The ONLY issue was Nurse's addons. What reasoning do you have to nerf her basekit?
Come on. I get omega blink, but you really had to go and band aid a cooldown to her power. I don't even think people realize how much Nurse relies on being able to quickly chain another two blinks on a survivor. I've played Nurse since her release, i've seen it all. This is absolutely atrocious, and the fact that this is most likely not going to reverse is absolutely bonkers. They've already made addons that interact with the cooldown, and the PTB is tomorrow. Unless you all can band together after the PTB comes out (I'm going to make a poll on whether to keep the basekit nerf or reverse it) we will be looking at mostly Spirit at red rank. Then you should watch out for her nerf. Welp, I obviously am very unhappy with the changes. Slight my ass.
Yeah I hope they go through with the changes. Then I hope they add a cooldown to Billy and Huntress. Then nerf Spirit.
So everyone quits killer and we can watch any new player get decimated by a SWf squad.
8 -
Billy to refil saw at locker when?
19 -
so they dont give a flying ######### about high ranks and actually balance game around rank 20s good job devs a completely reworked killer and calling it slight changes wow
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They said they don't want to balance around there.
But if they weren't balancing for red ranks why are they touching a killer who is only good in red ranks?
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Honestly once Spirit gets to the chopping block I think 50% of killers are just gonna quit the game. Then survivors that are crying for nerfs are gonna play lobby simulator.
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Because the devs are survivor sided and they have a poor understanding of the game, see what they did to legion?
Now it's nurse turn to become garbage
14 -
Because people complained they wanted nursed nerfed and they got it
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Guys it's the PTB calm down. Our precious devs did nice work with the Badham rework and Freddy. Let's test new nurse and give her a chance.
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They also nerfed Legion into oblivion and designed the stinking pile of garbage that is the new map.
There are ZERO reasons to be calm, this is a huge nerf
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Can't compare a buff to Freddy to gutting Nurse.
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Rank 20 Nurse actually has the lowest kill rate of any killer. If we were basing it off of rank 20, she would be buffed.
It's okay if you don't like the changes, but at least give them a try first and at least tell us why you don't like them. Making up reasons isn't going to accomplish anything.
36 -
Like swf can just casually destroy most of the killers thats not the problem base nurse is the actual problem for them which is 100% balanced range and other multiple blink addons needed some changes but they just destroyed a killer completely without touching any surv items like insta heals like they are balanced
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I'm gonna complain, if nurse is going into live extremely nerfed.
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Legion's changes were completely justified though. Old legion basically removed all skill from both sides as you kept mindlessly stabbing the same survivor over and over. I'm not even going to mention the moonwalking
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I will give them a try. But I am fully prepared for the worst. There is so much you lose from not being able to blink directly after a fatigue, and so many people who don't play her to a certain level will not understand. Honestly if you wanted to slow her snowball, increase her fatigue. Implementing a whole cooldown on her is too drastic.
7 -
There was no answer to why she was getting a nerf to her basekit either. Can't you get some actually good Nurse mains to give you advice on how to rework the Nurse? You know, Marth... And some competitive players who've won significant tournaments, Space Esports, TydeTyme's 750$... The team seems to not be willing to take input from the top players.
2 -
I agree, old legion was garbage for the game.
But new legion is weak and boring, with the most stupid power I have ever seen and a collection of laughable add ons.
The final result is awful, they need to completely rework that killer
8 -
I warned everyone that addons were a wedge issue: by saying 'the only problem was her addons' you're affirming something that demonstrably isn't true whilst given credence to the incredible. Now the base-kit is being changed and the justifications given for it are ambigious.
The standards of discussion used when talking about the Nurse and her addons have been rock-bottom and are the basis for what the devs are about to do. As usual, the DbD community will not respond by choosing better standards.
The devs approach is of course no better. They are not addressing this in the context of Nurse already having been given the single largest set of nerfs in the history of the game only shortly after she was released and purely based on low-quality feedback. We know this was knee-jerk because her addons were ignored in that patch, so some acknowledgement on their part for their mistakes might have been helpful for reassuring players that they weren't simply repeating the same mistake. Instead it looks like yet another under-hand and unjustified/unjustifiable blanket nerf.
4 -
I think we can read what's written on the forum post and this is a huge nerf.
You will do as you want because you guys own the game, but we will call you out
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Is she easier to play as now? and how many blinks are there with no addons?
0 -
Only reason I dislike the nerf is because now there will just be more Spirits which no one likes. Welp, hopefully that'll open the devs eyes to Spirit and change her.
1 -
I can tell you right now without having to play a single round. Large maps require several blinks just to find survivors. Her base movement speed is less than a survivors run requiring blinking just to move around.
If you wanted to give survivors more time the cooldown should come after successful hits or even after any hit attempt.
Taking away her mobility is what you done to her.
11 -
I'm willing to compromise with the people who want Nurse nerfed. Keep in mind, many of them want her removed or heavily reworked.
As long as the devs keep their word and implement only small tweaks to her base kit, everything should be okay I think.
1 -
How is this debatable Peanits? We are talking about a 3.5 seconds cooldown ( worst scenario) or a 2 seconds cool down ( in the best scenario) more than current base nurse who is already a reasonable killer.
