Why is the Wraith not completely invisible?

Nekoo Member Posts: 133

2 years into dead by daylight, I always want to ask this question, and I wish the dev could answer it.

Why are you suppose to see a invisible killer when he is "invisible"?

The problem with wraith right now is that his power doesn't help him in chase,

once he get out of power he is a powerless mouse 1 killer,

so most of your gameplay comes down to catching survivor off guard

Yet, his power already have two things that allow survivor to be prepared:

  • you ring your bell
  • you move slowly when getting out of cloaked

But dev think it is ok for survivor to see you from a distance when you are "invisible",

and go to safe pallets/window BEFORE you even ring your bell?



  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Yeah his shimmer seriously needs to be removed. It almost defeats his whole purpose.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That could be it. I figured this wouldn't be as bad seeing he is still extremely loud so you would be able to generally tell where he was at and as he's reappearing you would also know where he's at to run the right direction. With Freddy he wasn't loud and aside from some glimmers during transition you were running but had no idea where he was.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Always felt like having this would be SUPER helpful. Right now he's not exactly stealthy for a stealth killer, lol. When they made ghostface, they realized that telling every survivor around that he was using his power via sound cue was dumb... For some reason, Wraith's bell wasn't immediately thought of at this moment.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Balance reasons.

    A term often people forget and just want to blame the other side for.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    What about the fact that a flashlight can stun him for 4 straight seconds or something like that? haha...

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    I think the Idea of the shimmer happening closer like 16 meters is nice also making changing some of the numbers around decloacking and such. If you want ni bell there are addons, he can also block people in corners and block pallets and windows. Also most stealth killers suffer on blood lodge it's a big wide open map that needs something in the middle of it.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266


    1. Completely invisible
    2. Spine chill doesnt work on his cloak form
    3. The bell sound should be discern about range without addon.

    Just ONE of these become his base + increase cloaking speed. He will be much better.


    1. Able to carry 2 traps with base. Still start with 1 trap.
    2. Self untrap should not be high RNG, sometime 1 try, sometime never success. It should be randomly 3-5 try. Addon cause harder to self untrap should increase the number to 7-9 try

    I dont know about Clown, hes very annoying to me because he has 115 speed with slow down ability. Being chased by him always in short time.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    for balance reasons, what else? I already can't see wraith at all when he's cloaked and can tell u it's really frustrating not knowing if you're being followed or not. the only way I can know is if he's literally 2 feet behind me and I can hear his footsteps, at which point I have no time to do anything

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @LegionMain343 Go right ahead. You aren't the only one.

    I am a Wraith main and I don't find a problem with this.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    You just need to play against more wraiths cause its easy to see him before he gets anywhere near that close unless the heavy fog addon is used. He already announces his presense with the bell unless he has a silenced clapper add on used.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    no bud. I *literally* can't see him. this is what my game looks like. there isn't a shimmer for me.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Looks like your graphics are on the lowest possible settinv of course you cant see him if thst is the case. His shimmer should be visible from meduim up.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    If you are hacking your game it's nobody's fault but your own that you can't see him.

    Everybody else can see Wraith just fine. His biggest benefit is his lack of Terror Radius and Stain, and his camping ability (he is 100% invisible when camping a hook or some other item) but if he is moving around he is very easy to see.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    That's not even lowest possible setting. You can only reach that level of non-fidelity by editing the INI files to lower the render resolution to the extreme.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    yes I know. I was just pointing out i already play vs wraith without a shimmer. it isn't fun not knowing if you're being followed or not because the killer is cloaked and more than 2 feet away

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    I'm not blaming anyone. im saying this wouldn't be a healthy change to wraith. I know this from expierence.

    also "hacking" btw LOL

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I feel it would be a bit too strong when paired with the Coxcombed Clapper. Honestly a better buff would be too let him uncloak faster, so survivors can't simply run too a pallet unless they have Sprint Burst.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Just here to read why more people just want survivors on hook the second the match starts

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905
    edited October 2019

    Because he would be like spirit except he could see you. The outplays would be insane especially since you cannot maneuver to a safe place for the split second he comes out of cloak. If you could hear his footsteps that tells you nothing about direction. Even knowing what to look for with his current visibility Wraith still surprises experienced players. Relying on hearing his approach does not work for everyone. Not everyone uses headphones and generators are really loud. Players with hearing impairments already play with the odds stacked against them and would probably just DC against totally invisible Wraith.Total invisibility would be too strong.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 300

    I think it's ok for wraith to be seen . I'd rather have more movement speed while cloacked without addons (at least 6.0 m/sec)

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Because complete invisibilty removes any sort of counterplay, especially if it doesn't have something to counterbalance it. Just think about how many complaints there are about the Prayer Beads Bracelets.

