Why aren't people playing the Demogorgon?

I rarely see him at purple to red ranks. What's going on? I've heard other streamers and youtubers notice a lack of Gordon games as well.
He's just...not that great. He's like a worse version of Hag and Billy.
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Because leatherface is life
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Maybe they leveled him and returned to their faves?
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He just isn't anything groundbreaking to me.
His portals are cumbersome, and while his pounce is decent in some situations, it's still a straight line attack that isn't hard to dodge.
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Because people are convinced he's bad for whatever reason or they find him boring.
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DLC is more expensive, maybe not as many have bought it or are saving up for it.
Perhaps, not as many people have him leveled or have the perks on him that they want.
Also time/scheduling might matter.
Like personally I think he's great and fun to play, but I have been busy. :( Sorr'ies!
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I agree with you there. His portals are pretty hard to get to work especially when survivors can break them really quickly and easily. And his lunge is insanely easy to dodge so it makes shred super situational. His potential to be powerful is there but I personally haven't been impressed even with his buffs.
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"He's good, but i like [this killer] more."
Is a common line i see talking to my friends about demo. He isnt bad or anything its just... there are stronger/more fun killers to play.
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In my experience he's definitely not bad but there are better killers who do what he does better. Hag, Freddy or billy.
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He's okay? I've never had a good game with him. I honestly have more fun running around as Legion (my main) and stabbing people.
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I think he's too loud. The foot steps, the constant screaming, the washing machine chase music. There's also the fact that I don't have the greatest perks on him yet as I wanted Steve more. Just a variety of factors really.
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He was fun at first but after playing him for some time, I'm just not good at him and I dont really find his playstyle fitting for me. Shred is hard as hell for me to hit and I just feel like I cant really get stuff done with him. Like him more than some other killers tho
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Washing Machine chase music, oh my god.
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I don't think Hag is better, but I mean if I just respond to a killer with "Well another killer is just better," then I wouldn't see the point in playing most killers. He's not bad at all, though, has good map pressure and his lunge shuts down several loops; lunge can also mindgame survivors.
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i play him from time to time.
honestly, a very fun killer that has good potential.
the only reason i dont play him that much is, because i just got him to lvl 50 and am currently unlocking his perks on my other killers / prestiging ghostface, so i play those more...
i also enjoy hissing at people. yes, he can do that. and i love it :3
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I’m on ps4 I swap between huntress, gf, demo, an I’ve been throwing in some plague and myers
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Like many have said, he's good but people prefer a different killer. Honestly I find him fun and pretty powerful but I rarely run into him :/
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I'm on PS4 and play him a decent amount. Last game I played was an absolute 4K stomp. I put portals near gens, but not in line of sight of gens, so they never know if I'm teleporting to them or somewhere else. They have to guess and get away from the gen before I get there. His lunge is great because if you just queue it up like you're gonna do it, the survivor will start zig zagging like an idiot which will allow you to catch up to them because you're still a 115% movement speed killer.
Survivors don't realize how much distance they lose by zig zagging. I also play a ton of League of Legends, and everytime a new champ is released the average player base will say that they're "not that good." But then one of the pros from Korea figure the champ out and suddenly the champ is OP because people know how to properly play them and build for them. DBD suffers from the same problem, and since we don't really have crazy pro Korean teams, it takes longer for us to figure out the optimal playstyle for a new killer. So people assume the killer is bad, rather than "I don't know enough yet, and I need to practice this killer more and experiment with different perks." Demo is a lot better than people think.
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I find that DLC worthy because of 2 survivors and their perks.
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Most expensive dlc, some just don't want to spend money into dbd anymore.
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He's good. I'd put him just below Freddy (Nurse>Spirit>Billy>Hag>Huntress>Freddy imo).
The issue is he takes quite a bit of effort for comparatively little reward. The time you spend learning him can be spent playing a better killer who takes less effort / one that is more forgiving / gives stronger consistent results.
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@HP150 That's been my impression. I just bought him today and played him for over 2 hours. To be honest, his portals are cumbersome, Shred is easy to dodge, and although I got 2ks and 3ks with him, that was more on the Survivors not being the best rather than a testament to Demogorgon.
I can see where the learning curve is, but to be honest if I am going to put that time into someone I already don't normally play, it would be Spirit or Hag over him. I just don't see where the payoff is really worth the effort and time.
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See, not be to mean or rude at all but you just proved my point to a T.
"I played him for 2 hours." As if that's enough time to learn how to play a new character...
If you said that in a League forum you'd be laughed out of the building. For instance, to be a top tier Riven player you probably need to invest at LEAST 100 hours and watch a few YouTube tutorials.