How is this a "slight change" this is nerf and a big one
8 -
Yes, it is a nerf. But wait for the patch to see how much it will actually change her. It may not be as bad as you think.
0 -
If you make changes to balance high-rank Nurses, could you please also balance the other aspects of the game for high-rank gameplay?
3 -
No, it's maths. It's not someone's opinion; it's a fact, which is the basis for the feedback now being generated.
Now Nurse has to generate blinks over time, why is fatigue still in? The purpose of fatigue is to delay the time until the Nurse can resume a chase(I'll come back to this in a second), giving the survivor a chance to get away. This is also the stated purpose of Nurse having to wait for additional blink charges to return. Why is there a double-dipping on design intent here? It's like paying tax twice on the same bit of income.
Currently my boi Trapper has this funny thing going on since the emblem system came out; whenever a survivor steps in a trap during a chase, they win the chase and Trapper is penalised for it by the Chaser emblem. This has been a long-standing and as far as I'm aware, still unaddressed issue. It gets to a point there I have to wonder if it's incompetence or deliberate. Now I am guessing it's deliberate because of this change to blinking: the Nurse will basically lose a chase virtually every single time she chain-blinks during one but doesn't attack. The survivor only has to run in a straight line, not even lose LoS with these numbers and they 'win' the chase. Just like with Trapper, the Nurse is going to auto-lose for playing well; the whole point of chain-blinks is to apply map-pressure but now when a Nurse lands close to someone, a chase starts and ends almost immediately because they're gone.
9 -
I mean, there are reasons. Not that you'll particularly like them, but they're there.
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Nurse is hard and painfull to learn. Now, it's harder then ever. Not worth any of our time anymore.
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-> because her addons wasnt her only issue lol
can you guys just relax and wait for the ptb tomorrow? thanks
9 -
*cries in Legion main* but also WAIT FOR THE PTB!
Thank you.
1 -
Dude, calm the vocabulary down, there is no need to make a thesis out of every comment you make
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You created your account specifically to ######### on nurse? because it seems like so
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This is just a minor change they said.
It will be fine they said.
Hope the devs are happy for hurting a very viable killer. Caving into the survivors outcries. Welp, time to join the cause, by being a Survivor :DD
Also I want to toss in that they should be focusing on HELPING killers who you know....ACTUALLY need help. Starting off with something so simple as letting "The Trapper" have all of his traps at once, instead of picking them up? Considering it takes so much time to set them up if you go around one by one, by the time you do that, 4 gens are done. Oh, maybe reset a current trap on the floor? Too much to ask.
What about poor leatherface :/// or Ghostface, or even LEGION who is pretty much a Borrowed time Killer. Oh Devs, hope you realize what you are doing.
7 -
"Only issue was the addons", please, on console maybe. The Nurse has existed far outside all the standard rules of the game for years. This isn't news. Fixing that isn't a bad thing.
1 -
After the Nurse, are you going to look into the Spirit or do you guys not have any plans for her yet?
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0 -
No. I've been bullied for too long to accept any more Survivor-sided ######### like this. Now is the time for radical complaining.
4 -
Because you sucked everything out of the Nurse that made the Nurse, the Nurse. It doesn't take a test on PTB to know keeping the same stun, the same base speed, while adding more time in between blinks isn't a better time for the killer.
3 -
*cries in Legion main... again*
2 -
This. No matter how much wording you use in the end all they did was make the time inbetween blinks longer, while keeping all of her current negatives. This is a straight up nerf and no where near the "slight" base-kit change we were implied.
0 -
You have probably no clue how to play nurse again some optimal teams. Anyone who has a lot of experience as Nurse can already see on paper that the basekit nerf is absolutly mental.
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0 -
you guys need to calm down again.
she received a slight nerf to her basekit, thats all.
just so you know: 2 blinks = 2.5 seconds of fatigue. that means you will be able to blink again almost immediately after you got out of your fatigue. you just wont be able to blink multiple times, unless you wait 3.5 seconds after the fatigue.
please stop acting like she would be dead now. she is not. she is still the best killer in the game, it just got slightly harder to use her (good nurses will literally be unaffected by this nerf).
ffs at least wait until you can actually try it out! like @Peanits said, dont judge the rework without even having tried it.
that is exactly what happened to poor Freddy back in the day and you just immediately do the same thing again, just that instead of "nerf him" you cry "you killed her".
play the nurse in the PTB for lets say 10 games and then come here and share your experience, not the other way around.
also, we all agreed on the fact that nurse is broken, thanks to her ability to completely ignore survivors defenses at any given time, so why do we all start acting like she was perfectly fine before? i get legion flashbacks here...
3 -
Why are you commenting everywhere giggles?
0 -
I have several hundred hours on nurse, have played her since she came out. I can tell you right now you ruined her. I have no reason or desire to play at rank 1 any more.
You lowered her skill ceiling by adding a cooldown, good survivors that already know how to juke a nurse well and then use dead hard on top of that will take way too much time to end chases when its a SWF team genrushing. None of the addons help her, they are gimmicky at best. As someone else said in another thread, you made the biggest mistake ever on this one. Now the best SWF teams have nothing to fear.
3 -
You're either delusional or being disingenuous if you actually claim that Nurse was 100% fine besides her addons.
That's all. Thanks for coming.