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Is it okay to DC?

I've been wandering the forums for a few months and have come across multiple people who see it okay to DC to suit their own interests. I don't see it ever okay to DC (unless someone is cheating or holding the game hostage). DCing hurts both sides and it's a huge waste of time for everyone. One person can ruin the match for everyone. I'm a killer main and have only ever DC'd once when the swamp boat exploit was a thing and I got trapped by a survivor (ie. Holding the game hostage). What I want to know is: Does anyone believe it's okay to DC? If so, why is it okay?


  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    It's not okay! For any one! I've even been in the midst of being bullied by a SWF of all red ranks when i was Yellow ranked (Yeah during THAT MM insanity) And i stayed. Why? Cause I not only want my BPs but I want to give a full game to the other side AND i'm not a coward!

  • Cyro
    Cyro Member Posts: 79

    If you DC as a survivor you've basically doomed your team to fail by making the game a freebie for the killer.

    If you DC as a killer it was probably due to the fact that you were getting shredded, simple as really.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047
    edited October 2019

    Personally, I only DC because of two reasons:

    If someone is cheating. Had a Lagswitching Killer a few weeks ago, I DCed after he downed me, same did my SWF Friend. It was normal afterwards, so he was doing it intentionally. No reason to play a game if the other side is cheating. One time I also played Burger King Myers and got someone with a Speedhack (like if you need this vs Burger King Myers), was also about to DC, but since the Match was almost over anyway, I stayed.

    Second thing is Real Life stuff. If you need to go, you need to go. Of course you should know this before joining a game, but something might come up unexpected (e.g. got a quite important phone call after loading into a match as Killer. Had to DC.).

    I guess it is ok to DC when the other side is cheating or when Real Life kicks in. It is not ok to DC because you are the first one downed by the Killer or if the Survivors are doing more Gens than you are think they are supposed to do.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2019

    If someone leaves the game it's their choice whether you like it or not. You can't force someone to just stay in a match. (IMO you are just being an Entitled player to think that someone has to stay). Regardless of what their motive are whether it's deranking, prayer beads, iridescent head, be tunneled, be camped, optimal survivors, whatever it may be etc. If they don't wanna stay they don't gotta stay. Now I'm not saying it's okay to DC and I'm not saying that it's not okay DC, all i'm saying is its just not a big deal like people make it out to be LIKE seriously who really cares, why do you even care anyway. The whole it screws over you teammates is the most dumbest and complete BS excuse I've ever heard and probably 70% of survivors who say it probably are the ones who feels they can't survivor unless everyone is there. I'm sorry, but newsflash not everyone is going live the entire match every game. If you are decent at the game someone leaving the match shouldn't be a big issue to you. If you aren't that confident and feel that you aren't gonna live long just move on to your next match. It shouldn't be your teammates that may get you the victory, but your skill to a decent survivor that can run and by time for your remaining teammates to get the job done. If you died you died, If you escape you escape there are hundreds more ahead of you and some of those games someone is bound to leave match at some point for whatever reason they may had. You aren't gonna stop people from leaving matches and thinking that a harsh punishment is going to solve it because it will not. There are millions of team based game why should DBD be any different.

    A good example I like to use is Call of duty Zombies sometimes you start with three man and sometimes two man, but majority of the time you start with all four people together in spawn. Your killer are the Zombies if someone leaves the game guess what that's one less person that could have potentially save you helped you or the game is still gonna register as 4 people are in the game and 2x-3x the amount of zombies will continue to spawn throughout the game regardless of how many people are still left in the game similar to if someone leaves in the beginning of the game that's one last person going for a save and 5 generators are still gonna be there. It's up to the remaining players to make the best of what they are stuck with because complaining about isn't and trying to punish it isn't the answer. Just play the game and people fail to realize you do have to play the match if you are bother by not playing a 4 man game - (killer or survivor) you only losing -1 pip that you can easily get back. I'm not trying to encourage you to just leave every game, but you don't have the option as long as it's there. It's your choice to make.