DBD players seem to think they should be able to pick up a new killer in less than a day and be top tier.
New killers are judged entirely on the basis of "Is this killer effective and extremely easy to use." And that's just wrong. People want new killers to have minimal learning curve and maximum effectiveness.
Sorry, not trying to be a dickhead, but you pretty much perfectly demonstrated what I was talking about in my earlier post.
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90% of red ranks I know tend to play Nurse, Hillbilly and Spirit. Rarely swapping off to play something new unless they get bored. My friends have no variety ._. I rotate most killers aside from Nurse and Hillbilly because I play on Ps4 and I whiff a crapton with Nurse. Demo is a favorite of mine, but I guess that's just me
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@FiftyCalReaper That is where your argument has fallacy. If this was League, or even Overwatch where I have experience as my main game since Beta to the present day, I would agree with you. The characters there are much more complex, and when playing them in an environment of team vs team, and counters vs counters, there are a lot more moving parts to consider.
Two hours even on an Overwatch hero is nothing due to that. In two hours it is impossible to determine how the character fairs against their counters, how they synergize with various other cast members and in what combinations, what positioning is best for them, what maps are best for them, when best to use their Ultimates for greatest effect, and so forth.
Killers in DbD are nowhere near as complex, nor does a DbD match have nearly as many moving parts.
Now, I never stated how viable or nonviable he is, nor did I ever state anything about top tier. I don't climb to high ranks in DbD. I play it as a side game and don't play enough matches in a month. I stated that after two hours, I don't feel me spending the time on him is worth the payoff (to me) when I could instead place that time into Spirit or Hag, both of which I've played and see myself getting better mileage out of.
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I'm aware that DBD isn't nearly as complex as Overwatch or League, but honestly take ANY game and compare that statement "I played this character for 2 hours" and it still looks wrong. For some reason DBD makes people feel like they should be able to learn killers super fast. And that's because yes, they all sorta feel similar as far as mechanics go. But when you're playing a different killer, I think the most important thing is the macro plays, rather than the micro mechanics, and nobody wants to change up their own personal play style based on the killer they play. They want to play every match the same general way, and if a killer doesn't match up with that, they just assume the killer isn't good. Demo's portals are actually amazing if you learn how to place them, for example. But you automatically called them cumbersome within 2 hours. You know how many gen grabs I've gotten because of those portals?
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Personally I'm just saving up bp to level him and spirit to p3 all perks with my kate/nightmare. Freddy then kate came first, and I've got demo to level 30 currently. Had spirit stuck at 40 for 9 months because I've been putting bp off on other people and want to fully level her up before I invest in her same as demo. He is genuinely one of the few killers I've been having a lot of fun playing at purple ranks. Hell I had a few games as him with controller (on PC) from bed as I was to lazy at 3am to get up, with underleveled perks mind you and I still did pretty well tbh.
Tldr. Bp investment in other charecters specifically my fav killers and survivor before demo and spirit, whom im considering going and maining outside of Freddy, ghostface/Myers.
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I disagree with people arguing how hard it is to judge a killer.
90% of killer skills transfer 1 to 1 from one killer to the next.
Demo's pounce isn't difficult to use, or to work out where it's effective, but no matter how you play it, a vaguely aware survivor can dodge it. Anyone who's played as/against Billy already knows how it works, except it's not a one hit down, it has less control, and it is more punishing to try to use.
The portals are messy as hell. They can be used for tracking, but only if survivors know that they're there and can actively avoid being tracked by them. They give you stealth, but come with a blaring foghorn telling the entire map "I AM STEALTHY RIGHT NOW." They are incredibly quick to close and there's no real decent option for setting them except walking slowly over to place them, once they're closed you have to do that ######### again.
They don't function well as traps, nor tracking, nor stealth, and their mobility is limited by first having to do cover the distance slowly, then reliant on survivor indifference.
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Wow that’s definitely not been my experience. Played all day and had maybe 3 matches with him.
I find him to be exceptionally fun to play against, so I wish more people used him. Even though people can learn to counter his powers, I find him to have an intensity that most others killers simply don’t match. It mostly comes from the audio though, now that I think about it.
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Weaker version of hag in my opinion
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Oh boy, well if 2 random strangers on the internet say so then I HAVE to give a #########.
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He is very ehh and I regret P3ing and getting all perks on him
waste of like idk how many blood points but he sucks at red ranks his portals are nearly unusable without the red add ons
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@FiftyCalReaper Yes, I found his portals to be cumbersome. They do not fit my play style. I don't need 100 hours and YouTube videos to determine that. I also do not like his Shred. Again, I don't need significant time to determine whether or not I like it.
