Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Devs, stop exploiting your fan base as your free labors

night_with_you Member Posts: 21
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Yes, it is about the dedicated servers. They are totally a disaster. You basically made Nurse, Huntress, and plague hardly playable. And there are countless times in every game when the hits through the pallets/windows. Even when under 40pings, I found many time survivors/killers moving in a very lagging way, which make the process of looping/anti-looping very frustrating. I have been played DBD for two years, and this is the 1st time I seriously consider stopipng playing.

Most importantly, devs, it is extremely disgraceful to force the players to play a unfinished product without noticing them to let themselves make the decision, FOR TWO TIMES!!!! I don't know why devs start the servers again this week. Considering they just did it last week, It is impossible solve all the issues found previously within such a short time. So devs, why again?

Here is some advice:

If you wanna test anything:

1). put it on the PTB and let players to decide if they wanna try it.

2). If you cannot find enough volunteers, go hire some people to do the test for you. I am sure it cost much less than the copyright of stranger things.

Devs, we are not your free labor to test your unpolished work, and FOR TWO TIMES, without notifying the players ahead. Never know another game company can be so rude and unthoughtful!

NO respect to devs anymore.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    I am happy it works for you. But it does not means it work for everybody, or the way it is implemented is correct.

    For example, I am happy to give some coins if some homeless people kindly ask me. But it does not mean they can directly walk into my house and take my money.

    Same thing for the devs and servers

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    I'm just glad dedicated servers aren't on console they sound pretty ass at the moment

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    I love when people who don't know anything make blanket statements about them being unable to test servers without foisting the broken messes on us.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I do and i don't want it tested on consoles. I do because then we would see less problems such as bugs and glitches. Most issues that would be on console would have been taken care of. I don't because some of us would experience what others had faced. So in a way i do, so everything would be taken care of so we wouldn't have to deal with it later or less of it. I'm kind of mixed, but for it. I hope you understand this riddle. Haha.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    For the bugs most people complain about, there is no way that they are caused by the size of people in the servers. For example, I don't think less people in the servers will make less hit-through-window happen, since same problem happen on P2P connection. It should be caused by the same bad coding. And devs had tested it last week, and within a short time, which nearly impossible for them to fix anything, they put up the servers again. How can you convince me it is all about capacity of the servers?

    Also, let's not get into any legal term or agreement. It is their game and they can do anything to it. I am all for it. But I am talking about a what a respectful company should do. In your logic, any company can sell an unfinished game and just say to the player, "sorry we did not meet up your expectation, but you bought the game, so suck it up". But in reality, PTB, beta test, alpha test, etc. do exist for a reason. They are showing that some companies do care about their player's experience as well as just selling them an "agreement". Tons of other game companies offer free choices, like PTB, to players. How can BHVR think they can skip the things just because it is not in the "agreement". Well, they have rights to ignore me, then I have the right to boycotting and not respect them.

    And I am sure some people are happy to help the devs test the servers. But some people are not. And I am sure devs know their are tons of bugs in the servers which may cause player's frustration. So why dont they just notice and ask at first? Again, stop talking legal or not, it is one simple thing, which literally cost nothing but can take care each one of your customers. But you choose not to do it, so tell me, why devs deserve any defense

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    What are your region and platform?

    1). put it on the PTB and let players to decide if they wanna try it.

    Fun fact: The first time dedicated servers were enabled on the PTB they were so incredibly bad that they had to be disabled again within a day.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    I am in U.S. and living in the same state as the servers.

    I know it was super bad when they test it first time on PTB. So that is why you need to limit it to the PTB. If it is bad enough that no one even wanna to try it on PTB, then maybe it is time to hire someone to finish the dirty job for you.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Just because I use words like "stipulated" doesn't mean I'm taking this from a legal perspective. Never mentioned anything about legality. I also never said that the bugs were caused by stress on the servers, just that that's one important thing that they need to test which they can't do by hiring people or even through a PTB.

    Again, if you're not happy to help them test the servers, don't play the game while the servers are live. You're acting like they leave them on for a month at a time instead of a few days.

    I'll make myself clearer: there was no agreement, implicit or otherwise, between you and the developers when you bought the game that stipulated they had to meet any of your future expectations regarding your experience playing the game. And no one is saying "you bought a broken game, just suck it up". What they are saying is that they're trying to improve the game, and in the meantime your experience might be a bit rocky. They didn't skip PTB testing, and nor did they do any of this without warning, for that matter. We were told that after the PTB testing, they would be periodically enabling the servers on the live platform to run tests there.