  • DeadByTunnelight
    DeadByTunnelight Member Posts: 79

    I usually dc on hard tunnel, for me it's okay because I don't lose anything :)

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    No but neither is stacking perks with ebony and ultra rares. Half the survivors you play against have seen your op build in a stream somewhere and decide, "nah, not for me."

  • Kralle
    Kralle Member Posts: 121

    It is okay because it is a game. You play this game to have fun and if a match is frustrating then move on to the next game.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    DCing was okay when dedicated weren't here and killers were super laggy from simbabwe in mcdonalds. Now there's no single excuse for dcing anymore. It hurts your team, it hurts the killer, so you are a douchebag if you do it.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,520

    It's not OK.

    List of bannable offenses:


    Disconnects (leaving the match before killed or sacrificed)


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Its good in certain circumstances

    Like getting into a bug that causes you to become unable to move

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    It simply is not okay.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There shouldn't even be opinions on whether or not it's okay. The rules for DBD very clearly state that it is against their Terms of Service. The end.

    Can't wait till they crack down harder on the DC's.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    It's not okay and it's been a problem for Years. Let's hope they eventually do something about it.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Not okay, but I empathize with people who do.

    I have dc’ed, so I can’t be upset with people who do it. I never have DC’ed as a Killer though.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    It's ok in a limited dosage.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614


    List of bannable offenses

    • Disconnects (leaving the match before killed or sacrificed) - DO NOT REPORT
  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited October 2019

    The one instance, aside from bug or hostage related issues, that I think it’s ok is if there’s an early DC. I would say it’s fine for any of the remaining players to just leave afterwards. At this point the game is not being played as intended and is a very unfair situation. I don’t blame anyone, including the killer, if they say screw it and move on to a new game rather than waste their time.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Why not just AFK if you get a phone call? At least let the survivors get chase and objective points

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    I actually can't answer this honestly or I'll be banned. is this a trap?

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I have DC'd once in my time playing. And only because the connection was so bad I would rubber band halfway down the street in haddonfield as survivor.

    Never DC'd as killer. When I give up i open an exit gate and go to the furthest corner of the map and wait it out

    I don't count internet dropping as DC'ing as i didn't want or make it to happen.

    Real life happens i drop controller and walk away. At least i still get some points.

    In my opinion, they should remove the disconnect button and force full game reset to leave a match early.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2019

    Only if the game is unable to end due to either a game-breaking bug or the game being held hostage with no sign of letting up. If you have an IRL situation that requires your immediate attention, I suppose that takes priority over the game as well. Beyond that, no.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,956

    if the game is laggy to the point it's unplayable sorry I'm gonna disconnect

  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49

    It's not OK and afaik the system autobans chronic DCers.

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    It's a video game, if you aren't having fun then it's fine. Although, wouldn't recommend dcing every game because of the punishments for dcing too much.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Actually there is a reason that DC punishment is a thing in nearly every game and that is to stop people from DCing (en mass) and interrupting everyone else's experience.

    Like others have said if you need to DC from a cheater or real life event its understandable. This is also usually taken into account and why most "anti-DC" systems don't punish you the first few times. Once people start abusing DC as a means to earn easy matches or get out of a match they don't find favorable for them they are ruining the experience of everyone involved. If we allowed DCing to go unpunished (cough DBD cough) people would begin to DC for nearly any reason they deem acceptable and ruin the match for those trying to enjoy the game.

    Sure you can say "I'm entitled" wanting people to DC needlessly in my games but I (just like them) bought the game and in return expect most of my matches to be played normally. If you (as a developer) don't want a large amount of your player base leaving your game then you need to make sure the best possible experience is available to everyone and abusing the use of DC ruins it for everyone.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    It's never alright to DC a game, it might not always be avoidable but it's never ok. So many people are like i'll dc because i'm not having fun is hypocritical, "oh i'm not having fun, so i'm going to ruin everyone else's fun". If you've gotten to that point then just stop playing the game.