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Why don't people main Hag?

I always wonder why my main girlie has been always slept on, Like she clearly amazing when it comes to chase potential and map pressure. So I was wondering why you think hag is so underrated

Best Answers

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    Answer ✓

    At a loop with no trap she's worse off than a M1 Killer, thats what I mean.

    And no, 9 times at of 10 if a Hag places a trap during a chase the Survivor will just run off wasting more time for the Hag to chase them to another loop, by then they'll trigger another trap and it's 50/50 if they know to stick to the pallet to avoid the hit or not. Or, they'll possible juke the hag with stealth and get away.

    Base-kit Hag has flaws, flaws that Survivors can easily by-pass. With how the traps default range to trigger and distance the Hag can teleport to said traps works, it poses an issue indeed with practicality at farther distances of the loop. Thats why she isn't on the top of the list when it comes to base-kit...

    And I already discussed that her strength is forward thinking and future planning, that's what seperates good Hags from bad Hags. Knowing where a Survivor will go next and capitalizing on previously placed traps and Survivor errors with said traps.

    We're going off-topic from the question though

    Regardless of what I think of Hag or not with base-kit, I already gave an idea towards why she's slept on in terms of being a main to killers.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2019 Answer ✓

    Unless you play her to camp with 5 traps per hook (which the majority of Hags do in my experience), she requires a lot of effort to play effectively compared to the most common killers, and people don't generally like that.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    She isn't actually, Hag has the potential to be a Top-Tier threat in the right hands, with the right perk combinations she can be a huge threat on the field.

    Perhaps people don't main her because a lot of Killers don't like the concept of placing traps everywhere constantly. While Trappers traps need to be replaced from time to time, they can stay in one spot for the entire game if un-touched, unlike hags which usually gets triggered a lot in a game. And if un-touched, they can be used for future loops and chases...

    Same with Demogorgon, he doesnt need to constantly place portals around the map, so he can focus on the chase more like Trapper does after preperations are complete. Also, Hags traps can be countered by crouching which doesnt 100% avoid her traps, but it does avoid them at generators or hooks... and if the Survivors know to do this than hag will need to walk there herself with her 4.4 movement speed which is also annoying.

    And if the team has flashlights, her placement for trapping loops, hooks, generators, etc, can be easily destroyed as well... which is ALSO annoying.

    Also, I guess maining a withered old hag as your main killer and go to isn't really appealing like how a silent Killer like Myers, a edgy teen like Legion, a cannibalistic murderer like Bubba, a Nightmarish Killer like Freddy, or a Silent masochist like GhostFace is... many others to note but you get the idea.

    The old hag from the swamp concept doesnt really catch peoples eye or interest it seems.

  • Bigbootiejudy666
    Bigbootiejudy666 Member Posts: 407

    I might've been wrong on map pressure but you can't denied she amazing in chase. Like most loops that would take forever if played someone like trapper or legion, it ends in like 15 seconds with hag. And some of her traps never get triggered (like trapper) and could be used for future loops and chases as well. even without perks and addons, she still a monster when comes to chase and hook protection.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Hooks can be by-passed through crouching, and unless the traps were already at a loop she can't really do much otherwise. She's worse off than a regular M1 killer due to the speed reduction at a loop with no trap, and if she decides to trap the loop the Survivor will most likely run off while you trap it.

    I wouldn't say base-kit is mosterous, thats a stretch for sure. With the right play style and perks though, she can be a big threat.

    The issue with hooks, is that Survivors will just crouch right to a hook than crouch away from it, avoiding the trap all together. Her strength lies in forward thinking and future planning, without that she's for sure an easy escape.

    But, if a hag main plants traps in hidden areas as well as at generators and loops before chases, she can usually get a down or hit off for sure.

    Regardless of her placement on the tier list, to answer your question from personal experience as well as the experience of others, the concept of a hag as your go to and the face of your arsenal isn't appealing compared to say, several horror icons or other original characters that have style.

    Of course Hag mains exist, they're just uncommon and are not a vocal group. The ones I've seen don't talk about her being their main either, which is odd for sure.

