Let's list every possible spirit counterplay to help survivors counter her



  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Play who you enjoy I've seen some of the worse killers have some incredible skill.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    One day i'll be that one Legion you get and get to the post game, see the name, and go "OH no WONDER I died!"

    It's a good goal! That's where i have fun in the game. What about you?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Unlikely honestly

    I play survivor seriously on PS4 and Killer casually and the exact opposite on PC, but if I do ever get ya I'll definitely say hi it's me Liru gg.

    Lately all I care about is Pig xD shes so dang fun. I cant get enough of her. Shes the only killer i actually add ruin on because it compliments her RBT instead of my usual no ruin or Corrupt Intervention.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Piggy is fun! I can't get a handle on her though

    Also i know it's unlikely, but that is what makes it worth chasing!

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Run Whispers, Monitor and Abuse, Ruin, and whatever else perk u think will help. It will help you out immensely.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Good idea!

    Back to the topic slightly, I do wonder how many of the people that think there is no counterplay think that cause of youtubers that only upload victories or streamers that complain constantly.

  • GennyFromTheBlock
    GennyFromTheBlock Member Posts: 113



    But the Killah Mainz are trying their hardest to shout over logic and balance by making redundant and distracting threads every day about "DoNt NeRf tEh SpiRiT!"

    You can list every possible "counter-play" for the Spirit, but the fact remains that counter-play for the Spirit is the equivalent of hiding a coin in one of your hands, putting your hands behind your back, and asking someone to choose which hand has the coin. They picked left when they should have picked right.

    And that 🅿️eriodT!

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    No idea honestly she has the counter play, but the hints for it are tiny and can be overwhelming to learn. I would probably be on the other side of this argument if I had not played her for over a year and know her addons and mechanics by heart.

    It's odd i feel shes balanced, but balanced in a incredibly strong way.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I feel like that is the best way to put it.

    Honestly, alot of the Killers struggle and it's always been weird to me. The only ones that don't struggle get screamed at to be nerfed (normally by the extreme of the survivor side, which makes it look bad)

    Killers don't really feel like the power role, or at least most of them don't. In this kinda game, that's so weird to feel, Ya know?

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    You said you play on PS4, it's 2 different things when most of us are referring to PC. Trust me.

  • Omegargon
    Omegargon Member Posts: 31

    I've seen some good players run to the pallet and drop it while she's phasing and then they run to another place, now she's a 110% ms killer looking for where you were running to

  • Pleebean
    Pleebean Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2019

    Okay so I just want to start by saying I love playing spirit, one of my most played killers by far (I have about 700 hours on killer and 200 on survivor, give or take). That being said I think she's completely unfair to face if they actually know what they are doing.

    Il just go down your list of counters and explain my thoughts.

    1. "Running iron will is really good on her"

    - Although iron will IS a counter, it relies on the fact that it's already on BEFORE you know your facing a spirit. That and she still has the ability to follow scratch marks in a Chase and can still see/hear rush action notifications

    2. "Fixated is meh.."

    - Agreed. If your an experienced survivor you already know where your own scratch marks are. Not a counter.

    3. "Lightweight can screw with her but not that much"

    - Normally only usefully once or twice during a chase, also it's a perk so it relies on the fact it's on BEFORE you know it's a spirit.

    4. "Make sure not to bump into her while she's phase walking otherwise it's a free hit, like don't walk in straight corridors or don't be too predictable with you're movement otherwise you'll both cross paths"

    - It's impossible to see where she is while she's phasing, it's a complete coin flip on guessing if you'll bump into her or not. AND if your injured and don't have iron will a good spirit will hear you when she passes if she doesn't bump into you and stop phasing to hit you.

    5. "Pay attention to the phasing sound, if it's muffled that means she's phase walking inside a building or something, the clearer the sound gets the closer she is to you."

    - This isn't a counter at all. Knowing of she is close or not is irrelevant in most situations. She could be chasing someone else, she could be coming to the Gen you were/are working on, she could be patrolling the area your in, ect. It's impossible to know and you have to guess.

    6. "if you have a flashlight and you don't know if she's phasing or not then try to blind her, if the beam starts shrinking into her eyes that means she isn't phasing, if the beam doesn't do anything that means she's phase walking."

