So when will NOED get removed, reworked, or nerfed?



  • GuyNamedPubert
    GuyNamedPubert Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2019

    Who said I was running? Killer could of found me with pure sight after seeing a quick glimpse of me.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Noed is honestly fine now that inner strength is somewhat meta. Doing totems now gives you 1500 points, counters NOED and potentially let’s you heal yourself if your running IS.

    The only thing I still want is a totem counter just to help close the gap between solos and swf.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    Also keys them and Moris are just end game early button

  • GuyNamedPubert
    GuyNamedPubert Member Posts: 54

    I don't see how insta heals and brand new parts are "OP." Insta-heals are a 1 time use thing and brand new parts only work if you hit the skill check and don't get pushed off.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Never, cause it’s absolutely fine.

  • GuyNamedPubert
    GuyNamedPubert Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2019

    Maybe if you actually read what I'm saying? I gave examples of how totems could not get cleansed and how NOED can counter adrenaline when someone complained about it. Don't instantly think 1 person can cleanse 5 totems or other people will do it. Maybe if you actually stopped and read and think for a min instead of saying "Just do the bones." You would know why NOED is annoying sometimes.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Can't believe people still say cleanse the totems like it's easy. It is very easy to cleanse totems against spirit, nurse, billy right? Especially easy without totem counters, solo teammates that don't care about totems whatsoever, right ?

    Be honest people, how many times did you see survivors cleanse all 5 totems? It is a very rare thing.

    This perk needs a rework, it shouldn't be like this anymore. Killers shouldn't get free kills when they don't deserve them.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    When will adrenaline get nerfed, removed or reworked? It's for survivors who can't avoid getting hit

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    “Noob rewarding perk”? SERIOUSLY? If survivors are going to genrush and they are NO capable of looping and chases end immediately, killer have time for 2-3 hooks before 5 gens are done.

    CLEANSE THE TOTEMS its not that hard.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    First off its the reason people play the big 3 killers, no one wants to play trapper for someone to bring you on a 90 second chase just for them to be insta healed and everything you just did was wasted and 2-3 gens are finished, also the skill checks for the brand new parts are a no brainer to hit and aren't difficult at all. Insta heals ruin the game for M1 killers and are the main reason that 1 hook Moris are still a thing, this game is far from balanced and if you played both sides not only will you get better but you find the real issues, and noed isn't it

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    You are lucky if you can find teammates that actually care about totems. Mine ignore all of them, I have to cleanse all 5 myself which isn't a realistic thing at all.

    Also, there is simply no time for totems if you are going against nurse,spirit,billy unless they are just bad.

    It is also stupid that you can cleanse 4, then spend ages trying to find the last one, and then you see that it's already cleansed.

    Here is an idea to make cleansing totems less painful for solos: When all totems are cleansed, a sound plays similar to the sound when you cleanse hex totems. This way you don't spend ages trying to find already cleansed totems.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Escaping is also about points, 5000bp. Someone doesnt care about point, then why he cares about escaping?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Funny how all survivors are in denial about "solo" with "randoms" not being the normal state of the game and thst its something like a punishment for "not playing with friends"....

    Oh I wonder how strong such hexes would be if all those conveniences of swf (or most likely cwf) were considered in the actual game balance.

    If you suspect Noed, "do the bones."

    Afterall you got time to spare for everyone running DS, afterall " just wait a minute".

  • Cyro
    Cyro Member Posts: 79

    Like someone else said, NOED is only annoying to me if I'm the guy running around cleansing all the totems while my team don't give a rats ass about cleansing totems and only trying to rush the gens. Then when I eventually go down to a NOED it just feels cheesy considering I was trying to counter it.

    But like someone else said, doing all 5 totems by yourself is just unrealistic.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Not true. it's completely counterable and very weak. Most times it doesn't even activate because teams get all the totems.

    The only time I've seen NOED work well is in one of two situations:

    1. one person left and they have a key and know where the hatch is after you've closed it.
    2. survivors get overconfident and take stupid risks as a part of a SWF team.