I do not like the way he plays. Therefore, I am not going to get the mileage out of him that I would someone like Hag, whom I do enjoy. Or Myers or Pig, which I also enjoy.
Period. I don't care how it looks to you. Those are my feelings on him. I'm not interested in how viable or good he is, or how great his portals can be with more experience. I don't like how they play. I don't find him fun.
And whether or not it is fun is all I give a damn about when it comes to DbD. I play this game here and there only to run around as a Slasher horror killer. So, I will invest play time into characters I think are fun. Nothing more.
@anarchy753 Thank you. Someone gets it.
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Well seems like people are thinking the same thing as me especially Anarchy. His power would be really strong if he just had a couple small tweaks to him. Like not letting people know when he's teleporting or extending the time to break portals or maybe increasing the radius to detect people. Honestly it feels clunky that you have to look around for where you can actually successfully put down a portal. Half the time you try to put down a portal and it won't let you especially in shack and corridors or near gens
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We need prayer beads on a demogorgon lmao
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Just like everyone else said: I like him but I do better with pig
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I didn't buy demogorgon because the perks don't seem interesting at all
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I want to play him, I dig his vibe, but I keep reading very mixed reviews. Like the ones written in this thread. Shred seems cool, but those portals do not seem intuitive to use.
Plus, I've been sinking all my BP into Freddy. My Demogargle's just level 10 and has no decent perks of any kind. I'd love to stomp around on some roaring monster, but it's not going to be much if I just get bullied.
Still, maybe it's time I finally give him a try. I'll see if I can find a game on him.
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I wouldn't say that, the problem is that he's just not red rank viable. I honestly put him higher then Hag and lower then Billy. The problem comes in the fact your only gen pressure comes in the form of a portal that is not hidden at all.
Another reason could be that people are waiting for the perfect Demo build too crop up too use him at red ranks. Because not much has come out for strong Demo builds.
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He’s weak, very ineffective in high ranks.
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I find him fun, only problem is the fact that yeah his portals give you stealth, but not before telling EVERY survivor that you are using a portal, so any half awake survivor can just pay slightly more attention and listen for stomping that can be heard from 16 meters away.
I did get a good play though on Gas Heaven, I put a portal in the gas station behind the car and yoinked a David off a gen but honestly he wasn't paying attention.
Another issue with the Demogorgon is the portals just simply suck, mediocre tracking and teleportation (server wide sound) and you can get rid of them very quickly without really wasting too much time in the grand scheme of things. If they buff his portals (remove the server wide sound made when using one) then they will actually serve their purpose.
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I refuse to play at red ranks due to how much BS the survivors can throw at you... but I do play Demo a lot lately. But I'll eventually go back to maining Julie again. Because... I like demo, but I like legion more. I'll keep Demo as a killer to play if I don't feel like Legion, like I do with trapper, but that's about it.
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I have seen a few everyday on ps4
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Because it costs 10 bucks
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So, I played a game with Demogarbanzo and it actually went pretty well. Survivors burned a Game offering (not sure why tbh), which was kind of disorienting at first, but luckily I've got Ruin on him and it spawned in a nice place.
First impression: LOUD AF. He stomps around like he's trying to piss off the downstairs neighbors.
Second impression: It's fun to be a monster. Hissing and roaring at people, smashing pallets with Shred, feels good. It's a pleasant experience. I like the chase music, it's brooding and it lets me still hear things.
It is genuinely difficult to hit people with Shred, though. It's very reminiscent to Billy, you might catch someone out of place if they make a mistake, but don't expect to pull it off in a tight loop. Except expert Billies can curve, Demogargle has no such tool.
Portals are weird... too many tradeoffs. Like others have said, you become stealthy but you let the whole map know. They take time to place and you need to be on one to travel to another, also you can't replace them like Freddy's snares or Hag's traps, so they require a lot of commitment... but they're cleansed very easily.
So they could last all game or disappear in thirty seconds. You don't have much power over either eventuality. I do feel like there's a lot to learn about using them well, which I don't mind, and I'll probably come back to practice on him again later.
All in all, I had fun. Even if he's kind of awkward to use, he's very unique. But I did just go back to stomping on Freddy right after the one game, I have to admit. I still felt like I was at the mercy of the survivors on Demodoggo.
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I'm in the Halloween mood as in the movie's to Myers all goddamn day
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I prefer to play freddy as he's more effective and has same power but more effective
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It basically is his main power though, his entire marketing scheme was the fact that you could use these portals to traverse the map and be like the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. His shred ability is barely mentioned and in one description of him it isn't even mentioned at all, the fact that his secondary power is the reason people play him just goes to show that his main power does need some buffing.
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I found that funny too