To all you survivor mains

This is getting absolutely ridiculous and beyond a joke. What do you actually want from killers to help with gens. Are we not allowed to have fun when playing you are all beyond a joke
Nurse nerf
Spirit nerf
Freddy nerf (which by the way happened and turned Freddy trash until just recently with his rework)
Why can't you all just get good at the game and stop ask for killers to be nerfed. Sadly killers aren't the power role as it is and you lot are asking for further nerfs. Get real and get good.
People just want fair counterplay, and that's all. And they don't feel like that's the case with those two killers. Nobody except maybe for a few special people want killer to be useless. But they shouldn't be able to 4k almost constantly even when going against optimal survivors.
You could say the same thing to killer mains then. They just want Spirit and Nurse to stay so strong so they have a much bigger chance of winning when using them than the opposing survivor team. People who think Spirit and Nurse are the only two viable killers at red ranks, maybe those people need to "get good" as well.
I also believe the people who want Freddy nerfed are a just a very small minority. I doubt he will be nerfed. Nurse and Spirit are the only two killers. And Spirit just needs some small tweaks to allow for more skill based counterplay instead of totally luck based counterplay.
I feel like people are forgetting that map reworks are coming, which hopefully will allow for more stealth and juking, but will also allow for more counterplay in chases for killers and probably also make maps smaller, which are both good for killers.
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Not even a survivor main, but hitboxes are very killer sided.And nurse add ons HAD to be changed, it was inevitable.And spirit doesn't need to be nerfed.She has a lot of counter play.The only thing that should be changed about her is the prayer beads add on.It should be made into an ultra rare so we don't have to face it every 4 games.
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Just about the top paragraph at the end why shouldn't killers get 4k constantly
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Remove instaheals
Remove toolboxes
Remove keys
Nerf adrenaline
Nerf self care
Nerf mOm
Nerf windows
Nerf gens
Most of the complaining threads on this forum are killer mains wanting a survivor nerf. Yet you call survivor players the entitled ones.
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Spirit didn't get nerfed ... yet.
Why people even complain about Freddy ? It's really that hard to put pallets down slightly quicker to counter his Snares ? But some people call even Plag OP, so what can I expect ...
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Spirit Nerf? What spirit nerf?
Get your head out of dreamland ser, you clearly are not in full command of your faculties.
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ah you think that’s a joke ??
Exhaustion nerf
vault nerf
multiple players on a gen nerf
healing nerf
a lot of perk nerfs
pallets are becoming unsafe with new maps
The bnp nerf
and for killers
a nurse nerf who ignores all mechanics survivors have to defend themselves
and it’s survivors who complain a lot
I can’t even take you seriously anymore
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What was your purpose of making this post honestly.
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Did anybody want self care nerfed? No. That perks is garbage.
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To be fair these nerfs were needed, but yeah, it's a shame that now when something ridiculously strong on the killers side gets nerfed killer mains are going crazy. Survivors have had a lot of op stuff brought down to a reasonable level, and I feel like that has happened with Nurse now as well, and that's a good thing.
I also feel people are forgetting that map reworks are coming and that there will be less safe pallets and more mindgameable ones, which is great.
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I could turn this around and say killers need to get good and not use broken killers.We just want counter play.
I don't see much complaint about freddy, he is absolutely fine.
I can play spirit and get consistent 4ks almost every single match. I don't consider that fun or balanced. It's too easy.
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Wait, is that a question? Not quite sure if I understand your post. If it is, why should killers get constantly 4k's? Like, if you are going against an optimal survivor team, they need at least just as much of a chance to win against you and get 3 or 4 man escape as you should have a chance as killer to win and get a 3k or 4k. Of course that means sometimes you will lose as killer at red ranks. If you are constantly getting 4k's pretty much every game, something is wrong. I honestly doubt that people who are able to win pretty much every match with a certain killer at rank 1 is only versing survivors that aren't that good.
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Could not have said this better its mainly the nurse mains crying the rest of us killer mains are kinda chuckling because we knew it was coming LMFAO
I mean i dont even play nurse i've always thought she was a cheat code so for me this is a blessing that the cheat code is getting addressed as for the basekit changes eh either way i dont really care.
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Ok so what about people who aren't Killer or Survivor mains?
What then? Do they not count at all? cause Im sure I've been seeing ALOT of "killer" mains saying that the nurse is OP..Lets face it..Killers have gotten to used to her being the to-go-to, to wreck people and now that shes not going to be "top" tier everyone has their damn panties in a bunch..I just don't understand it..
As many people have said before..There is alot that got nerfed for survivors and they were told "Git-Gud" "Oh cry some more" "Oh its about time"
But when the shoes on the other foot..its all the survivors one else..lmfao..its funny
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Spirit is okay...
The only nerf to spirit I would make Remove her ability to see bloodstain and Scratch Marks when phasing, so that have to use their ears and No collision when she phasing.