    I'll say it again. You are not entitled to anything. Yes, it is your right to boycott the game if you wish. But that's your choice, not theirs.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    Hey, it's people out there asking for dedicated servers, if you don't like it, you have the right not to play DBD until everything done.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Well, I'll give you props from the start. When I saw the title I thought this was gonna be another thread hating on a feature that hasn't even been fully released yet (in a way still kind of is) but instead it's about servers. I understand your frustration, but from what I've heard, the servers are starting to work fairly well. It could be because you are further away from the server for your area which will give you a weaker connection overall.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    as long as they get them right eventually, itll be worth it. They must be pretty embarassed at the delays to them so far,

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    "play something else for awhile"

    I remember the last time I was told by a BHVR employee to take a break or play something else 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Glowing endorsement.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 440

    In 2016, everybody crying because this game looks like Alpha. They expect AAA game or something like that.

    In 2017, everybody crying about SWF, they are too OP, they said.

    In 2018, everybody crying for Dedicated servers.

    In 2019, everybody crying for P2P and test Dedicated servers in PTB with like 200 players instead of 20k.

    Instead of crying tell them what's wrong, they need feedback. So leave General and use Bug Reports.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2019

    Devs release servers on live. They turn out buggy and the forums blow up.

    "Devs why didn't you test them more!"

    Devs test them on live to make them be as stable as can be on live.

    "Devs stop testing servers on live"

    Doesnt look like they can really win either way tbh so they are doing what needs done to make them the best they can be.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    It does not mean the server sucks for dverybody either. They are still working on them and playing with 40 ping is priceless.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Just play something else like civilization and you’ll be fine.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Your complaining way too much, do you really expect them to implement it in 2 years when it is 100% polished?

    I am personally finding it way better as I'm not getting super high ping servers anymore, even as a killer its way nicer because queue times seem to have dropped and I find myself landing in already full lobbies sometimes.

    Sure some off the hits have felt a bit off but they always do with dead by daylight and I believe the negatives that come with it at the moment far outweigh the negatives that come without it, furthermore it can be advanced and debugged much much more quickly on live servers and they have left plenty of testing and fixing since it first reared its head on the PTB so I think they have left it plenty of time to roll out

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Hey look, another person who is not a game engineers telling the game engineers what to do. BHVR doesn't come into your work and tell you how to hold the spatula, so why don't you just sit back and let them do their job too?

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    you signed an End User License Agreement, if you don't agree to the terms then don't play the game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,221

    The whole reason dedicated servers are being tested in the live environment is because it was determined that they weren't getting enough data from testing in a PTB environment. They can't possibly account for every variable people will encounter in a live setting without doing extensive testing in a live setting. As painful as it may be at times, this is the best way forward: short test periods followed by tweaks and more test periods.

  • GeminiCrow
    GeminiCrow Member Posts: 55

    This isn't a hate sink for DbD in here. And outright disrespectful on their own forum? Take it to reddit instead of trying to lead a charge here, bud. Ain't gonna happen. You're getting upset that people have a legitimate argument to what's going on. By this unnecessary tired and vapid arguing, you're only creating a more toxic community. So please take it somewhere else and stop forcing this on everyone here to enjoy and celebrate the game.

    You have no obligation to play if you don't like it. Or "play something else for a while".

  • graysob
    graysob Member Posts: 3

    Don't play the game if you think it's labor.

    End of thread.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Work great for me.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018
    edited October 2019

    Pretty much what he said, you agreed to this so this is false

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Got to love it... You get told to leave feedback and then get told to take your feedback off the forums because it's disagreed with....

    There's no reason to attack the guy for complaining.

    The dedicated servers may work great for some, but they are terrible for a lot of people.

    Anyways, I'll discuss this.

    They don't put it on the PTB because they flat out know that no one is going to install or run the PTB just to test dedicated servers. Other changes, sure/maybe. But people hated playing the dedicated servers there, so they went back to live. The dev's are aware of this.

    As for money... and expecting them to use it for purposes of testing and debugging the game.... ehhhh... I don't see that realistically happening. Why pay for something when you can force it for free? And thinking about it, they were the ones that supposedly tested MoM before they released it... thinking it was great and balanced... They clearly need help in my opinion...