    - This counter relies on an item you most likely won't have, and even if you do this and she's phasing while you check it's likely already too late as your standing still waving your flashlight around like an idiot while she gets closer. Another coin flip.

    TL:DR: Spirit machine broke pls fix

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    This is one of my favorite jukes against spirit but it's a 50/50 just like TL walls. Also don't use it over and over in the same game switch it up, you gotta be unpredictable.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    - her hair stands up quickly when she starts phasing. She has a sort of idle animation and it resets when she phases. Pay attention to the hair if she is trying to mindgame you at a pallet or loop.

    - if she's phasing in a chase, run away and then back towards her, but to the side so you don't run into her. This always gets me as a spirit main

    - being unpredictable and making random movements can really throw a spirit off.

    - if you're running towards a building, she may try to run around and catch you at the other side. do your best to pay attention to her footsteps and try turning and running back the way you came

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Try to be unpredictable when looping. If a spirit is phasing, she'll often try to be optimal, and predicting optimal survivors is easy.

    Spirit players often don't care about crows, but I hate disturbing them since survivors can clearly see them fly off. It ruins stealth in her TR while phasing.

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157

    Iron Will doesn't just counter Spirit. It helps in most chases if the killer loses sight of you and you stealth a bit. I don't know why people think Spirit players are the only ones capable of using a good headset.

    If you suspect a spirit is phasing then you need to stop running to negate scratch marks and walk to an unpredictable route. This works a ton coming from someone who has dumped a lot of time with Spirit and a fair bit against her. Learn to also adapt to the player, and catch on to their patterns. I think Spirit just needs a bit more counter play, an indirect nerf would work. She's not nearly as broken as people cry that she is.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    don't stick at loops unless you KNOW she does not have phase available

    don't run in a straight line

    use your headphones and BRAIN

    the usual perks of spinechill and iron will

    be un-predictable

    windows are your BEST FRIEND. she cannot phase walk through windows

    you cant blind her while she is phasing so if you don't know if she is phasing try to blind otherwise look for differences in her while she is standing still there is subtle differences when she is phasing

    DONT FORGET she is a 110% M1 KILLER so running straight when she does not have phase up is VERY strong

    most spirits will try to mindgame to be prepared for that

    if a spirit is either mindgaming or phasing at a pallet JUST RUN AWAY FROM THE PALLET it will screw over more spirits than you think since most people will just stick at the loop/pallet but if you walk away or run it negates the mind game and if she is phasing she thinks you are just waiting at the pallet and at WORST she has to phase around the pallet

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Just guess 🙂

  • MsFrizby93
    MsFrizby93 Member Posts: 77

    Spine chill and mind games

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited October 2019

    You dont need loops or pallets to play against a good spirit,

    -you can use objectiles or mindgames aswell

    -you could hide into a locker around a corner

    -behind objects or walls

    -run in a direction and then change by walking your direction

    -make a confusing 360 move when you assume she wants to go out of phasing to hit you

    -vault save windows


    -use your headphones to hear her footspets

    -you can just stand still in the nearest object to you

    most of them are mindgames yeah i know, thats HOW THE KILLER IS SUPPOSE TO WORK AGAINST YOU AND YOU AGAINST HER! I know that against a good spirit you will probably die in 2-4 phasewalkes, depends on how well you mindgamed her or she ######### up. But the game is litterly designed that the killer should catch you fast not after a 5gen chase. If you are frustrated to die fast against her, then pls just learn mindgames.

    I am a Killer main for over 2 years and I never see good mindgames from survivors, the question is why right. Because survivor these days just focus on gens with perks such as adrenaline, d strike and borrow to dont need to heal, just do the gens as fast as you can so you dont need to learn how to play proberly against the killer and can avoid him by just finishing the game in 5min. I am not calling out "genrush op" or "dstrike op", I love dstrike as a survivor, but if you think about that, you know what I mean, intense chases or nice altruistic moves are rarely to find in this games, mostly the survivors just focus on gens, I know that is a effective strategy and it is the ONLY 1 objective, but it is still sad to see for my opninion.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 300

    Counter to stridor spirit :

    Get rekt , even if you have IW .

    P.S. It's not that hard to land first hit on healthy survivor anyway

  • Pleebean
    Pleebean Member Posts: 22

    Yes iron will is a good perk, but not everyone runs it. A killer should have counter play that isnt perk reliant that's all.

