Decisive strike should activate twice...
Don't forget that instaheel he probably has equipped too
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This would be a tad too strong... DS is perfect as is :)
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Make borrowed time take multiple hits to down
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So we agree it should take 3 hits to down someone when they have deep wounds?
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I already slug to leave people on the ground if I suspect they have DS. One time I did it at the end of a game with him only left and the guy disconnected. lol And yes, the score screen said he had DS.
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For the killer mains who think it shouldn't exist think about your NOED, Franklin's Demise (for items), and any other insta-downing perks or power add ons maybe they shouldn't exist. Just saying. Stop crying about DS it's not much of a problem to me as killer. The perks are just part of the game. Deal with it.
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The only thing i would personally do to DS is fix it's bloody bug where you clearly hit it, i mean that red thingy is in the middle of the white one and i hear the successful skill check sound yet it considers itself as missed.
It also happens to the edges but im too used to that that im more bothered when it happens in the middle of that white zone. It's just annoying.
Other than that, it's a fine perk as both survivors and killers, ofc, the cry baby survivors who tea bagged the ######### out of the killer will want even 5 DS's if possible and then the cry baby killers that decide that its fun to go only after one guy would want it removed while they rock noed, ruin.
Duck off both sides and get over, you are not meant to always win, neither always lose as both parts.
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no way :D
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Adrenaline pops after every gen done as a small buff. Fair and balanced™
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Nope. To everyone.
60 seconds is way too long for DS just to counter tunneling. I can literally hook you as Hillbilly, chainsaw to the other side of the map, chase someone there, down and hook them, come back to you doing a generator, down you and get hit by Decisive Strike.
Additionally, the perk lets survivors do whatever they want. They can literally do a generator 10 metres away from the killer and if he tries to stop them, they just jump into a locker. The killer then has to either waste 40 seconds standing in front of a locker or get hit by Decisive Strike and lose a huge amount of momentum. Making DS activate twice would only add on this problem as using it wouldn't even mean that you can't use it later.
Last but not least, survivors don't even need to run Decisive Strike. As there isn't any good way to tell who has it, the existence of the perk alone makes it incredibly risky to pick up a survivor that has been unhooked a while ago in red ranks.
I understand that tunneling can be frustrating and sometimes DS doesn't feel like it's enough but play a killer that isn't Nurse, Spirit, Huntress or Billy in red ranks and you'll realize how strong it is.
Also, you're not supposed to survive every single match just because you equip a certain perk. As long as the game is somewhat balanced, you will always die if the killer tunnels you. However, it's a very inefficient way to kill so your job when being tunneled is just to waste as much of the killer's time as possible. Decisive Strike gives you another entire chase if the killer picks you up or makes him slug you for a total of up to 120 seconds if he doesn't. Either way, this is an insane amount of time if two or three survivors are working on generators and it definitely doesn't need a buff.
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So your argument boils down to "you shouldn't win every match so sometimes don't even try".
Decisive strike exists bc killer behavior gas facilitated it's necessity. Killers stop Tunnelling like mad, and anti tunnel perks like Decisive strike wouldn't need to be meta.
I main killer. I have been hit with maybe 3 Decisive strikes in my entire time playing the game since the rework. And I don't tunnel and I probably average 3 kills a game. It's not overpowered or rewarding bad gameplay. It's punishing toxic gameplay.
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Franklin's Demise shouldn't exist?
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Nope. DS is in a good point at the moment. The only change for me would be
- If you succefully hit the skill check, the killer receive a stun for 5 seconds if you're the obsesion. If you're not the obsesion the killer is stunned for 3 seconds
This is the only thing DS needs, an incentive for being the obsession.
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I'm not saying it's overpowered, I'm saying that it doesn't need a buff. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try surviving, I'm saying that you can't always survive and that's fine.
I don't mind anti-tunneling perks. The thing about Decisive Strike is just that even if the killer doesn't tunnel, the perk gives survivors an incredible power position for a minute. In my opinion, a well designed anti-tunneling perk should give survivors some amount of protection against being tunneled down too quickly but it shouldn't let them do whatever they want for a minute without the killer being able to do anything about it.
One way to achieve this would be making the perk deactivate once you work on a generator. This way, you could fall back on it when the killer tunnels you but once you feel safe enough to do objectives, you would lose that power.
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Nah DS is fine right now. The only way I would be fine with making it activate twice is if it deactivated after the killer hooks someone else.
