What are all the funny, intentional “Demogorgon” mispronunciations you’ve seen in the forums?

(Feel free to make up new ones here too!)
Introducing Demogorgon, AKA:
- Demogarbanzo
- Demogummybear
- Demadog
- Demadaddy
- Demogargle
- (you guys take it from here!)
Demodoggo is the only correct one!
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Lemme tell you something: My therapist recommended Stranger Things to me, and I initially refused to watch given I had cancelled my Netflix membership over them taking The Wonder Years away. I left Netflix a nasty message about that. A year passes; here I am with a brand new free trial: Let's do the Dema-whatever.
That's who he is. "Dema-whatever." Except upon watching Stranger Things up until episode 5, I had noted a peculiar observation: the strange ABSENCE of whatever this Dema-whatever is. For bloody sake's, is it not a queer standard for such "suspense" to make truancy of such an antagonist? Can I expect anything else out of some TV-14 cabbage-written doggerel? Netflix, shame on you.
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Dimmsdale dimmagorgon.
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To me it will always be Demoman.
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I call it the Demimooregorgon
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Demi Logorgon
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I always call him Demolavito, only name that is true.
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Demogordon Ramsey, Demi Lagorgon, and Succagorgon