End Game Hatch Idea

Hatch reopens on gen a single generator repair.
Can be closed again.
Makeshift key spawns in basement which can be used only once to open the hatch.
Aura of last survivor revealed after 30 seconds of not working gen, searching chest, other action. Aura is obscured when within 42 meters of killer.
I like the idea of a key hanging up in the basement which makes end game more frantic and gives another option so killer can't camp the things that need to be done and implement balance into the end game phase.
What the hell? No.
I’m sorry but that’s way too killer sided. Not balanced at all.0 -
Rip Hatch that spawns in killer shack next to basement
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You can't say heck no without giving reason why.0
If the hatch is in killer shack w/basement then lucky rng. Killer may know and camp basement, survivors can do gens instead if that's easier.0
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AshleyWB said:You can't say heck no without giving reason why.
A lot of killers on here moan on and on about how they’re tired of hatch stand-offs but whose fault is it that they’re having a hatch stand off in the first place? The Killer because they simply can’t let ONE person have their rightful escape.
If the killer and the survivor find the hatch at the same time, all the killer has to do is close it in their face and the survivor automatically loses and if they try to go find the key for it in the basement, the killer will know exactly where to go and camp that area, they’re also screwed if the gens happen to be close to one another.1 -
The whole point if a basement key is to give survivors another option and it would make it fair for killer to close hatch.0
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Giving more options to the survivor makes it so they can determine for themselves what can be done to stand the best chance of escape.0
TheXenoborg said:
Closing the hatch should make it despawn and respawn elsewhere immediately, so it becomes a game of who finds it first.
Your idea would actually hurt the lone survivor since they would have no option but to give their position away. I feel killers should be allowed to close the hatch infinite amount of times, but closing it makes it appear on a different location on the map.
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@TheXenoborg True but end game needs to be more gameplay oriented imo.0
I still think that the killer can close the hatch. Once closed it activates the exit gates and then the survivor just has to get one open and get out. Tough job but not impossible. It will make the hatch race more important as well as keep the end game exciting.
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Broken keys won't open a black lock though. You'd need addons attached to those keys for it do work like you say. You have to have a dull key or a skele key to open a black lock.
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@AshleyWB said:
Let killer close hatch.Hatch reopens on gen a single generator repair.
Can be closed again.
Makeshift key spawns in basement which can be used only once to open the hatch.
Aura of last survivor revealed after 30 seconds of not working gen, searching chest, other action. Aura is obscured when within 42 meters of killer.
I like the idea of a key hanging up in the basement which makes end game more frantic and gives another option so killer can't camp the things that need to be done and implement balance into the end game phase.
their is no problem, so we dont need any solution. thats it.
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@AshleyWB said:
Let killer close hatch.Hatch reopens on gen a single generator repair.
Can be closed again.
Makeshift key spawns in basement which can be used only once to open the hatch.
Aura of last survivor revealed after 30 seconds of not working gen, searching chest, other action. Aura is obscured when within 42 meters of killer.
I like the idea of a key hanging up in the basement which makes end game more frantic and gives another option so killer can't camp the things that need to be done and implement balance into the end game phase.
How many times have we seen the hatch spawn in the shack, where the basement is? EZ CAMP
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If the killer camps the hatch then survivor can do the gens easily. The survivor probably knows whether killer is camping hatch.0