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New Chapter Concept

Wraith Member Posts: 4
Hi there! I have a concept for a new chapter!
Chapter Name : Coldsteel
Killer Name : The Carpenter
Real name : Wilson Koi
Bio : Wilson Koi was a carpenter who made everyone smile. He helped his home town daily until one day when he was approached by the mayor. The mayor hired Wilson to help build a theatre! He agreed to help only if he got a warehouse. The deal was made. On the 1st day 7 casualties occurred, killing all 7 of them. They eventually finished the Theatre but on its opening night, it burned down. Wilson blaming himself, then existing the town.
Power : Reinforce
Have 5 Barbed Traps, they block pallets/windows/lockers. Takes 10 seconds to remove but faster with a toolbox or sabotage. Seen through walls and has to be picked up after being disarmed.
Killer Perks
Hex - Raging Embers : 5% Movement & Vault Speed. (Level 3) Exposed effect on obsession after final generator.
On the hunt : 10/20/30% Louder movements in a chase.
Danger Prone : 20/30/35% chance to make effects last 2x longer.

Survivor will be in replies.
Also what do you think?


  • Wraith
    Wraith Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2018
    Survivor Name : Micheal Que
    Bio : Micheal Que was one of the workers on the theatre who didn't go to the open night.. After seeing the massive fireball light the sky and seeing Wilson wander into the wood. He followed. Chasing after Wilson, he slipped down the cliff. Michael woke up to the crackling of a fire and chatter between 3 others.
    Survivor Perks
    Knowledge : In a chase, every 30/20/10 seconds the killer's aura will appear for 1/2/3 survivors for 3 seconds.
    Drifting : You become 10%/20%/30% quieter 25/20/10m away from survivors.
    Old friend : Searching for your tool box helped you become efficient to hunt. Dropped items that are in a 20/30/40m radius will be revealed.

    Post edited by Wraith on