    It's niche already and doesn't need any changes.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Not to mention dull totems got a point increase so there is literally no reason to leave a totem standing anymore. Inner strength was just an added bonus.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    ^ Didnt he said some people doesnt care about points? 1000 points to 16sec cleanse a totem doesnt matter to him.

    I guess 5000 points to escape also doesnt matter.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2019

    Sigh... how many times do i have too see that the only think that you could remove are the 4% Movementspeed otherwise do bones or face the Consequences and im not even a killer main.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    That's right, escaping is your main objective. Not generators nor totems. Both just help you achieve that main objective.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    It's a perk i only use for fun in my endgame builds. Rainbow Map + 2 range addons = no noed anymore.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Imagine thinking noed is niche and weak lol. In the past month, I have seen noed get disabled ONCE and that's because I cleansed all 5 totems by myself. That's also rank 1 btw.

    Ever thought why the best killers in this game don't use noed? Because it's a perk that only bad killers use (or maybe the try hard ones that just wants a guarenteed 4k).

    Doing totems is also NOT a secondary objective and will never be unless the devs add another reason to cleanse totems. Cleansing 5 totems to disable a perk that the killer may not even be using isn't a secondary objective, and it shouldn't be.

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    Just cleanse totems and stop complaining, it's already been nerfed

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    I was running NOED + Blood Warden until I got Whispers 3 on Freddy. It's a powerful but scummy combo, and I was glad I only had to use it once. Even then, the exit gates were at opposite ends of the map so it only ended in 1 extra kill. I'll probably keeping using Blood Warden until I finally get BBQ on him, but I tossed NOED the second I could.

    NOED is a crutch. I won't say it "rewards killers for failing" as I think that's a garbage mindset with no basis in reality, game's not over until it's over, but it definitely lets killers get kills they wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I run it most on my low level killers and ones that I don't have much experience with precisely for that reason.

    The moment I become comfortable with a character's toolkit, it goes. There are times when I've been grateful to get a kill with NOED, but there's never been a time when I was proud of it.

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    Just. Do. Bones.

    Stop crying about NOED, this perk just punishes for gen rush, thats all.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @shirtlessdemi101 I agree with everything you are saying about countering noed, its true: Cleans Totems. But what I don't understand is your hypocrisy. You're claiming the OP is being nasty and disrespectful but every single post of you addressing the OP is you insulting, name-calling and belittling. Please stop, your disrespect is unnecessary, a topic is never that serious to where you have to call somebody a "clown" and talk to them like they're an idiot.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    So because you're too lazy to find & cleanse a totem they are supposed to nerf it? It's obviously gotten you killed or you wouldnt be begging for a nerf. Maybe you should make it a point to get rid of it? I dont even bother using it and dont even like using ruin anymore. It usually spawns somewhere out in the open & gets found in the first minute.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    This is the weakest argument by far lol. I could do gens slowly, still die by noed. It doesn't punish genrushing, that is not the perks purpose.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    If you give up a 4k totally during the end game then that is on you. As soon as the first person gets downed by NOED everyone should be on full alert and either get the hell out or carefully search for the totem that you should have cleansed during the game. NOED should only give a killer one or two downs MAX. Any more and that is on you and your teammates.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If you don't care about totems and don't want to do totems then don't complain about no one escapes death.

    I have a way to counter a perk I know how to counter to a perk but I don't want to do this thing I will counter the perk. Devs nerf it so I don't have to do it.

    Also again I am calling major BS on the whole it's impossible to cleanse totems as a solo survivor typically just run small games or I start going on a totem Hunt if I noticed there's no ruin.

    I have been able to very easily take out 3 to 4 totems and that's without using things like small games.

    Lastly I'm going to drop this piece of information out and whether I can hate about it it's whatever stop saying that no one escapes death is only used by people who can't get kills.

    I've seen a lot of skilled Killers just use it because they hey guess what like endgame builds a killer not playing to your specific standards or your specific desires is not someone who's just bad.

