but not killed instantly). And considering you probably didn't know to use PWYF, you were probably super slow and easily loopable.

    So either they were hyper altruistic (I don't even know how you would do that with Tombstone Myers, he doesn't usually hook people), just plain bad, or they let you win.

  • bootstr
    bootstr Member Posts: 20

    I played the pig and two ultra rare perks. her lunge goes forever, and with stridor and nurses calling they had no chance.

    I have never played myers, so I couldn't tell you.