Whats the big Deal with SWF? Why or why don't you think its a problem?

I personally dont get why everyone hates SWF so much. IMO I think the survs being able to talk to each other makes the game more tense and enjoyable. I prefer games i play to be difficult. Also yes i have been absolutely destroyed by SWF but also solo players that are just good at the game.

I played a match on cold wind farm over the weekend and about cried in the queue. Matching user names on three survs with the tool boxes. Im playing Myers and figure okay we can do this its ok just slug. map loads i take one look at the gens and realize I'm screwed. the placement is just ach but three gens are lined up right next to one exit gate. I decide right there those are my gens and they cant have them.

I still chase every one around but yikes. I go after one the other two get separate gens. The solo guy isn't just sitting around either and he gets things done too. first 3 min and we got 2 gens done.

Ive got 2 hooks out of this by the 5 minute mark and a guy crawling away. 9 minute its kind of a stand off as I protect the last 3 gens. they ultimately get the last one though but it snow balls outta control when I pop Tier three and go on a slug fest. Walked away with a 4K in the end game.

These guys weren't bad at the game and seemed to communicate well. Gens were being done solo, totems were cleansed, and they knew how to loop. Only thing I could say they sucked at was stealth.

Are there just guys that go around and make it a point to ruin someones game? i personally haven't dealt with something like that. Or do people hate getting grouped with people memeing around?


  • December_1863
    December_1863 Member Posts: 206

    if your skills are entirely based on the other team's ability to communicate, you need to go back to fortnite and leave the rest of the community alone. no one cares that people playing with their friends is an issue for you, just get better at the game.

  • ajbustetter
    ajbustetter Member Posts: 70

    ahhh apologies. i don't think that at all. nor do i have a problem with it. I also particularly dislike fortnight. I tend to over explain and use long winded examples. I was just curious why a lot of people get upset playing against SWF. I dont get it. Anyway this post will probably disappear into non existence. Sorry for being a bother

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Ignore him if it's directed at you, no need to apologize for having an opinion, it was meant generally, but it's considered an issue cause it makes some of the Killer's moves he could do ruined by intel.

  • ajbustetter
    ajbustetter Member Posts: 70

    So the major issue is intel? Is that it? I thought the counter for that was to try and force a three gen?

    I also tend to be overly polite and respectful to people i dont know.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    It's just comm communication, they think SWF is overconfident and the players will bully you and give you a bad time and reveal your every move.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    V O I C E C O M S

    For example

    "The killer is x"

    "He's on me, he's on me!"

    "He's left me, he's going to your generator"

    "I found the hex totem it's at Y"

    "Alright he's left me, come unhook me. Alright I'll go unhook yall stay on gens"

    "He put a trap down by y"

    And much, much, more. Voices coms used competitively is the most frustrating experience you can ever have in this game. Even used by a group of casuals it gives them a huge advantage over any solo party. Its very, very, frustrating as a killer

  • December_1863
    December_1863 Member Posts: 206

    it wasn't directed at you? you literally asked for my opinion

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Someone likes to watch the World burn.


  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Playing with communications in a game thats definitely not designed for it is quite aggravating for the opposite players.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    With the amount of advantages you gain from SWF and communication it's the equivalent of the killer running speed hacks. Would you want to play a game against a killer that's cheating? Me neither.

    The game isn't balanced around SWF which is why I view them synonomously.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Because ¨good¨ killers cant take a little challenge, they prefer to hook camp a little far from there and wait until 3 other survs go for the save.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    TBH Pretty unpopular opinion, but I feel like at this point, the game is balanced around SWF's talking and communicating. It deff can be annoying when you have no terror radius, and survivors have dipped before they could possibly hear you. (Though it could be spine chill) thanks to the guy on the hook telling them your position. Or when you decide to focus someone else down mid chase.

    But the majority of solo players just seem to get wrecked. They lack tons of information which can easily lead to the killer steam rolling. It's not uncommon for everyone to stay on a gen when someone is hooked, or for everyone to get off a gen to go for a save for example. Constant mistakes like these are why solo survivors survive less than 50% of the time which is the balance goal

    Smart killers can play around their communication to a certain degree. And even use it against them. Pretending to do something, and then suddenly changing tactics gets them quite often. They are also heavily altruistic because they don't want their friend to die.

    TL;DR Nothing is wrong with SWF, it just makes the game harder, if they are somewhat competant and are not potatoes.

  • TwoFace
    TwoFace Member Posts: 5

    Game is only fun to play as survivor with friends imo, if I play solo, I play killer. It's no fun being hooked for the first time and dying because nobody else in the match cares about you. It's not even playing the game at that point, it's just getting into a lobby to die hahaha (note: this dosnt happen all the time, but there are some pretty stupid solo survivors out there)

  • ajbustetter
    ajbustetter Member Posts: 70

    I guess the Devs said that this game isnt ment to have communication? I guess not having it in game is the reasoning maybe? I always figured its a given that voice communication is going to happen.

    I think they should at least implement something to tell you your dealing with SWF but then you may have a lot of DCing.

    @December_1863 i thought it was directed at me i am sorry again. Its just how it read.