To all the survivors from killer main

I play killer. Id like to say I enjoy it I do play spirit with that being said its also a very TOUGH killer to learn. I had my first taste of killer as hillbilly and leatherface. The chainsaw was fun but it just didn't suit my playstyle so i branched out to other killers. Part of the reason why I enjoy spirit is the mindgame and the absolute crucial level of detail you have to pay attention to when using phasewalk.

Now with that being said I realize that spirit is considered one of the most OP killers out there alongside nurse but seriously guys? DCing cause you dont wanna face them? Or how bout when you bully somebody that's still struggling to learn how to be a killer? the trash talking? You guys talk about nerfing ruin and other perks that the killer has but when survivors are running in voice comms, using Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, etc. You really only bring the kind of pain on yourselves when your bullying NON nurse or spirit killers. Facecamping and tunneling are definitely looked down on but when you open a gate and decide to bully a killer instead of actually leaving you wonder why they do what they do?

I mean seriously if you dont wanna deal with OP killers then maybe you guys should play something else. I play spirit because i enjoy her and because its DIFFICULT. I have to WORK for my kills and its not easy. Some people can master it and just get 4k every match. I am not one of them but seriously If you don't want to deal with spirit or nurse look at yourselves before judging what a killer is doing. I have been in good matches bad matches, close matches and matches were people jsut DC or give up because they cant deal with a good or mid level killer. SERIOUSLY guys learn to practice with what you got and stop complaining about whats OP.

I guess at the end of the day going up against either of these killers isn't fun for people. But when you start looking at yourselves and ask gee I wonder why there are more spirits and nurses? You only need to look at the behavior of survivors in matches and what they do when they win. If you wanna trash killers regardless of rank you get what you deserve. I will continue playing spirit because to me I am having fun its challenging and HARD. I didn't just decide to roll spirit because it was the most OP killer I rolled spirit because I love the ability I love the difficulty and the challenge but most importantly I love thinking and mindgaming survivors.
