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Withering blight dates are a problem.

So according to the post they just posted. The putrid serum is only obtainable in the Rift which (from what i understand abiut the rift) we need to do certain challenges to unlock tiers correct me if im wrong please. And the event itself runs only for like a week, from 22nd to the 1st. Thats not enough time for people to do the grind. People go to work and/or school, then tired from the long day i don't think anyone will be able to grind for the full 2 cosmetics. Please correct me if im wrong and if you still get serum by hooking survivors or by doing gens. Just from what i understood its only in the Rift which could be a problem because of how short the event is.


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  • Member Posts: 4,570

    Did the dates got confirmed somewhere or are these still assumptions?

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    They were confirmed by the green notification right there :P

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Well you still get the serum from gens and hooks + there is the offering that give you more opportunity to get it.

    The Rift is an additionnal way to gain those serums doses.

  • Member Posts: 206
  • Member Posts: 1,448

    what ? but what about the new event offering that spawn hooks and gens it doesn't( work like the BBQ Summer Event ? ok this is really weird now ;Γ¨;

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited October 2019

    No, that can't be right. I watched a livestream earlier about the rift and there were no serums in there. You get the vials by doing the special gens or hanging on those hooks I'm sure.

    The rift is going to be tied into the story or something like that.

  • Member Posts: 64

    The king put up a YouTube video stating that it starts on the 10th and runs through the 1st. No starting it on the 22nd is not ample time to do the grind that is expected .

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    BHVR themselves have confirmed that you can only gain the serum through the archives, the serum isn't in there yet because there's no reason for it to be. It will be added when the archives go live.

  • Member Posts: 694

    The queues will be interesting to see for this event. I wonder which side will have a harder time finding matches?

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    @nos4a2 Okay, and The King doesn't work for BHVR and has now been proven wrong by BHVR. clearly states October 22- November 1st. Per BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 64

    I realize that he doesn’t work at behavior he said it was confirmed that’s all I was saying .

  • Member Posts: 850
  • Member Posts: 43

    The hooks and Gens for the event give extra BP at the very least, but might also give more XP or whatever for the rift. @Purgatorian @Adeloo

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    Sorry, you're right. I have just seen the thread about it.

  • Member Posts: 551

    They've already said they will be. Plus it would make no sense to not have these skins available afterwards considering the old ones are still on the store to this day.

  • Member Posts: 3,615
    edited October 2019

    Its because the update isn't ready/just now entered testing.

    The event is directly tied to the rift for progressing so its relies on it.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    I meant in general, because last year it didn't start until the 19th, which is only 3 days earlier than this year.

    I understand why it starts a bit later this year, but it'd be nice if they'd extend it a little longer into November, because last year's event already felt short and this one is even shorter.

  • Member Posts: 293

    I didn't have any issue last year , but the mechanics were different too (well I should say once they added the change of getting them on either or instead of both) . The trouble is people are already saying its too hard , it will take too long and the basic fact is no one knows yet how hard or easy it will be .

    Ive been on the ptb and the blight event is not live there , so the serums on the rift are not there , so no one can say if its easy or hard or anything about the speed of getting serums yet . But to clear one thing up from the OP , less then a week would be less then 7 days and 22-1st is 10 days so a week and a half almost , 1/3rd of a month if you prefer .

  • Member Posts: 293

    should have combined this with previous post , but the skins should be on the store , the ones from last year are there still . I think the only one you cant get in store is the 2016 or 2017 pumpkin head for nurse .

    SPOILER ::: as a side note , in the premium rift you can earn a nurse blight set .

  • Member Posts: 254
    edited October 2019

    Wow that is disgusting the rift is fking battle pass yh no i will be deleting dbd how greedy are can you's be adding a bloody battle pass overpriced cosmetic not enuff yh done with this game a battle pass is a absolutely no

  • Member Posts: 293

    its easier if you go and watch a streamer then me trying to type and explain it . I know Hybredpanda has a vid up on youtube already and im sure others do as well .

    but here goes . the two new features are the rift and the archive , which are tied together . In short the archive is similar to the daily rituals in which you choose a patch and a challenge to complete , it gives you BP's as well as rift shards .