    You guys shouldn't think about invisibility when playing Wraith, but more about camouflage: if you walk in the open you can still be seen, you need to use the environment (trees, walls etc) to sneak up on people.

    I agree though that some maps with huge empty spaces (like Bloodlodge) screw him too much, and the shimmer should not be visibile beyond a certain distance (I think 32 meters would work)

  • Eggscellent
    Eggscellent Member Posts: 21

    I have a solution just don't use him if you don't like him. If you want to go 100% invisible use spirit.

    you guys are ruining dead by daylight

    Not every killer / Survivor perks needs a damn rework.

    If wraith gets this 100% invisibility they're also going to Nerf him as well probably giving him a timer for invisibility basically making him like spirit.

    I think wraith is balanced and I enjoying using him personally.

    You guys also ruined Freddy he had a gimmick that he could put you to sleep and see your aura and invisible to awake people. Nothing was wrong with Freddy. Old Freddy with like Freddy Krueger from the movies. Now Freddy is just a Trapper and a clown. I used to main Freddy because I liked his originality

    You guys are going to make wraith become a spirit and ruin his gimmick

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Your solution is a bad one and it used to apply to a lot of killers before they were changed. "Don't like, don't play" just brushes off bad balance and cruddy design.

    Old Freddy was so boring to face for me. He's way more versatile and unpredictable now and it seems he actually has more control of the dream state. A killer shouldn't be left in such a garbage state as the Wraith where their power is almost useless. A killer shouldn't be a "gimmick." They should be viable.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I would argue that a Killer with the power to literally turn invisible should be stealthier than a Survivor.

    One thing to note about Wraith vs. Freddy is that Freddy also had the power to slow down the game immensely against lower-skilled players, which I would imagine was the more frustrating element about Freddy for those players than the fact that he was invisible (even though he had a blatant tell when he was in distance and, like Wraith, could not do anything to those Survivors until he alerted them to their presence).

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    As a Wraith main I never had a problem with the shimmer , he doesn't need to be completely invisible as a buff he needs windstorm yellow or green at base kit since without these you are pretty much screwed

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    We've been going back and forth about Wraith's shimmer since the Dark Days.

    I think making him totally invisible while cloaked past a certain radius is probably the best compromise.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I don't mind if he doesn't get to be totally invisible while cloaked, btw.

    It'll become broken very quickly in conjunction with Exposed Perks, with Sprint Burst being your only option at some Generators.

    But being able to see him in stealth mode while being very far away is just unnecessarily detrimental.

    It's another reason i actually like corn fields, especially Rotten Fields, keeping tabs on Wraith becomes way harder.

  • Nurses_Calling
    Nurses_Calling Member Posts: 11

    you complain you cant see wraith yet your DBD looks like its being played on a PS1

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Because the only killers are nurse and spirit, the others are just survivors on a bad mood

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    This comment should be ignored, if you think wraith is balanced your name should be part of the rank 21 concept

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because he'd be absolutely hated at lower ranks. I would be in favor of reducing, or eliminating the sound from his wailing bell. Also if they made his shimmer harder to see. Or maybe make it intermittent.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Old Freddy was not "okay."

    He was a deeply polarizing killer that was the epitome of bad design for this game.

    You basically had a killer who was 100% Invisible, 100% could see a survivor at all times and yet was the easiest killer to run for a loop because of his "put to sleep" mechanic. This basically meant that scrubs and new players stood 0% chance of beating him while expert players could run him around all game with impunity.

    Terrible killer that absolutely dominated in low ranks but was absolutely worthless in high ranks.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    sure, a killer that turns invisible should in theory be stealthier than survivors... but again this is just bad game design. This is supposed to be a cat-and-mouse hide and seek game.

    If you make a killer much stealthier and impossible to detect for survivors, survivors cannot possible hide from him. Thus you must compensate by making him much easier to beat in a chase. Otherwise he becomes a broken killer and nobody wants that. So what compensating nerf do you want to give Wraith if you turn him 100% invisible?