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yes please! only to stop tunneling. if killer comes straight away from rescue he hits you, sometimes you can't escape so then he gets you again, a waste of ds. sometimes i have only just managed to heal my self or i'm just short of healing after hook and then killer hits ame again. this is only when second ds should activate.
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In a perfect world were DS only activates on killers who tunnel, I would agree. However, since DS can be used for more than anti-tunneling, then I have to disagree, sadly.
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lol... think though another dose of adreniline will get us pumped up...feel invincable... no way can the killer hit us for 15 - 30 seconds. whoo-hoo!
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you know whats funny about DS, is the part when they jump into the locker with it and Im trapper so i put a trap infront of the locker, 200 IQ
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when that happened to me i was able to rush out with quick and quiet. never got me. also was able to jump in locker from the outside with trap there... those game really made me laugh!😄 so i wonder if that was you who did that to me... hahaha😃😄😅
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I agree it doesn't need buffed rn. But your argument makes you sound like ur saying "you can't win every game but Decisive strike can help you win more games than you should so stop using it and accept your loss"
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That's a crippling nerf.
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Not really. I'd say it helps keep DS as a strictly anti-tunneling perk.
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Okay then Noed needs to only trigger if all 5 totems remain when the last gen pops.
It's a punishment for genrushing, and it should be a strictly anti genrushing perk
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Spending 12 seconds on one totem =/= stopping gen rushing.
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Could we stop calling DS an "anti-tunnel perk"? It's not an anti-tunnel perk, it's a one-minute-immunity perk.
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Well, that's why we ought to modify it so it fulfills its role as an anti-tunneling perk.
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Would be fine by me.
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Why hasn't this been talked about more??.... god people use your brains KAPPA
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Two activations with 30 seconds each. Or just leave it alone. Whichever.
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And No. It's like having Ruin appear on another totem after it's cleansed to combat gen rush.
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I have had plenty of games where player A unhooks player B, I manage to down player A and hook them only to run into player B who still has DS. I'm not tunneling player B but I'm not about to ignore them either so I slug them until I think DS is up or I risk taking the hit.
People often have a perverse idea about tunneling. If you get unhooked and I walk my butt to the other side of the map and YOU are the only person I see I am going to hit you again.
I have been called a "tunneler" in games where every single survivor had taken 3 hooks to kill and each were hooked twice before anyone cannot please anyone some days.
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Noed is designed to counter genrushing. So if Surviviors do totems then it should not take effect since they wouldn't be genrushing. I'm using your own logic here.
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DS is already an S tier perk and in no need of further buffs. If anything it could get some minor tweaks but I assume you'd prefer it wouldn't so let's not argue any further.
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"Totems". As in multiple. You are suggesting that they do one. That is not countering genrushing. Having you go after one different person IS countering tunneling because it's only tunneling if you deliberately go after the same person after they get off the hook. Going after another person and then going back to the first person again is not tunneling.
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did you not read this!
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No. If you need more than 1 second chance after being tunneled then you don't deserve another one
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To me honestly it shouldn't, but it is what it is and I deal with it. If a killer is that bad or trollish then go for it. It's all apart of the game. As killer I never use Franklin's Demise except when I wanted the adept Leatherface achievement.
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I didn't know using Franklin's Demise was a sign of the Killer being bad/trollish?
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I mean why else would you need it. I never had a problem with items as killer.
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To...combat genrushing via toolboxes?
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Of course, what about we give hex ruin 2 lifes on two different totem's ?
What a ridiculous idea you just had champ.
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Thanatophobia, Ruin, Dying Light, Discordance, hell even Tinkerer, Overcharge, Huntress Lullaby, Corrupt Intervention, Thrilling Tremors(as long as they aren't on the gen ik) and Surge all can combat genrushing. Like seriously that's 10 perks. Besides toolboxes survivors have maybe 5 and that's if you want to count This is not happening and Stake Out. Otherwise it's just Leader, Prove Thyself, and Resilience but you have to be injured with that one.
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Some killers will go after a recently unhooked survivor just to eat their DS and make sure it's not in play during the end game. That's a fair tactic; DS during the end game is ridiculously strong.
So no, DS should not activate twice.
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Listing other perks that can combat genrushing doesn't really invalidate Franklin's Demise as a way to fight against toolboxes.
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Well then you apparently don't get the point. Your only validation for Franklin's Demise is to combat genrushing and I told you 10 other perks that do the same thing.
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Again, telling me 10 other perks that also combat genrushing doesn't invalidate Demise as another.
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What's with it only working once? If you hit me within one minute of leaving the hook you're tunneling and ds should kick in. It shouldn't be a perk it should be built in to every single survivor