Genuine question for the community regarding sprint burst.

Do you think its a good exhaustion perk at all? If it is good is it better than any other exhaustion perk (Discluding head on, adrenaline, and dead hard).
it can be good if you're working on a generator without any pallets nearby or windows, however it can be uncontrollable and you waste time just walking around, i would say balanced landing or lithe is better, cuz with balanced landing some specific parts of the map will turn into infinites or powerful loops, sprint burst just discourages the killer to begin chasing which results in you wasting the perk and having to wait 40 seconds
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Yeah it’s a good one especially if you like to ditch at the last minute. I prefer lithe or balanced landing, but sb is still good.
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Combined with spine chill and urban and lightweight or poised it's fantastic. If you use it consistently you'll find that your exhaustion comes back at really opportunistic moments once you have the hang of it.
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I'd say it's good but balanced landing and dead hard are just a lot better. Sprint burst also annoys me a lot because I have to walk everywhere.
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No you don't. Sprint Burst is not only a chase tool, you may walk a little in the beginning, but you need to be running and doing things if someone is being chased.
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I’d say it’s on par with lithe and balanced. Those 3 have utility outside of a chase in that you can use them to cover distance on the map. None are as good as DH in a chase, but maybe the utility balances them all out.
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I don't think it is good but mainly because of my playstyle. It annoys me a lot that it activates as soon as you are running and I run around a lot. I don't have the nerve to slow walk to a gen or a hook or across the map in general just to avoid beeing exhausted. I'd basically choose every other exhaution perk over sprint burst.
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Even walking at the beginning is annoying to me so I rarely use it. It was good combined with fixated though imo.
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I said it’s good, I didn’t say I like to use it, Bc it’s easily exhausted and there’s no control like I said it’s a ditch at the last second perk. It’s a beginners perk, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good.I do plenty worry about your own playstyle.
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You should never be walking around constantly with SB, that's a big waste.
It's a great perk, all exhaustion perks are good just because of what they do. Head on is the only "bad" one.
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It is a good perk but only once you know how to best use it. It can negate certain powers and give a burst away at the right moments or rush in for a hook save.
The only aspect I dislike is it can cause a lot of players to walk around and keep it for that right moment so they aren't as efficient.
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Not really. I prefer lithe.
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Noob perk. Only used by beginners or scrubs.
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It has its moments. At endgame if you dont have adrenaline for some ungodly reason and you're hooked. When you get unhooked that boost of speed can help of you're being camped. If you face a legion its an easy counter to him but wraith can counter sprint burst pretty easily. Has its pros and cons but I'd say it's worth a slot. Lithe is a tad bit too situational, balanced gets cucked on some maps but can be perfect on other maps. There's never a time you won't be able to use sprint burst unless it's already used.
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I hate using SB, not because it's necessarily a bad perk, but I always end up running towards an objective and accidentally wasting
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It's pretty much the best exhaustion perk in high tier survivor gameplay and tournaments. Opinions usually differ base on the survivor skill: Low tier-SB; Mid Tier-DH; High Tier-SB. I used to think DH was the best but after thousand of hours, I realised that It was just fixing mistakes thay I shouldn't have made, thus how I got a much better survivor now after leaving DH behind.
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SB is pretty weak after the exhaustion update
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If you’re a beginner and new to the game I recommend it until you get your entity legs.
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Pair it with "Fixated", "Iron Will" and "Spine Chill" and you got a pretty good stealth build.
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I run Poised, so it’s a must have. Plus, Sprint Control exists— so it’s got some extra utility.
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It should be on secondary action, its still good though
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I tried using it and it's so restrictive in the sense I can't run as I normally please. I wish there was a button-trigger to activate it, but it'd be too powerful then. I always stick with Lithe.
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It's good. It all depends what you're playing against. It's one of the better ones against stealth killers.
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I find it to be the most consistent exhaustion perk in my opinion? You can instantly get distance between yourself and the killer, while running Lithe, Balanced Landing, and other perks are nice but I have gotten hit and injured, maybe even downed before I could reach a vault or high surface to drop from
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Also, I like to use it to travel around the map faster, like if someones struggling on hook across the map it will help me get to them faster for saves
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If there was an activation prompt it'll immediately overshadow dead hard, lithe and even balanced landing. You about to get hit? Just pop a sprint burst and now the killer whiffed their attack and you made it to that pallet.
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Omg my 2nd favorite forum member because you always defend baby girl spirit <3
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Best comment.
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Ive been using SB with Fixated and i love it. You can walk way faster and ive learned that scratch marks give you away very often, so im even more stealthy since im not running everywhere. I dont walk everywhere but i definitely have to prioritize what is worth using SB for
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Sprint Burst used to be meta but to be honest I've always viewed it as a crap perk. Especially after the Exhaustion Nerf. I think it was good before the nerf, but post-nerf it hurts you more than helps you.
It just serves as a disincentive to run, which makes you a slow, immersed survivor who is just walking around the map until a killer shows up. It's a lousy perk. Lithe is far, far superior.
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Lets see:
- You can use it to gain distance to avoid first hit and get to the first loop.
- You are extremly handicaped since you have to walk instead of sprint a lot of the time.
- It does not help you during chase.
- Killer knows right from the beginning what perk you are running.
- If you need Sprintburst to get to the first loop, you are doing something wrong. Therefore you teaching yourself a bad habit.
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lol thanks, someone has to
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Eh. You're limited to walking if you dont want to use it, and while it does give you good distance it only gives you distance at the beginning of a chase. The killer will catch up anyway, and you dont have any other options other than looping.
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I wish they made sprint burst like old lithe and only activate in chase I'm tired of morons walking or urban evasioning to unhook me
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Truth be told, I tend to favor Sprint Burst over other exhaustion perks because I don't have to think a whole lot about it. It's just there, and it works when I need it (which is usually when I'm fleeing from a gen when the killer is inbound).
@Mochan brings up an interesting point about it being a poor perk because it disincentivizes running. I've always seen this in a positive light, because Sprint Burst forces me to be more mindful of when and why I am running, as careless scratch marks can open you up to risk when you do nothing but run. So, I usually always try to run with purpose when I am sure it's not going to give me away unnecessarily. Am I wrongheaded in thinking this way? Why or why not?
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I run Sprint Burst only with Vigil and Fixated, because without these perks it isn't worth it imo.
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I personally wont ever use it simply because I like using Balanced Landing and Dead Hard to extend a chase during one, rather than a speed burst at the start. I also jus hate the idea of having to tip-toe a lot so as to not waste it accidentally.
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If you can learn to control your exhaustion it's good. I love running around with a "banked" SB with exhaustian down to like 1%. I find that as long as I am doing other things and not in chase constantly I have SB when I need it.
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Yes it's good. It just is used differently. It's the best for getting out of a dead zone. Balanced Landing has more potential for extending chases depending on the map. Lithe is great for flat maps where you want more control over when you sprint burst away. It also can pair with quick and quiet for a fast get away.
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omg my first favorite forum member :o