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Let's list every possible spirit counterplay to help survivors counter her

Clockso Member Posts: 853
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Spirit has counter play, some believe it's just a coin flip but there are tons of counter play you can pull off, anyways this isn't a discussion about spirit being op or what not, this is just a list from spirit mains, survivors mains, anyone who has an idea on how to counter her; i'll start

Running iron will is really good on her

Fixated is meh..

Lightweight can screw with her but not that much

Make sure not to bump into her while she's phase walking otherwise it's a free hit, like don't walk in straight corridors or don't be too predictable with you're movement otherwise you'll both cross paths

Pay attention to the phasing sound, if it's muffled that means she's phase walking inside a building or something, the clearer the sound gets the closer she is to you.

if you have a flashlight and you don't know if she's phasing or not then try to blind her, if the beam starts shrinking into her eyes that means she isn't phasing, if the beam doesn't do anything that means she's phase walking.

what other counter plays do you have or know?



  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 466

    You can tell whether spirit is phasing or not by simply looking at her. While phasing, her glass shards become more intense and she kinda has this whitish glow around her. I'd post images, but I can't atm. It's pretty distinct if you're looking for it.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    then going to the next game and oh boy it's another spirit

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Manipulating scratchmarks by running towards loops but then going away from loops the scratchmarks do have a slight delay to them as well

    Running by pallets not through pallets (as op stated staying unpredictable is key so sometimes run through the pallet and sometimes run into the loop as well)

    *Make the first hit difficult* now this is a tip a bit hard to pull off because sometimes the first is a give (finishing a gen that's close to be 100%, attempting stealth play but you get found) but the reason why IW is being stated as a requirement is because spirits job made so much easier while you're injured, when you can waste and sometimes force a spirit to give up if you make that first hit difficult enough for her.. IW is not required learning how to manipulate your opponent is though.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,947

    To be totally honest lightweight works well for me against spirit

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    edited October 2019

    Don't STICK AT LOOPS if you don't have to. if she just phased, sure loop a bit. But when survivors just run, it definitely extends my chase times. Don't just run straight tho, or out in the open. Try and juke if you think she's phasing, and try to stay heading towards windows and pallets

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I tried to fast vault a window and then slow vault it back but it didn't work. And no, that Spirit didn't have line of sight on me.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Watch and learn. Don't play against the character, play against the player.

    Does he always phase to the pallet? Don't go there.

    Does he always fake phasing? Run to the next loop or stand there provocatively(2nd one is more risky)

    Does he phase going around stuff to cut you off? Go back

    You have at least 2 chases to learn the habits of the player, use that knowledge.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    My best counter to spirit is to run and juke in jungle gyms. You don't need Iron Will to do this and it can be done even while injured, but is harder. It is easier when Fixated is working. It also works with No Mither and Iron Will.

    This is the only reliable way to force a juke and disengage from her,a nd it's nto event hat reliable (you have maybe a 25% chance she guesses wrong twice and you can make an escape -- she needs to guess wrong twice or you can't escape. One wrong guess just prolongs the chase).

  • liarcy
    liarcy Member Posts: 160

    Just equip iron will honestly

    and for spine chill I still don’t agree that you have to equip a specific perk to counter a specific killer’s add on that’s stupid

    but yeah iron will makes her power completely useless in chases and if she stands near a pallet just leave it and go to a different one that’ll hurt her chase so much if she was phasing or not

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300
    1. dc
    2. git gud
  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    You seem confused, first you say Iron Will is necessary, then you say its' not necessary to equip a specific perk to counter a killer.

  • liarcy
    liarcy Member Posts: 160

    I say it’s stupid that you have to equip spine chill to counter an add on ( prayer beads) meaning its not fair

    but iron will gives you counter play against her power and at red ranks she is popular along side nurse also iron will helps in chases whilst spine chill Isn’t that great vs many killers it’s just there for stealth build

    summary of what I said she has counter play but prayer beads needs a change because having to equip 2 perks to have a balanced chase is not good one is enough

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    If you are worried about collision, stand in places you don't think she'll go to.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You don't need those 2 perks to counter it. They simply make it much easier. Spine Chill, Iron Will and Premonition are also quite good against all killers regardless of if you are running a stealth build. Besides since you said yourself how popular she is the perks will be paying off a lot.

