The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Looking for Rank1/Rank2 survivors/killers!

HeroDanTV Member Posts: 23
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Hello monsters and survivors! :) My name's HeroDan, and I recently got this game (and am now obsessed!). I'm looking to connect with Rank1/Rank2 survivors and killers to do interviews with on my Twitch stream. I typically stream Dead by Daylight at 10 PM CST (or earlier) on weekdays, and for longer stints on weekends. In addition to the gameplay, I've always been fascinated by the players behind the keys and controllers and would love to have weekly interviews with top players in the community. I'd love to talk about the current meta, how games have been that week, what motivates you to play, give pointers to the community, etc etc etc.

If you think something like this would be fun, I'd love to chat more! My Twitch ID is HeroDanTV -- feel free to respond here or message me on Twitch. Thanks for your interest, and for making the past 2 weeks some of the most fun, welcoming community interaction I've ever experienced in a gaming community so far!

Post edited by HeroDanTV on


  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Give it 2 to 3 weeks before interviewing on the Meta.  with the mid chapter patch it most likely changed the Meta to some degree.
  • HeroDanTV
    HeroDanTV Member Posts: 23

    That's some great feedback! Given the huge changes in 2.1.0, that's a good idea to let the community settle into the new patch.

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    The new Meta may not take that long to figure out either.  I just know, personally, that I am trying out new perks that I never thoight I would use.  

    That said, when I get home, i will add you on twitch and tune in from time to time.  
  • HeroDanTV
    HeroDanTV Member Posts: 23

    That's really awesome, Russ! I'm always looking for people to play with as well -- when you join, if you drop into the HeroDan discord and send me your Steam name, I'll elevate your Discord access to be able to join the DBD rooms and add you on Steam. ^.^ This is the kind of interaction that I continue to have -- a welcoming, helpful community of players. I tried with other games, and it was so bad! THANK YOU!

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Oh will join on Discord, but will say no to the rest... not because I don't want to play with you, but until they add cross platform play it will be impossible.  I play Xbox only and have way to many hours to switch now.  

  • HeroDanTV
    HeroDanTV Member Posts: 23

    No problem at all -- I had no idea they don't allow cross platform play -- that's too bad!!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    You might want to specify the timezone. 

    I don't think the changes have been huge. Some minor nerfs for survivors, some minor changes to trapper, hag and huntress. But nothing extraordinary. Sure, you can't trigger Sprint Burst twice in a chase. But that change really only affected high rank survivors which can loop a killer for 4-5 gens. 
    The loop meta still exists unless the devs change the collision boxes of survivors and killers.

    So I don't really understand the review bombing. 
    Good luck with your interviews. That's a really nice idea.
  • HeroDanTV
    HeroDanTV Member Posts: 23

    Thanks Tsulan, really appreciate this feedback! I think for someone as new as me, I don't even really know what the current meta is. I'm reading, watching videos as fast as I can, but I'm still very much a newbie. I don't understand the review bombing either -- as a new player with no history of the game, I'm having so much fun as a survivor. I've got no baggage coming in, and I've got nothing but great things to say about it.

    Also -- I'm such a derp -- I added the timezone above, thank you!! Coming at you live from Chicago!!

  • HeroDanTV
    HeroDanTV Member Posts: 23

    Hey everyone :) Still looking for players that are Rank 1/Rank 2 that wouldn't mind being interviewed on stream. Thanks for all the responses to this thread, it is greatly appreciated! I've actually managed to leave Rank 20, now at Rank 14!!

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637