The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

The Rift Is TENTATIVE: Voice Your Opposition!



  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    No I was comparing prices


    first I mean no hostility toward you ok

    with that said.....

    Definition - What does Role-Playing Game (RPG) mean?

    A role-playing game (RPG) is a genre of video game where the gamer controls a fictional character (or characters) that undertakes a quest in an imaginary world. Defining RPGs is very challenging due to the range of hybrid genres that have RPG elements. Traditional role-playing video games shared three basic elements:

    • Levels or character statistics that could be improved over the course of the game
    • A menu-based combat system
    • A central quest that runs throughout the game as a storyline

    Modern and hybrid RPGs do not necessarily have all of these elements, but usually feature one or two in combination with elements from another genre.

    we have maps and blood webs with perks that can be leveled.

    no menu so no #2

    and I believe there adding a lore based thing so that’s 2 of 3

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551


    100% agree. I like battle pass systems as a whole but it is total BS to buy a pass near the end and then have "catchup" mechanics bought with even more real money. That's still on the player, but I can see that it is pretty dirty.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2019

    @rch614 They've already said that they're going to be limited time, but one thing I would LIKE to see is that if you buy a battle pass within that 3 month time frame, then you have a set amount of time to complete it from WHEN you bought it, so that no one is screwed over. This would solve problems like being unable to catch up because you'd have the exact same time as someone else who bought it the day it was available did. They likely won't do this, but it'd be a really nice feature if the time limit was set from the moment of purchase, not within a set overall time. But again, whatever time frame it is, needs to be REASONABLE. I don't think there should be a time where someone should have to nolife to get the entire battle pass unlocked.

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551


    There was no hostility to begin with.

    And cute. But no. As I said, these two games have completely different business models and are nothing alike. Let me explain.

    FF11 is an MMORPG with huge social systems, quest zones, leveling, etc. With a monthly paid subscription service built to keep you playing for as long as possible. With occasional content updates and expansion packs. Expansion pack releases are, generally, 1-2 years (WoW as an example)

    DBD is an asymmetric horror game that is more akin to an arena type game where it's a 4v1 "sport". Glorified hide and seek. Each match is self-contained and has nothing to do with another one. It has a one-time purchase of $20 with DLCs being released on a normal schedule, 3 months usually.

    Here's the difference: FF11 relies on that monthly sub. DBD relies on constant DLC and cosmetic releases.

    Of course an MMORPG will cost way more in the long run than what DBD is.

    And finally, all of this is off-topic from the OP because it is irrelevant to the battlepass itself. We should quit it.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Honestly, even if they turn towards exclusives, they always have the option of adding them to the store. After they said they would never release exclusives again, and the fact that they specifically stated they are in no way abandoning the store system, Im betting they will aim for this. But, we will have to wait for the Q&A to find out.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    Exclusives / limited skins or items are a horrible idea.

    SMITE had this problem because the game is infested with them,

    "Oh, whats that, you just started playing and found a skin you really like for your favorite character? Well F*** you, that was a limited time only thing 3 years ago, should'a got it then. No I dont want your money, I'm too busy stroking the egos of people who want limited skins."

    Terrible system that has no place outside of stamp collecting.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    I just want an exclusive that someone won't have after a couple of months :D Something to brag about.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Archives and the battle pass/rift are completely separate things.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited June 2019

    it is amazing to see there is such support for loot boxes in DbD I mean if its just cosmetics right..... why not go after the ultimate fleecing and scummy thing most sane people despise. this battle pass is no different, the people trying to sell you that its "cosmetics only" will you be saying that when its loot boxes? This scummy battle pass will be the driving force to loot boxes coming to this game. as people saying its just cosmetics have just basically bent over and prepping to get something shoved up where the sun don't shine and they anxiously awaiting and asking for it. as long as its just cosmetics BHVR knows that you all are fine with that aspect coming to DbD even Via loot boxes.

    Post edited by EqMonkVeeshan on
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816
    edited June 2019

    That point assumes everyone has the financial resources to buy each outfit instead of be battle pass and work for it. That’s a classist assumption.

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    I didnt say they were the same thing. I said they complement eachother and make sense within the context of eachother. Flavorful. And they directly correlate with eachother.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Doubt. They even established now that a new chapter doesn't necessarly mean a new map or survivor+killer. And the fact you can get original characters with shards is also a good reason to newer give out something like a free DLCs. Which by itself is fine. I mean the base game is 5 Killers and 6 Survivors, which is enough for a good start.