    However, I definitely agree they should have a notice of changes and communicate way better to their consumers/playerbase. I really dislike that they seemingly change stuff on a whim, and just do not communicate it. (And yes I am aware they can do whatever the hell they want to, that isn't my point at all.) Like matchmaking and stuff, you are playing and suddenly out of no where it's so borked. Like they really screwed up not too long ago, then after it became apparent they were like Oh yea we did that. We are aware etc. Its frustrating that they didn't say, "hey we are changing this. Let us know how it goes"... as opposed to changing things for the worse and finding it out the hard way. Then a "oopsie" later on...

    They know we want to be communicated with, but still don't bother... it is incredibly frustrating as a consumer, especially when the game itself has several bugs/issues that need to be dealt with and addressed. That's just how I feel about it.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited October 2019

    While I don't agree in the fullest, I can see what you're trying to get at. The developers usually don't really care about our final opinion and take what they did at first for granted. Later on, it becomes a global issue in the community. You'd think that they would take more of an advantage over such a great tool as the "PTB" to unit the train of thoughts and balancing ideas of the community and the core devs.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    I never tested the servers but it sounds like the usual sort of thing you see in many games where people want to blame the devs for their poor internet connection.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    Hey look, how about this? Next time you go to restaurants, when you find the chief is cooking dirt for you. How about you just sit back and shut your mouth up? Cuz you are not chief, how do you know that dirt cannot be turn into delicious food.

    People know the thing is bad does not always means they are omniscient about the thing, it is just because they have eyes and brains

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I would ordinarily side with the OP in terms of a developer rolling out unpolished or unfinished features, but a bit of audience inconvenience is the price of progress when it comes to this specific type of technical hurdle.

    They can't get dedicated servers right if they can't find the points of failure and then iterate in a way that addresses those failures. There is no way to do that, outside of deploying them in a live environment with a substantial player population.

    People have been clamoring for dedicated servers forever. So do you want them, or not? That's what this all boils down to.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    Finally find someone who can reason with.

    Many people in this thread have a mindset that saying "you buy the game, so agree the items, so suck it up" or "I am fine with the servers and happy for help test, why don't you blame yourself", which made wonder if I am really argue with other players who are acutally customers of this game and look for a good product and service.

    I remember when in the past, how angry and frustrated people got when devs said "go play something else". Nowadays, it, however, becomes a legitimate argument to refute others who disgree with devs.

    Devs, I would not say that you did a pretty good job on your game. But you definitely did good job on manipulating speech to make yourselves look better on the internet. No offense, it is a pure salutation

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    i feel that the current stage of the servers is that they are uncompleted. For example, the hit-through-window, which keep bother ing players in the entire history of DBD. That is where you need your own technicians do the test as well as modifying the code, and finally find the balance. Only when the work is mostly completed, you push the update to the public so you can optimize it under a living environment with substantial population. You need large population only because there are some minor bugs which can only be detected by a fairly large amount of test. Hit-through-window definitely not those "minor bugs" cause it exists constantly.

    Above is my personal knowledge about developing an app. I could be wrong. That is why I suggest the devs at least notice your players and tell them why you are doing this. But what we got is devs force the servers on without say anything ahead, for two times. And even during the test, they dont say when it will end, which made me, who unfortunately suffer the bugs, have to come to the forum spending much time filling a complaint and bagging for more information. i don't know if it is a right way to develop a game, but definitely not a good way to maintain a good relationship with your customers, which is ironically what they claim that they are improving on.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @night_with_you It is functionally impossible -- or at the least, extremely difficult -- to account for the kinds of specific, minute latency issues you're describing, without a real-world test with real-world routing and a real-world server load.

    They ARE in the "push it to the public and optimize it" stage that you've described. You getting hit through a window is exactly the kind of latency issue that they cannot fine-tune without real stress tests.

    You may notice they've gone through multiple windows of dedicated server tests, before reverting back to peer hosting. This is them hearing your frustrations and trying to meet in the middle. Again I ask you, do you want dedicated servers or not?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Like, have you ever participated or been aware of beta MMO stress tests? Those "free weekends" where they let tons of people in for a specific window? This is so they can realistically understand where the points of failure are.

    Have you ever seen an episode of Bar Rescue? This is done in literally every episode, as part of the relaunch process.