    The rift is kinda like most battle pass systems , you earn so much exp or whatever and you level up and get rewards , you can earn shards fastest from the archives but also from experience as well earned from playing . you have 2 levels on the rift , free and premium , like most pass systems premium gets you more rewards and the cost is 1000 cells , unlike most pass systems you can earn the 1000 cells back . It doesn't seem to offer any exp gains or bp gains over normal so in essence you could wait and see if you complete the almost full rift and then spend cells to get the premium items as well as the cells back twards the end of it . At some point on the rift there will be serums, I would guess in the blanks currently on there but we dont know yet as they are not active on ptb , nore do we know how many per tier .We know the total is 60 , so since there isn't that many levels I dont think it will be one per . at this point its all speculation at least till they tell us differently or the 22 is here whichever comes frist .

  • Member Posts: 284

    I agree it's a quite a short time window to grind for the outfits. I think I'll even miss part of the event :S

    Regarding how to get putrid serum, from what I understand you will get it only from the Free track of the Rift / battle pass and to tier up in that track you need Rift fragments. Those you get from completing the new challenges in the Tome and from playing the game normally (like Iridescent Shards). I would like to know how many fragments we would be getting from normal play and in how far this could compensate for the short duration of the event.

    A Rift Fragment is a reward currency the player collects that earns them progress in The Rift. Rift Fragments can be earned by doing the below: 

    Completing Challenges in the current Tome 

    Playing the game

  • Member Posts: 254

    @Grimbergoth thanks that was pretty good explanation, i really do not like this, this mean there will be challenges like i.e trap a survivor with trapper or something like that what if u dont play a killer that u need a challenge on ? How will that work

  • Member Posts: 284

    From what I've seen on the PTB so far there aren't specific killer challenges on the main pathway from start node to end node in the Tome web. There was one for a specific survivor (Claudette) but there was an alternate path. If you want to get all possible fragments / points from that tome though, specific killer and survivor challenges are unavoidable :S

  • Member Posts: 254

    @Avocet yes grind will be so much longer also how will u get all 5 outfits in short time event on, bet they make they make premium version of the pass net you probably like double/triple the needed serums πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ give us money is all im seeing i dislike battle passes they should only be for ftp games not a paid game which already has overpriced outfits just my imo, the future of this game looking bleaker but when u have dev who only see $$ signs and a bad communication with players base not much u can do

  • Member Posts: 293

    Think of the archive kinda like a bloodweb or a skill tree . it branches off into different things and most of them are not specific based , but there are some like the trapper , catch 2 people in traps , one is to heal 2 full health states while using empathy , but there are only like maybe 4 that are like that if my memory serves me correctly .

    Now I have only seen the first level of the 4 so I dont know what latter levels will have , nor can I even say if they are going to be active because ptb they are all labeled "coming soon". But its not a straight line there are branches and you can avoid some to a degree . As far as I can remember there isn't anything in the archive that isn't included in the base game or freebies . That isn't saying if you are bad with trapper that catching 2 people will be easy , but even a level 20 can get lucky sometimes ...

  • Member Posts: 206

    I REALLY hope they will consider extending the event. We barely got a 3 year event, this seems so short.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Yeah, I'm not trilled about the battle pass either.

    They said you can get enough serum to get 6 cosmetic pieces or 2 full outfits. And while there will be no serum in the Premium track, there will be an option to buy tiers with money:

    We know not everyone has time to play as much as they would like to, and some players will arrive later during an active Rift. For these players, we have added the choice to Unlock Tiers for 100 Auric Cells each, if they already own The Rift Pass.

  • Member Posts: 254

    Thanks i was using trapper as example i was more worry like play survivor cause i dont play survivor very often and would rather not have to be force to play survivor to advance

  • Member Posts: 293

    To say your being forced , that is a matter of perspective . if you want to complete the archive then you would need to do things on both killer and survivors . Like one is 2 safe unhooks , repair 2 gens , 5 safe unhooks , using empathy heal 2 full heath states on other players , there are a lot of things , just like killer there is hit the same gen twice , break 6 gens , catch 2 people in a trap with trapper , kill all 4 surviors in a single match .

    So its basically up to you on if you want to complete the archive or just do the killer parts because the top is pretty much survivor and bottom killer but they do meet in the middle as well , so you can start with say survivor and then progress into the later stages of killer even .