    Really don't have high hope. The Rift is just another way to make some money besides DLCs and cosmetics.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @EqMonkVeeshan Loot boxes are fine too if cosmetic only.

    The only people to come under fire over lootboxes is EA because they add p2w elements like character stats in battlefront and fifa with card packs.

    People love Overwatch and thats a $60 game with lootboxes?...

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425
    edited June 2019

    Down with all battlepasses! Down with all lootboxes!

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited June 2019

    @holywhitetrash It was a significantly higher time investment than 4 hours per week in both iterations.

    Both. They were the ones who said the Rift paid pass will be available via play time. It is not a topic of debate.

    ... That's such a stupid argument, I'm just going to ignore that.

    Having the cosmetic earlier than everyone else. Three months is more than enough bragging exclusivity time. The point is having the OPTION. Right now, you are arguing against having the freedom to choose to play to pretty and pay to pretty. That is absurd.

    And if you are going to call people addicts for wanting to spend less than $20 buy something as opposed to spending more than 4 hours of labor per week for three months, then you need to look in the mirror.

    Maybe someone didn't fill you in, but my money is more of a contribution to the health of your game than your hours of gameplay. Ironically, I am the one arguing that free to play and paid players be treated equally.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Loot boxes are gambling. There is a reason a bill is introduced into the US House now to make loot boxes classified as gambling, like other countries such as Belgium have done.

    Whether or not something is P2W is irrelevant. Loot boxes are exactly like a slot machine in every single way, and therefore can be constituted as gambling. It doesn't matter if you don't personally get back money, because of the system of how loot boxes work, and how they trigger the same exact dopamine paths that gambling triggers.

    Even if cosmetic only, loot boxes are a disgusting practice that cause addiction in people, especially young children. They do not belong in gaming at all.

  • Chad_Kensington
    Chad_Kensington Member Posts: 44

    I’m looking forward to seeing the battle pass. There’s already so many cosmetics in the game to choose from, does some gated by a battle pass offend you that much?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Considering they said they weren't going to do Exclusive skins anymore, yea, yes it does. Also as a completionist and someone who goes to college/works part time, I can't dedicate all my time to grinding out time cosmetics. These should be permanent additions to the game.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    when they announced hallowed blight they said all the skins would be purchasable meaning they made skins that you COULD BUY but were generous enough to allow people to earn some of them through in-game time, so of course they took a long time to get

    while i like being able to earn cosmetics or whatever with in-game time, i never expect anything the devs make to be earn-able and anyone who does expect things to be free is entitled gamer

    so no you do not have the right to choose to get something for free , that is something the devs gift you

    the rest of your argument is all over the place. i am not calling the people who want to pick and buy the cosmetics they like addicts, i am calling the people who have to get 100% of content and cosmetics in a game that will be releasing cosmetics ad nauseam addicts

    i am arguing that no player should have any expectation that additional content made for a game will be free

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    I could care less if it's free. It just should be timed/exclusive content.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Having paid money for the game and dlc I honestly don't like the presence of free to play monetization being added to the game. We've been asking for more short term events forever. That tends to get exclusive cosmetics in the hands of the most players. Plus we have two extra currencies that are effectively purchasable with real cash. The store is a decent idea as it provides a place for players to directly buy the extras they want when they want. That is the sort of monetization that works best for this sort of game.

    I don't really understand why people want to pay money to grind ANYTHING that could as easily be placed in the shop, given out during an event, given out as part of subsidized brand collaboration, or just added to the game as part of the existing progression scale. That just feels was less predatory and consumer facing than a battle pass. I'm against any sort of system that exploits people's psyche for monetary gain. We shouldn't be inducing long term FOMO into the playerbase.

    The most reasonable way for this to work is if it is a one time purchase that you can work on at your own pace. That is the best way this set up could work. You pay in to get more, but everyone can still grind the game at their own pace rather than building unhealthy gaming schedules that lead to burnout.

  • MechanicalWolf
    MechanicalWolf Member Posts: 48
    edited October 2019

    I think the Rift and Battle Pass are 2 different things. The devs mentioned that the Rift is meant to extend the lore and introduce a new kind of item called "charms". As for the battle pass, it's meant to earn cosmetics. My question is will licenced characters get Rifts deticated to them, or just missions?

  • QuentinxJake
    QuentinxJake Member Posts: 30

    My question is if it is new cosmetic or cosmetic that we have in the game right now... + If we have the cosmetics it would be a waste to get a double one I would atleast want some recolours... so we can get something..