  • Bigbootiejudy666
    Bigbootiejudy666 Member Posts: 407

    worse off then a M1 killer? She has one of the shortest chase time, even though that she place a trap at a loop beforehand, She kinda like chess, you have predict where the survivors are going to go(which is pretty easy, for me at least) and then that where her true power come from. And her trap placing during a chase is good because the survivor will ether have to risk getting hit by triggering the trap or abandon the loop all together.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    She has potential, but she is just so, so goddamn boring to play as, and her 110% movement speed is really painful.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    Because you don't see it doesn't mean people don't main it, I do.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2019

    Yes, I'll get her halloween outfit first when it comes out, looks so cool for my gameplay

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    because i like Trapper more :3

  • Sanity_Omu
    Sanity_Omu Member Posts: 4

    Even with 600hrs of play time I still can't play a killer that short it's impossible lol

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I think a majority of people that I hear who underrate her just call her slow, and they don't like that. I mean hag isn't for everyone, but I know a LOT of people out there know how great she is as well. I think Monto just made a fun bodyblock video with her on Youtube which was awesome lol. And I know Cahlaflour, a fog whisperer on twitch, that's her favorite killer she loves to main (although she plays all of them too).

    I think people just assume she's a camping killer and find someone place traps all around the hook and that's it etc. I mean I've seen her be amazing on maps, including haddonfield (blocking off the top level so people can't abuse their balanced landing etc.) You just got to be clever with your traps, and it's a blast. And you don't have to always place traps all over a map, either. If you do it in a certain "chase" area, you can still get devastating results. There's a lot of methods and tricks to learn and use with her. I've seen several different streamers use completely different play-styles, with amazing results. I definitely think she is top tier.

    She has more potential than a lot of people realize, but I think this will change in the future. :)

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    There are people who main Hag. She just needs a time investment and the right mindset. I'm still learning her but she is my main killer.

    I want to grow up to be like him though:

    The disadvantage of trying to learn Hag is that now when I play against some Hags or watch some popular Twitch streamers play Hag, it makes me cringe XD. I went from "Please, streamer, play Hag" to "Please play anything else".

  • nightfall
    nightfall Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2019

    Female Gollum is very strong, but most don't play her properly.

    You need to trap high traffic areas (especially bottlenecks) that survivors regularly move though if you want to consistently get action and injure people. Every time an injured person triggers a trap, they go down.

    She's tiny and sometimes hard to see coming, and her terror radius is naturally lower than others. If you run M&A, it comes down to a tiny 16 metres, which allows you to regularly catch people off guard. MYC is also an amazing hag perk because the unhooker is also a free down if they step in a trap for 1 min after the save.

    Unless you're camping a specific gen, don't bother trapping them. Survivors expect it, and are more likely to crouch around these areas (don't apply that logic to hooked survivors though).

    edit: oh, and also use a trap range addon as well

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    hag seems really boring to play and I don't really like trap killers

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I don't main Hag because her games take too long for me.

    When I play Hag I make a whole nest of traps around three gens that just makes them unapproachable. So the first two survivors die at a fair rate, but then the last two just enter maximum stealth mode because they both want the hatch.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    I main Hag. I find it amusing to have survivors run into unexpected traps and get hit with a nasty slap. It's a shame they changed the successful hit animation a while back (if you didn't know, she used to drink the blood of her victims from her fingertips before, it did cover up half of the screen though which is probably why it was changed).

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    I main her before she got her buff and to be fair it probably cause they want to learn the nurse or even the spirit. Hag is a plan ahead killer in my opinion and like the trapper waste time setting up her web.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    Disclaimer: I play on console.

    Actually I think the Hag is one of the best (free) killers in the game, with a few caveats that need to be considered, especially perk wise:


    You cannot rely on her speed neither in chases, nor for gen pressure. This basically means that without hex ruin one or two generators will probably pop before you have a correct trap setup / have someone on hook.

    Ruin itself is not always a smart pick: depending on its spawn you could be wasting time trying to reach it / trap the area around it without being actually able to defend it (if all the other generators are away when a trap is triggered) or even capitalise from your setup (urban evasion anyone?).