    Granted, Dead by Daylight is a live retail game, which is where the amplified cries of inconvenience come from. But dedicated servers are something people have been clamoring for, for as long as I remember. Don't blame them for trying just because you don't understand the necessity of stress tests -- we collectively asked for this to be done.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    tbf, majority of players dont even go to the PTB, so something as big as Dedicated Servers should be tested with everyone, so that people who have problems with it can report said problems to the devs, so they may fix them in the future.

    for me, the servers work just fine. there are small annoying things, though those are really not affecting me much.

  • nerfeverything
    nerfeverything Member Posts: 52

    Remember when game developers had integrity?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I want you to explain, in specific detail, how you expect a dedicated server rollout to work any other way than it is working now, bug- and hassle-free. This is a rhetorical question, because it is not possible.

    People shouting NO INTEGRITY as Behaviour is trying to give people dedicated servers like they asked for, and getting dunked on for it by people with no capacity for understanding the technical hurdles at stake for such a major changeover. God, this community is an embarrassment sometimes.

    I could take (and have taken) Behaviour to task for plenty of stupid things about this game. But seriously, you are all in the wrong on this one.

    But go ahead, please explain, walk me though how you would realistically expect this to work.

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    BHVR skirts anti-slavery laws. Confirmed.

  • Wrathofbabushka
    Wrathofbabushka Member Posts: 3

    My God, cry me a river x'D.

    Honestly you clearly have no idea how a game works do you? Explains why they are the devs and you are a hypocrite complaining on msg board screaming for attention.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Besides some weird hiccups I have too agree. There are still problems, yes, but they are working a lot better.

    And as for OP, how do you expect the devs too test anything if people don't test it? I think what they did was fine tbh, they needed data, no one wanted too do it, so they forced everyone's hands too improve the games health. Using real money too test dedicated servers are something they already do, they already have a testing team. If you don't want too improve the game, don't play then and wait till Dedicated Servers are perfect, but I'm fine with them putting it live because people didn't want too test anything.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Heh. Chief.

    Actually I know how to cook, so I could likely comment on how things should be made and taste. I also have been a software engineer for 12 years, working on major applications used by thousands of people at a time, rolled out new features live with zero delay or downtime... So I can also comment on this. I'm willing to bet you don't know Jack squat about how to manage such a thing. So maybe show a little respect to the devs who are trying to give you something that has been asked for years.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    No one is attacking him for complaining. People are calling him out for acting as though he is entitled to a particular service from the developers, as if he (and all the rest of us, for that matter) didn't agree to a EULA which explicitly states that the game is provided "as-is", and BHVR does not guarantee and therefore is not responsible for the lack of a consistently enjoyable and reliable experience playing the game.

    It's fine for someone to complain about features they don't like. It's not okay for them to pretend that the developers have failed them in some way when their baseless expectations aren't met.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That is an excellent analogy for proving the opposite of the point you're trying to make. Plenty of incredibly delicious meals look and/or smell like crap while they're still being prepared. So yes, sitting back and leaving the chef to do what they do best, or at the very least not assuming that the dish is going to be horrible based on what little you, who is not a chef, have seen of the development process, would be a logical course of action in that scenario. As it is in this one.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Gosh, what happened? Where did @night_with_you and @nerfeverything go? Why on earth would they not be up to the task of providing detailed feedback about how they would go about deploying and iterating on a massive, game-wide dedicated server changeover without pushing it to a large audience for data collection and stress testing?

    Could it be that these guys don't know what they're talking about? Well I dunno about you, but I doubt the HECK out of that. Not a chance, not with the certainty that they've come in here, confident of their argument about how badly Behaviour has dropped the ball on this particular subject, because clearly it is both possible and entirely reasonable to get this thing working without any load tests or iteration outside of best-guesses based on early PTB feedback.

    No, these experts are still crafting rebuttals that are based entirely in fact and reality, and not any kind of knee-jerk have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too rhetoric. I'm sure they're not that daft.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Servers are highly dependent on.location.

    Before dedicated, since we can afford a very high speed internet, I had never had a problem getting into game and sustaining high speed connection.

    Since dedicated: I have gotten loaded for just 1 game, which disconnected telling me "a player disconnected during loading", awarded me 1250 bloodshards...but when I exit the screen...was actually awarded NONE.

    This game is borked for me. Hopefully enough other people will/can spend money on it so they can make it functional but for now, I am playing other games.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm almost starting to think OP doesn't have the fortitude to come back in here and have a discussion that is based on reality, rather than knee-jerk frustration.