Let's all press F for nurse

Unfortunately survivor mains won again. I rarely play nurse but this hurts me since she is one of the 2 killers that can deal with SWF.
For those who don't know, nurse has a recharge mechanic now. Base blinks are two and whenever she consumes them, she has to wait 3 seconds for each blink. It's not tested yet but I think she will have trouble catching up with 3.85 speed
The roaster of red rank viable killers is getting smaller and smaller until they will be nobody left and playing killer will become a joke
Please devs don't touch spirit. Red rank will be a bully simulator. Listen to me
F 😔
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It's just first impressions as we haven't tested it yet, but she honestly looks dead to me...like not even A tier strong anymore.
Their priorities should be a lot more focused on bringing the weaker killers up to par right now than nerfing the stronger ones.
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Big F. Another victory for survivors
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how about wait to play her tomorrow on the ptb before whining
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Imagine complaining before the update is even released.
The recharge will be around 3 seconds because the recharge already starts at the fatigue.
Let's hope prayer beads is the next rework ;) (im waiting for your git gud message)
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If it recharges while you're charging a blink [IE 2x Blink - Fatigue (gain one blink) - Charge (gain second blink) - Rinse/Repeat] - it may not be too bad.
If not - Entity Displeased, particularly if base speed is left as is.
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Oh no. The thread is dominated by survivor mains
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This forum is dominated by killer mains, what are you talking about? Wonder how many threads we will see before the update is released lol
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Your waifu is probably next lol
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All I see is people whining about spirit and prayer beads and generally for killer nerfs
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If this change destroyed nurse then mindbreaker is good.
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Nurse add-on changes are absolutely atrocious. I would never use a single one of those add-ons.
Don't even get me started with base kit changes. . .
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It's PTB. Don't overreact guys.
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How do you not see the threads about gen times, insta heals and keys every day?
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I really hope not
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Oh she is. Then it will be plague and freddy.
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"Adapt and overcome."
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She is, the devs will never stop until survivors are happy, which means every killer needs to be loopable.
Spirit is a goner
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I've already replaced the switch in my "W" key to counter Nurse.
I really think dodging the first double blink, then just holding W is gonna be meta :P
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Survivors have a slightly better chance of breaking line of sight, that won't make Nurse useless. I'm quite sure she will still be viable against really good survivors teams. She just won't 4k almost constantly in the right hands.
Also, survivor mains won once again? That's just not fair. Killers have received many buffs in the past, you make it sound like survivors dictate what gets buffed and what nerfed. That couldn't be further from the truth. The devs do try to listen to both sides though, not just killer mains.
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Survivors being nerfed for years:
One killer fixed : DeVs WilL NeVer StOp uNtiL SuRvIvOrS aRe HaPpY
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As someone who hated the Pig EGC nerf, I'm not convinced this is going to negatively impact Nurse much.
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Survivors still dominate DBD, nurse was the only hope.
This is a huge loss
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Every thing that happened with legion was mostly because of survivors.
And all their changes were survivor sided and didn't improve legion in anyway, made him worse if not the worse killer depending on who you ask
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Weak killers are no reason why the devs shouldn't look at killers that are too good, and in the Nurse's case, the devs agreed that she needed a small nerf. I can't imagine this change hurting Nurse too much in any way, all killers should be brought to a similar power level, not just the weaker killers.
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You are just bad if you think nurse is the only viable killer. Spirit ,billy ,huntress ,freddy and maybe even hag are perfectly viable. Nurse will still be viable after the update
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Nope they are not when facing top survivors. Spirit may do something with the correct addons but that's about it.
Nurse was the punisher, now she is a puppy.
Pretty good job
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Only nurse spirit and sometimes Billy are viable against toxic competitive SWF
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Congratulations, Survivor mains. After this huge nerf, obviously Spirit is the next one. Who is gonna be other killer after her? Hag with 2 traps? Huntress throwing flowers? Adiris puking soda? Billy with mov speed 96%?
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Spirit can dominate even with common addons. Those "top survivors" you are talking about are like %5 of the entire playerbase
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TBH, I just like when stuff changes in the game, regardless of whether it is a buff or Nurse...er...nerf :3
I like the 'learning' aspect of video games, which is why I am so into fighters (if anyone ever wants to be completely destroyed at SFV, DBZF, BBxTAG, or BBCF, hit me up...BBxTAG and BBCF are restricted to PS4 only for me, though).
It's nice to state your opinions and all that, but stating that this is definitely going to kill her without seeing it in action is just hysteria.
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I think Plague will be the next one after Spirit, she can have a pretty strong build and survivors are already starting to dc against her
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I’m guessing you love mindbreaker? Three seconds is pretty major after all.
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Poor killers are starting to victimize themselves already. So sad
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Yes, I read today that she is toxic and her apple add ons are insanely unfair.
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yes and when you encounter them even spirit will struggle, you will see if THIS nurse, the one currently ready for the ptb, will be viable.
She will become add ons dependent just to be almost at the level of current base nurse, who is a killer that is already beatable
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Congratulations again, survivor main
Can you tell me what do you expect about Spirit changes? Maybe she can help you to doing gens, I don't know
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Balancing the game around like the 5% of players is a terrible idea. Make a killer viable against those top players then solos will suffer
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thanato, dying light, pgtw with apple and incense is a very difficult combo to counter.
i had already 20% of dcs with this combo
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cough this cough
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Mindbreaker still won't be good btw since they'll get the exhaustion perk while in chase since both take 3 seconds so you end up losing more ground since if they had sprint burst and mind breaker blocked it you would have to give up that chase
Mindbreaker is bad and I feel bad for whoever uses it
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I'm more looking at what the biggest issues in the game right now are.
Nurses power level while possibly too high isn't anywhere near the top of the list for main issues in the game right now.
Where in contrast a vast majority of the killer roster being too weak is an actually larger issue the game is facing right now.
I'm just referencing the order of doing things should be different.
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you will see this yourself how viable nurse will be. You won't admit it, and that's ok, but I bet you will feel very relieved when you will hear her first blink now
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I think that the 3 second recharge on her blinks is VERY substantial.
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Tone down her addons and rework prayer beads. Done.
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nurse is trash because even with addons she will still be worse than base nurse now, how do you not see this?
Base nurse is a very fine killer, now she is trash
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You mean the SS tier Killer back before all the Survivors nerfs is getting nerfed now when she was viewed as the 4K killer back before numerous nerfs to Survivor's core perks and game play over the years?!?!
I... am... so... not... shocked. It was bound to happen. I mean... come on... she was SS tier for years.
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She also counters Iron Will, Medkits, Insta Heals, Self Care, Inner Strength, Botany Knowledge, Adrenaline... how do survivor mains allow for such a thing to exists!?
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You are jumping to conclusions way too quickly. Wait for tomorrow and maybe she will still be good