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You clearly weren't around when Self Care was still meta. Killers were crying about how infinite medkit was OP as heck. There's a reason why the perk was nerfed hard.
Obviously you're just a baby killer that doesn't know the history of this game.
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Here are my two cents on this situation:
Understandably the killer mains will be frustrated with this change because Nurse was one of the few killers who stood a chance against an optimal 4 man SWF team with the ONLY intention to rush gens and to not have fun. The core issue right now are NOT the gen times but some of the maps that have way too many safety nets and strong structural loops.
It's nice that map reworks are happening but it's only 2 maps per year (unless I've heard it wrong) which means that it's going to take a long time to fix all of the problematic maps. I would be totally on-board with these changes if maps were reworked at a much faster pace (why does this game have so little map designers). Right now I cannot rate the new Nurse because I don't like to call her too good or bad without proper testing but if they are indeed only B tier like some people are suggesting then Spirit will be the new go-to killer who has even less counterplay and just a complete guessing game which I find even more unfun then going against a Nurse.
Now understandably Nurse was annoying to go against and I don't consider her base kit to be OP but when survivors constantly ran into Nurses every couple of games, it was just unfun to go against. Although Nurse arguably did have some counterplay it was extremely tough to pull off against a highly skilled veteran nurse.
Additionally, Nurse completely bypasses every single defense mechanics that the survivors have and I just find it bizarre that one killer could completely nullify survivor defenses so easily making survivors have to rely on stealth but if they are in a chase then sooner or later they are just going to be downed.
Finally I'm just happy I'm a Freddy and Wraith main and only played Nurse for my dailies. This only effect this change will have on me is just Nurse dailies will be trashed from now on but that's no big deal.
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The end of the day I like this game and the only thing I consistently see is everything that survivors want nerfed to do with killers. Powers, abilities, addons I do see a lot from the killer side. I just want to find balance and needing killers and their abilities isn't the answer.
I have seen a lot of posts about removing NOED, removing ruin etc. I don't really see this trash coming from killers. I arent bothered as a killer main about insta heals, adrenaline and swf. All I want is balance which I think a lot of the killer side are just after this all survivors at bothered about is how easy a game they can get because they don't like working for survival
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Now that new Freddy and Demogorgon are in the game, you have no excuse to need Nurse or Spirit to do well at red ranks,
Hell, you didn't even have an excuse before. Billy exists. Hag exists. Huntress exists. There are quite a few killers who can perform at red ranks and honestly, if you need Nurse or Spirit to do so, you're either not as good as you think you are or you just want 4ks with little to no effort.
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I don’t get bullied as LF, I may not win but usually if I lose them the survivors just played better in the end.🤷🏼♂️
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I honestly feel like people lean on Spirit and Nurse that much because they're too lazy to learn basic M1 and tile gameplay, plain and simple.
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Yes, because it's enough to just pick Nurse or Spirit and you can already 4k in every of your games, what I can tell.
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Not Nurse, but you can legit play 10 games as Spirit and start roflstomping most people with her. She has the best cost/benefit to learn in the game by far.
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I pride myself on being a pretty good Spirit, and there has been times when I've faced some extremely great survivors who know how to face a Spirit, there has been plenty of times that I was gen rushed even with Spirit no matter how fast I end chases gens would just get destroyed too fast. I honestly think that survivors that are crying about Spirit nerf should GIT GUD.
In my opinion this route devs are taking is not gonna be good for the game, instead of bringing Wraith, Clown, Legion etc. up to par to let's say Freddy they are gonna gut this little we have in terms of viability and fun.
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lol i love when you guys discuss 4k games and dont talk about ranks or perks ... can you start at rank 18 whit the spirit and 4k the same game " prob" can you do that whit the nurse "maby" because the guys you are facing are new players too ...
when you get at high ranks evrething change whit some killers gens are already popping and you are still on you way to them doing your first patrol
i want some videos of you 4k at red ranks ... or even at purple whit buba
crap i want videos of you getting 2k whit out the survivors messing around high ranks
a lot of the killers suck at high ranks and skill dosent have anything to do whit it
its just the kit the have " to slow, gimmick no pressure or there m2 just takes to much time to set up "
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Lol thats it very funny but last time I checked killer are the ones who got ds nerfed by crying and complaining and other perks to and also you just want nurse and spirit to stay the same so you can het easy 4k because I know for a damn fact you can't get mo 4k at rank 1 with a killer like ######### leatherface.
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Actually I had a friend who did. In this game rank means absolutely f*** all.
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Irregardless of what OP is posting, to say hitboxes favor killers is simply not correct. Quite literally the only reason looping IS strong is because it favors the survivors. The larger hit boxes on killers allow survivor to curve corners much faster IE enabling looping. The only possible hit box scenario favoring killers is when it’s P2P servers in a case where the killers bad connection is giving him an advantage. However, now with dedicated servers this isn’t a thing.