Played from launch left DBD now returning

-quit dbd due to the lack of content around after the spirit and now returning

The spirit was one of the killers I was begging for and it was a "grudge-like" killer that twitches. Shes perfect.

The archives are really the thing sparking my intresest as you really have nothing to do once you reach rank 1

Other changes I wanted to suggest would be some sort of reward for reaching rank 1 or maybe more bloodpoints per match


  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    everyone hates spirit right now mate. Good luck out there. Also the devs havent fixed gen rush. And theyll probs nerf spirit before fixing gens in conclusion top tier killers are really hard.

    I would be okay w a spirit nerf if they just fixed objectives first. The game has alot going for it rn. I am just so pissed that they havent said anything about the most known issue, the thing that has haunted the game forever.

  • Theoretical_Heart
    Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

    I came back after a 6 month break for the archive too. But if the Rift doesn't see any changes before launch the I'm leaving again.

    The Rify is way too hard and way too time consuming for average players.

    Obscenely difficult challenges hidden behind a time gate so you can't even do them until the rift is about to close. And even if you were a DBD god and completed EVERY challenge it would only give you enough fragments for HALF of the Rift. You would need to invest 100+ more hours to finish the Rift assuming you beat every challenge and had perfect lobbies and games.

  • Luccimane1
    Luccimane1 Member Posts: 54

    @Theoritical_Heart I dont think the chalenges are that hard tbh and the whole point of it is to make you play more so the goal is not to make sure you can do it in your spare time. You dont have to do its it optional and they said you will still have access to the lore even when the rift closes. If youre a cosmetic ######### i think that would be the only reason to be upset about this

  • Luccimane1
    Luccimane1 Member Posts: 54

    @WickedMilk03 I dont think gen rushing is an issue as much as I go hate it when survivors do it.

    The spirit is not op you easily counter her if you just run iron will, light wieght, or any perk that messes with tracking as that is her weakness. high mobility low to almost no tracking.

    literally ive caught so many survivors just pretending to phase and I just hit them lol how they gonna nerf that lol