Perk review #1- RUIN

MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

Perk review


-Select an answer below

-Explain why you chose your answer

-Justify/ defend your answer

-Consider the situation mentioned below and answer accordingly.( may be included with justifying your answer)

Situation: Perk is either too weak( blows up in 10 seconds/ Survivors can negate ruin by gen tapping or being good at skill checks)

or is too strong( rank 10-20) survivors don’t know ruins location and aren’t great at skillchecks.

Quick summary: Ruin Can give killers extra time; however, survivors can easily avoid ruin altogether.

RUIN needs

Perk review #1- RUIN 81 votes

A Buff
GibberishIhatelifeBlueberryAkhatendfrenchieeMasusderDenhiQxRemSinisterDog 9 votes
A nerf
Joelux1PolarBearmichaelrandom27ad19970NymaascalaDarootLeafstormnickofford 8 votes
A QOL update
twistedmonkeyCroquedeadkodiakyNoxeriasxChrisxAcesthetiicSN1P3R5G3TH3ADKilmeranFinancial_StabilityLCGasterElementoDeusMicheal_MyersNikkiwhatElkYamaokaBunnyTheHuttJawsIsTheNextKillerLeonardo1itanightfallSylorknag 35 votes
No change
BossGamingZebra88White_OwlAdelooMister_xDFibijeanMr_KSpartagone45KarltastiskbrokedownpalaceTheGorgonmellbypwpootis_BearpAncrop900Boosted_DwightJohnny_XManNescau_FernandoAngryFluffyRIP_LegionKsoni 29 votes


  • Croquedead
    Croquedead Member Posts: 91
    edited October 2019
    A QOL update

    Ruin needs no buff, no nerf. But I'd like a QOL in general for the totems so I know which totem is which if I'm using more than one of them. I personally don't enjoy using Ruin, it's bad for me because I lose it super fast and gambling on RNG is a bad strategy, but I do run it on totem builds, so having that QOL update would be nice

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    No change

    Not a QoL change to ruin itself, a QoL change to totem spawns so they are similar to Badham Preschool.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    A QOL update

    A QOL update as in placement. It cannot spawn directly next to a gen or in the survivors view when loading in.

    I dont think it needs to be buffed as it does it's job it's just risky using any totem and they are not meant to last the whole game but it should last at least until some less mobile killers can setup for the match.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899
    A nerf

    Not sure if my answer would fir QOL update. I want ruin to get nerfed so devs can extend the base time of the game instead of having killers play with 3 perks and have ruin in most cases. I don't like to use ruin cause it makes my victories feel hollow.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    A QOL update

    Totem Spots, like many others said before.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773
    A QOL update

    Hex totems in general need too be fixed. Really hate the fact they can spawn in front of gens, or survivors can spawn on top of it. Even new maps like Badham has a totem spot not even 3 feet from a gen, plain as day. If they were hidden, or could be reactivated once it's broken, it would be great, but right now totems almost feel like handicaps most of the time.

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330
    No change

    Ruin needs no changes, just change totem spots.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    A QOL update

    Better totem spots.

  • GamingZebra88
    GamingZebra88 Member Posts: 31
    No change

    Even though I didn't vote buff I do think ruin needs to be more effective. Though as others have mentioned, tweaking totem placements would be a better solution than changing the perk.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    No change

    honestly, ruin itself is fine.

    it does its job and it does it well.

    the only thing that needs changes would be totem spots, though that has nothing to do with the perk itself, its a thing that affects all totem perks the same.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    A QOL update

    A QOL update with a complete rework of the gens

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    A QOL update

    Like others stated above, It can be extremely hard to spot, to hear, and could sometimes be easily seen (Never heard...) So idk how QOL would work for ruin but other people's suggestions could work.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061
    A Buff

    Ruin is easily the most overrated perk in the game.

    Killers who run Ruin are working off 3 layers of RNG:

    Layer 1 : Hope Ruin spawns in a good place and doesnt just get destroyed.

    Layer 2: Hope the game actually gives Survivors skillchecks instead of just having them be able to hold M1 and only get 1 or two skillchecks for the entire generator.

    Layer 3: Hope the Survivors are trash at the game and cant hit great skillchecks.

    Ruin is poopy.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    A nerf

    I actually do think Ruin will need a nerf, but rather only in the future. Once maps are reworked, have more mindgameable loops, and in particular, are smaller to allow for more map pressure, I do think Ruin would be too good and slow down the game too much. Except maybe against the most optimal survivor teams, but it would be way too much for lower ranks in particular, and probably most high rank teams as well.

    Simply decreasing the regression on good skill checks from 5 to 3 % would be good. It would affect high rank survivors less anyways, since they are good at hitting great skill checks, and Ruin would still disable the 3% progression bonus great skill checks would normally give.

  • SinisterDog
    SinisterDog Member Posts: 48
    A Buff

    I feel as if it just needs a change

    1 - great skill check window should decrease by about half, and should be placed in the middle of the skillcheck (since it's just too easy to hit great skill checks but also taking away risk of blowing gen for low level survivors)

    2 - missing skillcheck should regress more of the generator but not pause it. (that way groups can barrel through it slightly faster if someone isn't hitting the skillchecks)

    3 - If the killer has an unlit totem at the start of the game ruin has 2 totems, after cleansing the first one the great skillcheck window becomes three times as large (This way the killer can't camp a lucky ruin spawn and force a loss on the survivors, and it lasts a bit longer)

    altogether everything proposed will give ruin a milder but longer lasting and less RNG heavy effect throughout the game and the perks effects will sort of be the same despite playing low or high level survivors. LMK what you think

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280
    A QOL update

    Totem placement upgrade. That is all.

  • nightfall
    nightfall Member Posts: 31
    A QOL update

    I've said it before, but I just think the strength of all hex perks needs to be based on how many totems are still standing on the map.

    It's an easy fix to the issue of hex perks either blowing up 20 seconds into the game, or being ridiculously hard to locate.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    No change

    As it is now, it's good. However, if Hex totems get a buff in general, then I'd be willing to accept other changes to Ruin.

    I would love to see Huntress' Lullaby improved so it can stand toe-to toe with ruin. Because while each messes with survivors and gens, Lullaby doesn't do much since it often gets destroyed before it can reach its' full potential.