  • Member Posts: 674

    Really hope they increase the time frame I’m going to be gone most of the week on the week it releases. I’d have like 2 days to do the event for both full cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I agree this has come at an awkward time for me too. I'm busy and have work as well. Also WWE 2K20 drops on the 22nd. Oh the calamity.

  • Member Posts: 670

    Uhh chill, everything aside from exclusive charms will be available to those with the free pass

  • Member Posts: 293

    That isn't exactly true , the rift pass premium has the Blighted nurse , and it seems that it is exclusive for the time being to the premium pass . They have stated that premium pass items will eventually make it to the store but how long that will be I dont know . I haven't seen any premium (orange) cosmetics on the free rift either . I believe the blighted sets are reserved for the store after the events are done , maybe the premium but I wouldn't say that the free rift will have them at least any time soon .

  • Member Posts: 670

    Even so, all you gotta do is pay 10$ for an almost endless amount of skins, charms and other stuff. It's a good deal, even better when most stuff will appear in the store eventually

  • Member Posts: 293

    I do agree with you on that , plus if you advance far enough you can earn the 1000 cells back to keep going on the next rift .

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    You were never intended to get 5 whole skin sets. The devs will let you unlock 2 whole sets or 6 pieces.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Guys, I think you've all overlooked the wording of the news. Yes the serums will be obtained through the rift. However, the rift lasts a while.

    As you can see by this screenshot you have noticeably more time than just one week. If the rift starts with all 54 days when it releases you'll have 54 days to earn the cosmetics and and extra 14 days to choose what to spend the serum on. In the event that 54 days is an inaccurate preview that was skewed by the date of the first post then after some quick math (original post was posted on 10/8, event starts 10/22 so that's 12 days later, 54-12=42).

    So, you should have somewhere between 54-42 days to grind for the serum unless I've misinterpreted this.

    @Peanits Can you confirm or deny my math here? I want to be certain on how long the serum gathering window is so that I do not accidentally mislead people.

    @DevourOfSalt @Phox @Spirez @Dr_Loomis

  • Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2019

    @Peasant You're correct.

    From the Q&A Thread:

    Q: Can you please consider extending the event until Monday morning November 4th? This will give people with busy schedules during the "work week" two weekends to work on objectives instead of just one.

    The event period is purely for the items in the bloodweb and the special event generators and hooks. Putrid Serum remains in The Rift following the event and can be earned at your own pace. Any unspent Serum will expire two weeks after The Rift closes.

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    Ahh good that will mean those offerings won't be useless once you get all your serums.

    Sucked once you finished your serums you couldn't get the bonus points anymore.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    What? You dont have time in your normal schedule to complete the rift tiers?

    Damn, it's almost as if that's EXACTLY THE POINT OF A BATTLEPASS.

    Which is why it's a ######### tactic.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Wait the Nurses blight outfit is locked in the premium track?

    Seriously? If thats actually the case, and you HAVE to pay to even unlock it (considering event costumes have been and should be unlocked with event play/currency), I'll actually be done with this game/dev team.

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited October 2019

    yes she is in the premium , takes level 23 in the rift to get her full outfit and she is actualy cheaper then buying it from the store . But they did say that there will be no exclusives on the rift that you will be able to purchase things from the rift it just might take 6 months .

    Also keep in mind that the rift last 70 days , and she was never announced as a blighted outfit for release with the event . the event itself is for the items that give bonus bp for gens and hooks according to the devs , that the rift will run the full course of 70 days and serums will be able to be earned through that time and don't expire till shortly after the rift closes , also they are on the free side .

    So basically her outfit was a unannounced one intended for premium rift , you can still earn 2 from the free rifts and she will be available in the store some time after the rift closes (which is what the end of December 22nd of oct + 10 weeks is dec 31st) .

    Edit , I just looked , right now the hallowed blight outfits are on sale with a 25% discount making them 900 cells a set , and they have been cells only ever since they was released so the nurse on a 1000 cell rift is actually cheaper then the normal price . the real question is can you make 23 levels in over a 2 month period to make it worth lessened cost , or would you rather wait till maybe summer to buy it outright . Personally if I was planning to get it (and I am) , as well as earn the free rift serums for the other 2 outfits I think its worth the 1000 cells since im doing rift for serums anyways . If there wasn't anything of value to me on the premium I wouldn't do it unless I made the point of getting cells back . But this I just my thoughts on it .

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