Why are we changing the strongest killer in the game without addressing SWF?

If survivor mechanics were killers then SWF is their Nurse. Why are we losing the ONE answer to toxic red rank survivors but they can still stomp any killer with comms and abusing the games design? It was NEVER meant to have comms but here we are.
SWF is fine. Its the reason survivors still play this game.
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How are people have friends to play with?! They should be bAnNeD!
No, seriously. Get a grip, we didn't even tried her out. Just because she cannot be used anymore as a "Survivor bully" doesn't mean #########.
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The game was never designed for using third party comms. The information it provides, when used right, makes swf the most op thing in dbd. The addon changes to nurse are nice tho.
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Playing with your friends is fine, if the game was DESIGNED around it. They did not make this game thinking we would have tactical squads on comms like we do today. It is most certainly broken at higher elo if you aren't playing one of the top 3 killers. You will just not have a good time. At all.
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I don't play this game competitively. Not anymore, stresses me too much. You guys try and have fun and everything will change for the good.
I play Nurse, does this mean I'm a tryhard? Absolutely not, I just enjoy her no matter what. I can't rofl-stomp a group of people? That's fine, it's my fault.
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Hey, if it makes people happy why not?
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Because her power reflects your skill level with it. Now it has extreme limitors on it that will ruin her viability.
I honestly enjoyed her power as. I find it to be the most fun power in the game. I'm not liking the purposed changes at all.
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Because survivor queue will take forever in red ranks. Imagine them nerfing spirit and billy. Lobbydodge incoming.
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As many other experienced Nurse players, I did destroy without pity a ton of groups of survivors. This changes were needed because less than average Nurse players were abusing the hell out of her with broken add-ons that took out all the skill needed to play her.
The limitors are, for what I perceived, not much of a deal as long as you know what you're doing. If she's too weak than she will be changed on the PTB, have faith.
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That can be solved by forcing lobbies.
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I had faith when a dev said they would be "slightly" changing her base-kit IF they decided to. Now do you call this a small change?
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it was made without voice chat FOR A REASON, ALSO why is it that some perks LIKE BOND are basically a little worse version of just asking "where is everyone and what are you doing" on comms? SWF gives you most of the aura reading survivor perks in the game FOR FREE, so each SWF survivor is playing with 4+ perks due to SWF comms. vs the 4 perk (3 perks because ruin is needed) killer. BHVR knew about how strong comms would be and INTENTIONALLY didn't put it into the base game. they instead turned that power into perks so that if the survivors wanted access to it they would need to use up perk slots. SWF comms BYPASSES THAT BALANCE. also it has been about 3 years and they have had no mention of putting comms into DBD, wouldn't be hard to I bet you but they have not done it FOR BALANCE REASONS
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Forcing lobbies will make killers quit. I wouldn't play a game what forces me into a lobby with a sweaty 4man swf that's ready to genrush my poor wraith ass.
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Exactly. If SWF wasn't so game-breaking and not an issue then why don't they add voice comms to the game? If it isn't a balance issue then there's no reason not to. If people are doing it outside of your game you should supply that function in game and have control over it.
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They may not have put comms in because it's unnecessary work with all the comms in place for people to use why waste man power designing and programming comms in when they don't have to that's man power going towards doing other more important things. Maybe they put perks like bond to help those who don't have friends to chat with. You know they had know about all the chat options when they made the game. Just please stop trying to say comms mean so much because it wasn't built into the game and people have it. Take swf out and all you killers will have to go play other games cause this one will die.
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I'll ask you again, if it isn't a balance issue then why not implement it?
I'll tell you why, it gives the teams using it so many free perks and so much knowledge you're facing easily 5 or 6 survivors in comparison to a solo team.
It breaks stealth and trap killers making them virtually worthless outside of m1
It leads to genrushing and opening gates in under 5 minutes because they know if they're safe to be doing a gen
Bully squads who use perks designed to help solo survivors not get tunneled and turn it into x4 hookrush DS stun with a hard effort on comboing it again with another 5 second stun. When you have whole teams doing stun builds to bully the killer do you really think that's fair, fun, or balanced? No, it isn't.
Imagine facing 2 killers while you're in solo. It's not fun, you don't stand a chance.
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This game is so awful for both sides survivors need swf to have fun playing. I refuse to play survivor without people I know because so many people are awful on this game lol seriously if I play alone I die on first hook way too often
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I completely agree with you. Ever since SWF has been introduced solo survivor has been a subpar experience and it is quite literally a disadvantage that you can completely ignore with friends. Solo survivors need to be at the level of SWF and then we can buff most killers and "slightly" change a few that are too powerful when survivors can't bully anymore.