    I run it sometimes but other times I'd like to run other stuff. If I'm caught in a spirit game when I run something else I'm kinda #########.

    Also if you stop running while she's phasing, sure it'll throw her off for a few seconds. But if you aren't far enough away she'll just catch up again extremely fast.

    I'm basically a spirit main but I play survivor too. She's 100% due for a nerf in my eyes. Make it so they can see the direction your moving or something and it would be way more fair.

  • Murph203
    Murph203 Member Posts: 27

    Her glass shards turn red when phasing

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275
    edited October 2019

    There are no counters.

    If the spirit has eyes and can hear you won't get away.

    And that's why she needs to be adjusted down in power, give her longer cooldown, no collision, unable to see anything during phase etc.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254
    edited October 2019

    If you have a torch, shine it at her if it pop un killer blinded or she moves, shes there standing still / if you shine it at her and nothing happens no movements or the killer blinded doesn't show up shes phasing.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Let's presume that the Spirit is using Prayer Beads. She is countered by:



    Spine Chill

    Iron Will


    Urban Evasion

    Mindgaming Loops

    Running Loops


    Dance With Me

    Quick and Queit


    Basically, Stealth counters her. And if your complaint is that stealth play is too weak, NOT AGAINST SPIRIT.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2019

    @ScottJund aren't all pallet loop moonwalk fake vault mindgames guesses? aren't most survivors saying that this is the game's key element?

    @Kabu not sure about the link to Terror Radius and Phasing sound. I'm pretty sure I tested that in KYF and could hear both, so TR perks not influencing the audio perception range

    @All How often do you notice crows getting off in a chase? Especially when spirit most likely follows your path and you scared the crows already away. Can you really make use of that effect?

    @ThxForFacecamping @Liruliniel I'd rather say against several killers it is not really possible to learn. I agree that most people don't wanna learn, just from the feedback on old Legion, just had it so often that I got outplayed and made use of that in my own games against Legion. But for this "you can see she's phasing"... I play this game pretty long but never noticed that. How should you be able to notice that in a chase? If survivor players' perception would be that good, noone would step into bear traps. You literally have to build your team, do KYF and play no games but examine the killer to death.

    @Pleebean To 2. I think Fixated is also good as you get away from your scratch marks faster when you walk, it's not just about you seeing your scratch marks

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    Playing Killer it's just guessing for the majority of the time but I don't see people saying that its unfair, I actually see more people wanting to mind game than to just loop around one pallet and bloodlust 3 to hit a Survivor.

    English isn't my first language so ... Sorry i guess.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604


  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    People sometimes forget that its not a 1v1. She's going to get you eventually (should be like this with every killer imo) , but delay it for as long as possible, give your team more time!

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    I love how the OP basically has 1 real suggestion to offer. "Run iron will and hope she is bad".

    Because that's about all you can do vs. a spirit with a brain. Walk in random direction when she phases, run iron will, and pray she is bad. A fun and balanced killer for sure.

    Toss her in the dumpster with nurse, and then rework freddy and quicksaw billy can join her too.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Iron Will isn't even reliable against spirit because most spirits use Stridor. Just tried running iron will since people keep saying people to run it, went against 2 spirits in a row and both had stridor. Basically used a perk slot for nothing.

    The "don't bump into her" actually made me laugh. I'll make sure not to bump into something that I can't see.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    She does have counters, they just aren't as obvious or easy as other killer's counters.

    Her cooldown is 15 seconds, sure that could be increased but it's only a problem when people use addons to reduce it. I almost never use cooldown addons.

    You do know how she works right? She already can't see anything in phase walk. Scratch marks don't really help unless you're trying to find someone and are not in a chase with them.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549
    edited March 2020

    * oops i posted this in the wrong topic

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    great now this thread is back in the main page, you just resurrected this cursed discussion xd

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Actually if you do this at a window/pallet that's directly by some grass the spirit player can spot the grass moving back to her side and get a hit, but only if she's observant enough.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    actually, fun mindgame for spirit: looking straight down looks like you're looking straight forward. When you look down they can't blind you and if they're dumb enough, when they fail to blind you they'll immediately vault the window/pallet you're standing at and give you a free hit/grab.