    And again invisible killers are bad for the game. Freddy is the prime example of that.

    And no, Freddy had the power to slow the game down, but the most frustrating part of fighting Freddy for a low-skill player is his invisibility (impossible to hide from) and when he finds you it is now impossible to get away from him (because he can see you no matter where you go).

    This led to tunneling behavior from Freddy or he can just toy with the survivors if they didn't have selfcare to wakeup. And the dreamworld aura also allowed for easy slug builds, Freddy didn't even need to bother with BBQ or Deerstalker, which was even more unfun.

    No low-skilled player cared about his slow-down builds. They would die easily long before the game slowed down. I speak from experience.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    That's crazy OP.

    It would literally be impossible to lose him in a chase, you are basically just counting the seconds until you die. The moment you put any distance he just cloaks and he is right behind you.

    And we don't need another BBQ Billy in the game. Billy is bad enough. Wraith is now a BBQ Billy who is a lot harder to see and is 100% maneuverable?

    No, just no.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Fair on the Freddy thing, but as far as the hide-and-seek thing, I would argue that while that may have been the intent on paper, in practice the game has ended up being freeze tag more than anything.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,241

    He has that in the game. It's purple Windstorm+Purple Uncloak add-on and wraith is fairly weak. The game was never about hide and seek. It was always about two things. Completing generators before the killer kills you and Stalling the killer out and you do that by using pallets and looping. Juking and Stealth are alternative/secondary methods to wasting a killers time. Baring Spirit and Nurse, you don't even need to learn juking or stealth to win. Any killer can win a chase when he finds a survivor, the question is not whether he can win the chase, the question is at what cost killers pays for attempting to win that chase. In many ways, Wraith is like worse old Freddy without wallhack or speed slowdown or perfect stealth. Freddy used to have long sleep transition time in which he couldn't attack survivors and Wraith has uncloak time in which he also can't attack survivors. Wraith's power is like a "do nothing power" until you use some add-on that gives some random effects to cloaking and those often shape his m1 playstyle.

    If he had invisibility, he might be more successful killer at playing hit and run play-style as survivors would maybe fear him a bit more, than again it is wraith. He is sort of pushover most of the time.

  • darkknight287
    darkknight287 Member Posts: 42

    Bow is it balance when he is already weak because as it is

  • Eggscellent
    Eggscellent Member Posts: 21

    Believe it or not, I'm actually a rank 5. I'm now a Wraith Main I used to be a Freddy Main. My point is the concept. The Wraith concept is that he cloaks granting him nearly invisibility cloaking doesn't mean invisibility it's kind of like camouflage. I liked Freddy back then because he actually was like Freddy in the movie you can't really hide from your nightmares and I'm arguing that the concept from old Freddy makes sense and I'm also saying Wraith concept is that he cloaks which makes him still spottable it again if you don't like him don't use him no one's pointing a gun at you saying use Wraith.

  • Eggscellent
    Eggscellent Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2019

    You're misunderstanding my point you're talkin power-wise I'm talking concept wise. Freddy's old concept was you can't hide from your nightmares but you could run and when you were awake then you could hide which makes sense. And that was the Freddy Krueger like in the movies. This new Freddy is nothing like the movie. I'm complaining about the concept and how you guys are ruining it. my point is if you don't like the killer don't use them no one is forcing you to use them however I liked old Freddy and I like wraith and I'm a rank 5 and I like the challenge.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Counter play issues

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    He is very weak, that is the only truth. I love playing wraith, and while i do 4k with him, he is addon reliant and to say he is balanced is pretty wrong

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    And while that is true, now imagine a game of freeze tag with an invisible "it"?

    That is not any kind of game I would like to play.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This would be a game of freeze tag where the invisible "it" has to play the vuvuzela before being allowed to tag anyone.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Concept-wise is fine, but the design was bad. Again, it needs to be balanced accordingly. If you want invisible killers you can't run away from (Freddy) there needs to be some compensating design that allows you to win against them without being looper gods.

    In the end Freddy's power was just not ag ood fit for this game the way it was. It needed to be reworked. Could have reworked it closer to the original concept? They could have, this is a failing on BHVR's part.

    Wraith's concept is fine -- but again invisible killer needs a balancing factor because fighting an invisible stalker is no fun. Just making him 100% invisible while moving and calling it a day is not going to work.

This discussion has been closed.