Talking about Doctor buffs/reworks



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    That's just the base suggestion. That's part of the reason I suggested that the illusion breaks after 20 seconds, to keep it from wasting too much time.

    The time can be adjusted down, or we can limit the number of illusionary generators that actually spawn. We have options.

    Either way, the idea itself is flippin' cool. Hell, I'd be happy if they just pinned the idea to use on another killer that uses illusions.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    As a Doctor main who often runs the 3-gen build I actually want him to be even more obnoxious. Doc is my "No fun allowed" killer.

    Besides "Needed" stuff like making moldy electrode base kit or removing the "delay" when shocking (So it's easier to time zaps for loop-cutting) I just want his hallucinations to be more convincing and more "impactful". Doc illusions that play the terror radius and even pretend to chase you, only to disappear right before they hit you. Could be used to keep survivors on their toes (You're working on a gen and it looks like the Doctor found you) or even as a "Chase enhancer" by having a "Sidekick" to help confuse survivors mid-chase (You might end up looping the fake doctor while the real one moves in from another direction)

    Other hallucinations could be scrambling the health status hud or making it look like someone got hooked, making hex totems appear lit/dull, applying the oblivious status effect (Could be tied to the Calm addons, although Oblivious with a massive TR from Calm addon might nerf doctor massive TR debuff builds) making jumpscare doctor more of a thing, replacing the TR with that of Demogorgon/Myers (For extra confusion who the killer is at match start) applying the deaf status effect like disfigured ear from Hag, etc.

    Doctor is supposed to be a very chaotic and disorienting killer to fight but as of right now his hallucinations aren't fooling anyone besides the pallets (Which Freddy does better) and fake chase music and red stain (Which isn't that convincing).

    In terms of addons I think Maple Knight (Shows shock area, which you can see anyway when you actually zap, and it often bugs out anyway) needs to get the biggest change and maybe become his other ultra rare. Currently it's garbage even for people very new to doctor. Scrapped Tape (Donut zap) is also pretty bad.

    The only other thing I think about Doctor that needs to be changed is how the shock can be easily juked by simply running directly up against the Doctor. It's goofy the shock sort of lands a foot or two in front of him which means you can hug him to dodge it. Granted you can just swap to punishment mode to hit them with the stick, but I find it annoying when I want to zap someone repeatedly for bloodpoints.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    AS a Legion main, let me tell you that you DON'T want everyone to hate your Killer.

  • phantasmal
    phantasmal Member Posts: 144
    edited October 2019

    Try comboing Restraint with Insidous for some silly, cheeky jumpscares.

    Honestly, imo Doc has one the better overall add-on systems, it truly allows you to make builds.

    • Calm - Stealth Doc
    • Interview Tape - Sniper Doc
    • Restraint - as I said, combo with Insidous
    • Order - fake pallets is just a generally okay power, combo with pallet-perks
    • Discipline - I mean not having a red stain can help make plays at jungle gyms but it's not that amazing and can even be detrimental if you know how to moonwalk

    Aside from tinkering with the rarities to meet the so-called standard (4,5,5,4,2), fixing Scrapped Tape and perhaps reducing redudancy ( like we really don't need a common version of Calm and stuff) I don't think they need much change. He needs some base kit tinkering instead.

    Scrapped Tape: imo should be a full circle and be cast at the location you are looking with the imaginary crosshair being the center point.

    In retrospect, late 2016- early 2017 was truly the golden age of add-ons, back before BHVR went down the rabbit hole of status effects and just plain boring number buffs; that was when we got Myers (Tombstone, Scratched Mirror), Hag (Rusty Shackles, Scarred Hand, Waterlogged Shoe, Mint Rag [tho her add-ons started out a bit weak but they did eventually get buffed down the line]) and Doctor (affliction system).

    Looking at the Nurse changes tho it seems they are trying to get more creative with them again.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • phantasmal
    phantasmal Member Posts: 144

    You mean in general? For sure, but that mostly boiled down to map and chase design.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    and Exhaustion refilling during chase, insta heal exploits, old BNP. insta blind flashlights with bright white screens....

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    With the doctor you can really change a lot of things, the problem is how can we balance illusions