    That said, every single game has meta's that players run specific things that aren't normally as good, specifically to counter the popular choices.

  • liarcy
    liarcy Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2019

    The perks don’t make it easier because a spirit has to be brain dead to lose an injured survivor and playing against her is just about luck if not using perks

    You may have understood me wrong I love spirit so much she is my main btw and I don’t think she is op But prayer beads is not good I used it it’s almost a guaranteed 4k if you get grabs or not because if you don’t grab them then they are scared to be on gens which will get no work done

    this is my own unbiased opinion

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    Well if they are running IW it's quite easy to juke a Spirit. You're also never getting snuck up on if you're running Prem or Spine. I do not think luck has anything to do with Spirit. It's about predicting players moves.

    "if you don’t grab them then they are scared to be on gens which will get no work done"

    They will still get them done, just slower. I don't think slower is really an issue with how overly fast games currently are.

    I'd be fine with swapping Beads with Father's Glasses in rarity so that the beads are harder to come by. I wouldn't want a direct nerf tho. I think ultra rares should be powerful for how rare they are and most ultra rares these days are trash because of how heavy the negatives the devs have put on them. This is why almost all killers best addons are very rares instead.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Some of these responses are exactly why I went to this click bait. And now I don't have to say them myself. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

  • Fictionalname
    Fictionalname Member Posts: 121

    Problem is, DBD playerbase which mainly plays survivor doesn't want to learn how to counter certain killers. Hence the Nurse nerf. Hence the legion nerf. Hence new killer powers being able to be canceled out by survivors.

    There's lots of useful guides how to counter nurse and spirit. But as I said nobody wants to learn how, they just want to loop 5 gens as with 90% of the other killers.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Wow I'm gonna use this to outplay the Spirit with my Mount Everest brain energy.

  • claudemonet
    claudemonet Member Posts: 31

    Can't agree you more lol

    These survivors' broken heart and salt comments even made this game more enjoyable

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Wow it's almost like you copy pasted my reply on this the other day. The only counterplay is a SPECIFIC set of perks. Why should I have to run certain perks to be able to play against an overpowered (and abuseable) killer?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Notices only the perks stated..... completely ignores every other comment that lists multiple counters and tactics to use against the killer that is difficult for you.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Why not help with this information that can help push it towards your direction as a Survivor? A lot of people listen to your advice because your a well known player. So putting the real information out there might help against her.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Thats true to a degree I dont even have a headset on half the time as a Spirit since people try and vault not realizing I can see the dust on the vault.

    I meant your a incredibly well respected person in this community. Even providing small details like how her glass shards and hair change when shes phasing vs faking. How the enviroment does not actually move when shes walking through grass, but crows still go off.

    Providing these details from someone like you. Will at least get people to listen instead of having these arguments constantly how she has no counters has no tells. I mean your spirit guide was legitimately hilarious yet people basically swore up and down for awhile that's how it was without understanding there was more to it then that.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    It's a subtle tell that most people can't tell because few people bother to learn how to play against her.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    The best counter to Spirit is to stop running so much. Walk more, and you'll take away a lot of her leverage during a pursuit.

    Pair that with Iron Will, and you've got a pretty good defense against her.

  • GennyFromTheBlock
    GennyFromTheBlock Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2019


    You Killah Mainz really don't want the Spirit's imbalanced power to be balanced. No surprise there.

    You can list every possible "counter-play" for the Spirit, but the fact remains that counter-play for the Spirit is the equivalent of hiding a coin in one of your hands, putting your hands behind your back, and asking someone to choose which hand has the coin. I picked left when I should have picked right.

    Her husk is going to get a nerf so that way she can't make Survivors play Russian Roulette at every chase.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I’m pretty sure her hair also stands straight up when she starts to phase but she has shorter hair cosmetics that counter that.

    Listening for footsteps has helped me when she has Prayer Beads because I heard her footsteps slap the ground but in a chase if the Spirit is that close to you she’s probably already going to know where you are.

    Like you said, it’s a guessing game. That’s why people hate facing her.