    That's the reason why I usually avoid it altogether.


    Here's the perks that I'm using right now.

    Monitor & Abuse - hag has a 28 terror radius, which means that together with M&A you are able to somehow circumvent your slow sleep and reach survivors, plus..

    Nurse Calling - can see survivors healing without them being aware of your presence until it's too late

    Sloppy Butcher - I think it is the best perk right now to slow the game. Furthermore it happens to synergies VERY well with M&A and NC.

    NOED - yeah yeah, baby killer, but here's the thing: if you are against an optimal swf team there's no setup will give you the pressure needed to stay in the game, they'll just rush the gens, even while injured, relying on adrenaline. Jokes on them: they won't be able to cleanse every totem before reaching the end game, and if you have a correct trap setup before this time, everything will fall apart for them. On the other side, if they are not a (competente) swf team hag can shine mid-game. You end up with never using one perk slot, but who cares: this is a must have plan B for gen rushers.


    If you don't have at least 5 traps already planted in some interesting spots (like: between a jungle jim, on top of some stairs, inside the basement shack...), don't even bother following a survivor, even if injured. Chances are you won't catch up on him, those few traps you already planted could pop from someone else (slowing your mid game even more) and gens will fly.

    Instead, keep on planting traps, especially where you think survivors will go head from a near generator if they hear/see you coming: if they run they will be triggered / you'll see scratch marks. If they crouch, you have the opportunity to find them once you reach the generator, just look around.

    If you find a survivor off guard and you are confident you can close the distance, injure him and/or try to let him waste a pallet. Once he does that, destroy the pallet and leave him: your TR will decrease, and 3 things will happen

    • you have time to place some other traps, if needed
    • if he panics, he could trigger a trap, hence granting you a kill (or, worst case scenario, another pallet drop)
    • eventually, go back in the general direction he escaped to, and be alert for Nurse Calling to trigger.


    you should have either one survivor already dead, or at least two dead on hook. There will probably be 2 to 3 gen left.

    The most important thing here is to stay always in range for all your traps - this also means that even if you can't 3 gen the survivors, you can't waste time to put traps / chase survivor if they get away from your trapfield. Let them escape and heal, if they want, and go back where you have defences. Don't get discouraged if they all seem to run away from you in the same way: you only need ONE mistake to change everything.

    Also, if you injured someone and another trap is triggered, if you think you can't 100% strike the injured survivor in the following 2-3 seconds just teleport to the triggered trap.

    Remember: if a trap was triggered, it's in your trapfield, and another one will probably trigger eventually. Those are the survivors you want to chase.


    if you did well in the mid game, well, you basically can't lose. Let's assume 3, or even 4 survivor are still alive though - here's where you need to act fast.

    One trap will trigger. If it doesn't, you failed to plant your trapfield to begin with, and you deserve the loss :P, otherwise either they'll be too slow reaching the doors, or something will go your way.

    once you hit someone, slug him and put a trap near him (and possibly another one a few meters away). Go fish for someone else: this is the one you want to hook, but don't camp him, just put one trap near him and another in the direction of the nearest exit.

    Go back to your slugged survivor (now probably healed) and see what happens. If they run away, probably some traps have been triggered. If nothing happened, probably they are still nearby trying for the save / open the door.

    From here on it is on you. If NOED is nearby, trap it and patrol it as well, otherwise don't bother - if you are at this point chances are this is a swf team, they will not leave anybody behind, act accordingly ;)

  • Bigbootiejudy666
    Bigbootiejudy666 Member Posts: 407

    You know the Hag's Terror Radius is 24 meters and not 28

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    ok, tnx for the valuable clarification 🤙.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    That's easy. I don't have hag.

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    I find hag super boring to play. I don't even play her when I have a daily for her.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Her optimal playstyle involves giving up on chases quickly and applying pressure all over, as well as a ton more forethought than most other killers. I suppose many people don't like that, but she's one of my favourites for that reason. Having a game plan really helps and recognising when you should leave a chase are more important to her than for others.