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    noed is fine as it is. killer sacrifices a perk slot for it for a perk that has a chance of not even activating.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    "Doing totems is also NOT a secondary objective and will never be unless the devs add another reason to cleanse totems."

    I mean everyone is arguing against NOED and if people hate it that much, isn't that not a reason itself to cleanse totems? Don't get me wrong, I hate looping a killer all game whilst my team does gens and then I get downed to NOED. My most recent game was a Billy chasing me for 5 gens and then getting a kill with NOED and literally screamed "#########, ######### NOED man" but I think that was mainly due to Billy using it but then I realized it was my team's fault for not cleansing totems because he was on me the entire game meaning I had no chance to touch a gen or a totem.

    Honestly, I get annoyed when top tier killers run NOED because they seriously don't need it but when I run into killers like Wraith, Trapper, Plague, etc then I honestly don't get annoyed because I already know they struggle against optimal teams.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I even don't see many killers with NOED anymore, idk ehy people still complain about this perk.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    One of my top complaints is that top killers can use it and get kills they didn't deserve.

    Cleansing totems is absolutely fine in swf but it is a problem in solo since you don't have any totem counters and people don't care about totems in general. You can waste so much time searching for already cleansed totems and it can even cost you the match.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    When it becomes more op than survivors looking for 5 totems/less reliant on their search skills.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    No need to nerf it. Just rework it to reward for doing well instead of failing. Or remove it.

  • This is nonsense. A killer who is not good enough to get a single hook all game doesn’t suddenly become unstoppable just because of NOED lol.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 440

    NOED is totally fine as HEX and balanced, you can cleanse all totems or use Hope perk. I just disagree with Exposed status in all tiers since 2.3.0, but it's a perk for babies, deal with it as many others.


  • ThatLaurieMain
    ThatLaurieMain Member Posts: 16

    I don't get the problem tho? Like just make sure to keep an eye out for totems at the start of the match and cleanse them when you walk past them. If you notice the killer only has 3 perks and can't figure out the 4th consider looking for them. Then, when all the gens are finished, just hope for the best lol. I don't think it needs to get removed / nerfed but okay. Oh and it's not like I'm talking for a killer perspective because I've never played killer even once in sooo

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    What is with today's generation of gamers that they want everything done for them and they can't adapt?

    So much of this game is literally "turn the tables" mechanics that shift the momentum of the game. If you don't like NOED, you're literally in the wrong game.

    FFS, there's for survivors and it takes less than 20 seconds to cleanse ONE totem each.

    If every survivor would just cleanse a totem each, you'd see NOED come into play a lot less.

    But again, adaption is hard, right?

    Flippin' kids these days... GET OFF MY LAWN!

  • OkKiLLer
    OkKiLLer Member Posts: 118

    To be honest NOED is pretty annoying to go against and all of theses killer mains saying to cleanse the totems don’t understand that if you only search for totems your not getting any gens done. You could accidentally forget about how many totems are left. you can’t find a totem. And then sometimes you actually cleanse all of them just to find out that the killer doesn’t have Noed and you just wasted a game.

  • Naphemil
    Naphemil Member Posts: 66

    until you leave the match, every kill is deserved.... not sure with this survivor mentality came from that says once gens are powered that everyone still living should get out.... that's not how this game runs.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited October 2019

    There's 5 totems, there's 4 survivors

    If every survivors made it their mission to do one totem (and it's not like you have to look hard for them, I usually see 2 or 3 every game WITHOUT looking), you'd at most ever have to do 2.

    It's free bloodpoints, and it's free Lightbringer points.

    There is literally no excuse not to do them other than you have no confidence in yourself or your team to get the gens done anyway if you waste less than 30 seconds of time to do 2 totems.

    Because not cleansing totems says that to me - it tells me you have no confidence that your team will finish the gens.

    Post edited by FrenziedRoach on
  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    NoEd is fine.

    A little overused, but you can always cleanse the totems if you are really afraid.

    Sometimes you win some, sometimes you get killed by it. No big deal. Move on to the next game.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I mean, you do all of those by cleansing all totems