    There isn’t any reliable counter to Spirit but hope you brought in Iron Will and cross your fingers that she can’t track. I still love to play her though, I just feel bad for the survivors for having to face her :/

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    @ScottJund I was thinking the same thing.

    ”Guess and if you’re lucky you might get away...”

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I couldn't really help either honestly. I only know how I play against Spirit, but it's like playing against Nurse I'm just good at it cant really describe how. I always figured it's because I have mained them so I know what I look for and do the stuff I know would confuse me and make me lose them.

    Her best outfit is honestly the schoolgirl collection because it really hurts the subtle hints she gives. I would hope you take some time to look into more tips and hints because I feel with the Nurse rework she will become a hugely more popular killer. People say IW is her counter have truely not played against a good Spirit. Again you happen to be well regarded and respected so you can hopefully help shed some light to players.

    Also since you replied to me on something and I got your attention. Would you do a updated Huntress guide for the new perks added and since directional humming is not a thing anymore. I've been curious about your thoughts for awhile.

    *totally not a demanding person*

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    It's really weird how people on both sides yell about something being broken as long as it hurts them, but if it helps it's fine.

    Though more to the point! Alot of people do DC cause Spirit is "broken" Well if that's the case, you arn't learning anything you can do against her, therefore making yourself ignorant of how to face her.

    Come on, we have alot of weak Killers and yall are yelling about nerfing Spirit before buffing anyone else. It's getting to the point I don't think yall want me to even move!

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,700

    Let's not forget about Dance With Me. Vaults are already the spirit's worst enemy, and Dance With Me will make it harder to track them after a vault. Combine that with quick and quiet for a silent vault and you've got a great way to confuse a spirit.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Legion nerf was also cause of an exploit! Remember! Exploits are not fair! They did go too far though, which is why i have a huge thread on feedback for Legion reworks! Also!

    *cries in Legion main*

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited October 2019

    That's because most people who play survivor almost exclusively outside a few killers games from events and dailies dont want to have to learn and feel entitled to well survive every trial.

    I do with they would give weaker killers buffs those instead of "reworking" stronger ones.

    I would rather just have prayer beads removed. After that's removed survivors shouldn't have an excuse to DC and instead start looking for tricks to beat her. If a killer main manages to figure out how a survivor acts with 4 people every match. You should be able to figure out a killer easier.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I understand! I merely ask you stay civil to both sides! After all, everyone here whines at some point!

    Though I will agree to the second thing! I have to figure out 12 perks, 4 items, 12 possible add-ons AND how the person seems to play. Add to that how gens are focused down and it gets to be alot! Killer is rather stressful, and if you disagree (people reading this), go play Killer for a bit!

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Trust me when I say I'm still being civil at this point. I just find it funny how foolish people can be. I attempt to help them, but its usually meh. Everyone has there own playstyle some are better at this game then others. Yet the core problem is everyone in this game is entitled and feels they are the only correct one and find like minded people.

    Honestly when it comes to what items people are running I generally assume they are running the best medkits or insta medkits, same with toolboxes and flash lights. Better to assume and they dont have it then assume they dont and get behind. It's a joke though

    Survivor's 4 items, 8 addons, 16 perks, 4 playstyles


    Killer's 2 addons, 4 perks, 1 playstyle.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Well it is an asymmetrical game! Though I do agree the balance still feels wonky!

    As far as everyone having different playstyles... I main Legion! I always feel like i'm one of the few that do!

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I dunno how to explain how I even play. I dont engage in chases too long without a pallet or hit. I dont engage in broken loops except maybe one or two go arounds to see if they mess up. I absolutely hate camping and tunneling. Hatch dont bother me. I plan for endgame from spawn and change perks depending on survivors in the lobby. I also typically try to match the survivors I'm paired with skill level so everyone can have fun.

    I main Spirit, Huntress, Pig, and Hag. I used to play Nurse, but Spirit was just more appealing to me mechanically and aesthetically. As long as it's not Billy I'll play whoever I feel is right at that moment.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Makes sense to me! That's like me and Nurse! I can't play her cause her blinks make me wanna puke! I never camp or tunnel and honestly have my perks set up to reward fast pick ups too!

    I normally go easy on anyone I see that seems new, till they BM. I don't mind if people get away, as long as I feel like I had some effect in the match!